Eventarc locations

The location for an Eventarc trigger should be either global (applicable to some events only) or one of the supported regions depending on the event type.

For more information, see Understand Eventarc locations.

Cloud Audit Logs events

Triggers for Cloud Audit Logs events are available in single-region locations and you can create a global Eventarc trigger; however, triggers are not supported in dual-region and multi-region locations.

When specifying the global location for Cloud Audit Logs triggers, you will receive events from all locations for which the event filters match. For example, by creating a global Eventarc trigger, you can receive events from resources in the EU and US multi-regions.

Pub/Sub messages

Triggers for Pub/Sub messages are only available in single-region locations and you cannot create a global Eventarc trigger.

Direct events

AlloyDB for PostgreSQL

Eventarc triggers for AlloyDB events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west6
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

API Gateway

Eventarc triggers for API Gateway events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-northeast1
  • australia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • global
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Apigee API hub

Eventarc triggers for Apigee API hub events are available only in the following locations:

  • europe-west1
  • us-central1

Apigee Registry

Eventarc triggers for Apigee Registry events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Backup for GKE

Eventarc triggers for backup for GKE events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4


Eventarc triggers for Batch events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4


Eventarc triggers for BeyondCorp events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • europe-west1
  • global
  • us-central1
  • us-east1

Certificate Manager

You must create a global Eventarc trigger for Certificate Manager events.

Cloud Data Fusion

Eventarc triggers for Cloud Data Fusion events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2

Cloud Dataplex

Eventarc triggers for Cloud Dataplex events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1

Cloud Deploy

Eventarc triggers for Cloud Deploy events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • europe-west10
  • europe-west12
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Cloud Firestore

Eventarc triggers for Cloud Firestore events are available only in the following locations and the trigger must be in the same location as the Cloud Firestore database:

  • africa-south1
  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west10
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4
  • us-west8

In addition to the previous locations, the following multi-region locations are supported for Cloud Firestore triggers:

  • nam5: US-CENTRAL1 and US-CENTRAL2

Cloud Run functions

Eventarc triggers for Cloud Run functions events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Cloud Speech-to-Text

You must create a global Eventarc trigger for Cloud Speech-to-Text events.

Cloud Storage

Triggers for Cloud Storage events are available in single-region, dual-region, and multi-region locations; you cannot create a global Eventarc trigger.

Note that the Cloud Storage bucket must reside in the same Google Cloud project and region as the Eventarc trigger.

In addition to the locations listed on this page, the following dual-region and multi-region locations are supported for Cloud Storage triggers:

  • asia: Data centers in Asia
  • eu: Data centers within member states of the European Union
  • nam4: US-CENTRAL1 and US-EAST1
  • us: US Data centers in the United States

For more information, see Bucket locations.

Database Migration

Eventarc triggers for Database Migration events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4


Eventarc triggers for Dataflow events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • me-west1
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Dataproc Metastore

Eventarc triggers for Dataproc Metastore events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4


Eventarc triggers for Datastream events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4


Triggers for direct Eventarc events are available in the specific regions and in the global region, but are not available in dual-region and multi-region locations.

Firebase Alerts

You must create a global Eventarc trigger for Firebase Alerts events.

Firebase Realtime Database

Eventarc triggers for Firebase Realtime Database events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • us-central1

For more information, see Realtime Database locations.

Firebase Remote Config

You must create a global Eventarc trigger for Firebase Remote Config events.

Firebase Test Lab

You must create a global Eventarc trigger for Firebase Test Lab events.


Eventarc triggers for GKE Hub events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • global
  • me-central1
  • me-west1
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis

Eventarc triggers for Google Cloud Memorystore for Redis events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • me-west1
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Network Connectivity

Eventarc triggers for Network Connectivity events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • global
  • me-west1
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4

Network Management

You must create a global Eventarc trigger for Network Management events.

