Startcursor und -limits für die Paginierung von Firestore-Sammlungen (asynchron) verwenden

Startcursor und -limits für die Paginierung von Firestore-Sammlungen (asynchron) verwenden

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cities_ref = db.collection("cities")
first_query = cities_ref.order_by("population").limit(3)

# Get the last document from the results
docs = [d async for d in]
last_doc = list(docs)[-1]

# Construct a new query starting at this document
# Note: this will not have the desired effect if
# multiple cities have the exact same population value
last_pop = last_doc.to_dict()["population"]

next_query = (
    cities_ref.order_by("population").start_after({"population": last_pop}).limit(3)
# Use the query for pagination
# ...

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