Deploying an App Engine application using an archive file

This page describes how to deploy your project to the App Engine flexible environment using a WAR archive or a runnable JAR file.

Before You Begin

  1. You need a Google Cloud project with an App Engine application to deploy to. If you don't already have one, use the Google Cloud console to set up your Google Cloud project:

    Go to Google Cloud console

    1. Select or create a new Google Cloud project.
  2. Sign in to a Google account that is used to deploy your project to App Engine.

    1. Run the following command

      gcloud auth application-default login

    2. Your system browser opens outside of the CLI and asks for the permissions it needs to manage your App Engine applications:

      1. View and manage your data across Google Cloud services

    3. Click Allow and close the window. Eclipse is now signed into your account.

Deploy a JAR or WAR file

To deploy a pre-existing WAR or runnable JAR file to the flexible environment:

  1. Prepare an app.yaml file. At a minimum, it should contain the following lines:

    runtime: java
    env: flex
  2. Click the Google Cloud toolbar button .

  3. Select Deploy WAR/JAR File to App Engine Flexible... in the drop-down menu.

    A dialog box to configure the deployment. It provides a drop-down menu
 to select an Account, a list of Projects to deploy to, a field displaying
 the path to the WAR/JAR file, a button to Browse to a new WAR/JAR file, a
 field displaying the path to the app.yaml file, a button to Browse to a new
 app.yaml file, a checkbox to Promote the deployed version to receive all
 traffic, a checkbox to Stop previous version, a checkbox to include
 optional App Engine  configuration files, an expansion panel for
 Advanced options, and a field for entering a Staging bucket.

  4. Select the Account you want to deploy with, or sign in with a different account.

  5. In the Project list box, select the Google Cloud project you want to deploy to.

  6. In the WAR/JAR field, click Browse to select the archive file.

  7. In the app.yaml field, click Browse to select your app.yaml file.

  8. If you want to keep the current version running and manually promote the new version later using gcloud or the Google Cloud console, clear the Promote the deployed version to receive all traffic checkbox.

  9. If you don't want to stop the previous version, clear the Stop previous version checkbox.

  10. Click Deploy.

  11. After a successful deployment, Eclipse opens an internal browser connecting to the deployed app.

What's next