Network Services API

Eventarc triggers for Network Services API events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east2
  • asia-east1
  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • asia-southeast2
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-central2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-southwest1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • europe-west9
  • global
  • me-west1
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • northamerica-northeast2
  • southamerica-east1
  • southamerica-west1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-east5
  • us-south1
  • us-west1
  • us-west2
  • us-west3
  • us-west4


Eventarc triggers for Notebooks events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east2
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast3
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west4
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-west1
  • us-west4


Eventarc triggers for Transcoder API events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-south1
  • asia-southeast1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west4
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west2

Vision AI

You must create a us-central1 Eventarc trigger for Vision AI events.

VM Migration

You can create triggers for VM Migration events in Eventarc-supported locations or as a global trigger.


Eventarc triggers for Workflows events are available only in the following locations:

  • asia-east1
  • asia-northeast1
  • asia-northeast2
  • asia-south1
  • asia-south2
  • asia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast1
  • australia-southeast2
  • europe-north1
  • europe-west1
  • europe-west2
  • europe-west3
  • europe-west4
  • europe-west6
  • europe-west8
  • northamerica-northeast1
  • southamerica-east1
  • us-central1
  • us-east1
  • us-east4
  • us-west1
  • us-west4

Other direct events

See the supported regions.


Eventarc is available in specific regions.

  • A region is a specific geographic place, such as São Paulo.

  • A dual-region is a specific pair of regions, such as Tokyo and Osaka.

  • A multi-region is a large geographic area, such as the United States, that contains two or more geographic places.

For more information about regions and zones, see Geography and regions.


The following table lists the regions in North and South America where Eventarc is available.

Region name Region description Details
northamerica-northeast1 Montréal, Québec, North America leaf icon Low CO2
northamerica-northeast2 Toronto, Ontario, North America leaf icon Low CO2
southamerica-east1 Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil, South America leaf icon Low CO2
southamerica-west1 Santiago, Chile, South America leaf icon Low CO2
us-central1 Council Bluffs, Iowa, North America leaf icon Low CO2
us-east1 Moncks Corner, South Carolina, North America
us-east4 Ashburn, Virginia, North America
us-east5 Columbus, Ohio, North America
us-south1 Dallas, Texas, North America leaf icon Low CO2
us-west1 The Dalles, Oregon, North America leaf icon Low CO2
us-west2 Los Angeles, California, North America
us-west3 Salt Lake City, Utah, North America
us-west4 Las Vegas, Nevada, North America
us-west8 Phoenix, Arizona, North America


The following table lists the regions in Europe where Eventarc is available.

Region name Region description Details
europe-central2 Warsaw, Poland
europe-north1 Hamina, Finland leaf icon Low CO2
europe-southwest1 Madrid, Spain leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west1 St. Ghislain, Belgium leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west2 London, England leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west3 Frankfurt, Germany leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west4 Eemshaven, Netherlands leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west6 Zurich, Switzerland leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west8 Milan, Italy
europe-west9 Paris, France leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west10 Berlin, Germany leaf icon Low CO2
europe-west12 Turin, Italy

Asia Pacific

The following table lists the regions in Asia Pacific where Eventarc is available.

Region name Region description
asia-east1 Changhua County, Taiwan
asia-east2 Hong Kong
asia-northeast1 Tokyo, Japan
asia-northeast2 Osaka, Japan
asia-northeast3 Seoul, South Korea
asia-south1 Mumbai, India
asia-south2 Delhi, India
asia-southeast1 Jurong West, Singapore
asia-southeast2 Jakarta, Indonesia
australia-southeast1 Sydney, Australia
australia-southeast2 Melbourne, Australia

Middle East

The following table lists the region in the Middle East where Eventarc is available.

Region name Region description
me-central1 Doha, Qatar
me-central2 Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
me-west1 Tel Aviv, Israel


The following table lists the regions in Africa where Eventarc is available.

Region name Region description
africa-south1 Johannesburg, South Africa

Cloud Storage triggers only

In addition to the locations listed on this page, the following dual-region and multi-region locations are supported for Cloud Storage triggers.

Region name Region description
asia Data centers in Asia
eu Data centers within member states of the European Union
us US Data centers in the United States

Cloud Firestore triggers only

In addition to the locations listed on this page, the following multi-region locations are supported for Firestore triggers.

Region name Region description

Listing available locations

You can use the Google Cloud CLI to get a list of available locations for Eventarc:

gcloud eventarc locations list