Modello Compressione in blocco dei file di Cloud Storage

Il modello Compressione in blocco dei file di Cloud Storage è una pipeline batch che comprime i file su Cloud Storage in una posizione specificata. Questo modello può essere utile se devi comprimere grandi gruppi di file nell'ambito di procedure periodiche di archiviazione. Le modalità di compressione supportate sono: BZIP2, DEFLATE, GZIP. I file compressi collocati nella posizione della destinazione seguiranno lo schema di denominazione che prevede il nome file originale seguito dall'estensione della modalità di compressione. Le estensioni aggiunte saranno una delle seguenti: .bzip2, .deflate, .gz.

Eventuali errori che si verificano durante il processo di compressione verranno riportati nel file degli errori in formato CSV come record contenenti nome file e messaggio di errore. Se non si verificano errori durante l'esecuzione della pipeline, verrà comunque creato un file degli errori, ma non conterrà alcun record.

Requisiti della pipeline

  • La compressione deve avvenire in uno dei seguenti formati: BZIP2, DEFLATE, GZIP.
  • La directory di output deve esistere prima dell'esecuzione della pipeline.

Parametri del modello

Parametro Descrizione
inputFilePattern Il pattern del file di input da cui leggere. Ad esempio, gs://bucket-name/uncompressed/*.txt.
outputDirectory La posizione di output in cui scrivere. Ad esempio, gs://bucket-name/compressed/.
outputFailureFile Il file di output del log degli errori da utilizzare per gli errori di scrittura che si verificano durante il processo di compressione. Ad esempio, gs://bucket-name/compressed/failed.csv. Se non si verificano errori, il file viene comunque creato, ma sarà vuoto. I contenuti del file sono in formato CSV (Nome file, Errore) e sono costituiti da una riga per ogni file la cui compressione non va a buon fine.
compression L'algoritmo di compressione utilizzato per comprimere i file corrispondenti. Deve essere uno dei seguenti: BZIP2, DEFLATE, GZIP

Esegui il modello

  1. Vai alla pagina Crea job da modello di Dataflow.
  2. Vai a Crea job da modello
  3. Nel campo Nome job, inserisci un nome univoco per il job.
  4. (Facoltativo) Per Endpoint a livello di regione, seleziona un valore dal menu a discesa. La regione predefinita è us-central1.

    Per un elenco delle regioni in cui puoi eseguire un job Dataflow, consulta Località di Dataflow.

  5. Nel menu a discesa Modello di flusso di dati, seleziona the Bulk Compress Files on Cloud Storage template.
  6. Nei campi dei parametri forniti, inserisci i valori dei parametri.
  7. Fai clic su Esegui job.

Nella shell o nel terminale, esegui il modello:

gcloud dataflow jobs run JOB_NAME \
    --gcs-location gs://dataflow-templates-REGION_NAME/VERSION/Bulk_Compress_GCS_Files \
    --region REGION_NAME \
    --parameters \

Sostituisci quanto segue:

  • JOB_NAME: un nome di job univoco a tua scelta
  • REGION_NAME: la regione in cui vuoi eseguire il deployment del job Dataflow, ad esempio us-central1
  • VERSION: la versione del modello che vuoi utilizzare

    Puoi utilizzare i seguenti valori:

  • BUCKET_NAME: il nome del bucket Cloud Storage
  • COMPRESSION: l'algoritmo di compressione scelto

Per eseguire il modello utilizzando l'API REST, invia una richiesta POST HTTP. Per ulteriori informazioni sull'API e sui relativi ambiti di autorizzazione, consulta projects.templates.launch.

   "jobName": "JOB_NAME",
   "parameters": {
       "inputFilePattern": "gs://BUCKET_NAME/uncompressed/*.txt",
       "outputDirectory": "gs://BUCKET_NAME/compressed",
       "outputFailureFile": "gs://BUCKET_NAME/failed/failure.csv",
       "compression": "COMPRESSION"
   "environment": { "zone": "us-central1-f" }

Sostituisci quanto segue:

  • PROJECT_ID: l'ID del progetto Google Cloud in cui vuoi eseguire il job Dataflow
  • JOB_NAME: un nome di job univoco a tua scelta
  • LOCATION: la regione in cui vuoi eseguire il deployment del job Dataflow, ad esempio us-central1
  • VERSION: la versione del modello che vuoi utilizzare

    Puoi utilizzare i seguenti valori:

  • BUCKET_NAME: il nome del bucket Cloud Storage
  • COMPRESSION: l'algoritmo di compressione scelto
 * Copyright (C) 2018 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.Pipeline;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.PipelineResult;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptions;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.PipelineOptionsFactory;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.Validation.Required;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.options.ValueProvider;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.DoFn;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.MapElements;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.transforms.ParDo;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.util.MimeTypes;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.KV;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.PCollectionTuple;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TupleTag;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TupleTagList;
import org.apache.beam.sdk.values.TypeDescriptors;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

 * The {@link BulkCompressor} is a batch pipeline that compresses files on matched by an input file
 * pattern and outputs them to a specified file location. This pipeline can be useful when you need
 * to compress large batches of files as part of a periodic archival process. The supported
 * compression modes are: <code>BZIP2</code>, <code>DEFLATE</code>, <code>GZIP</code>. Files output
 * to the destination location will follow a naming schema of original filename appended with the
 * compression mode extension. The extensions appended will be one of: <code>.bzip2</code>, <code>
 * .deflate</code>, <code>.gz</code> as determined by the compression type.
 * <p>Any errors which occur during the compression process will be output to the failure file in
 * CSV format of filename, error message. If no failures occur during execution, the error file will
 * still be created but will contain no error records.
 * <p><b>Pipeline Requirements</b>
 * <ul>
 *   <li>The compression must be in one of the following formats: <code>BZIP2</code>, <code>DEFLATE
 *       </code>, <code>GZIP</code>, <code>ZIP</code>.
 *   <li>The output directory must exist prior to pipeline execution.
 * </ul>
 * <p>Check out <a
 * href="">README</a>
 * for instructions on how to use or modify this template.
    name = "Bulk_Compress_GCS_Files",
    category = TemplateCategory.UTILITIES,
    displayName = "Bulk Compress Files on Cloud Storage",
    description = {
      "The Bulk Compress Cloud Storage Files template is a batch pipeline that compresses files on Cloud Storage to a specified location. "
          + "This template can be useful when you need to compress large batches of files as part of a periodic archival process. "
          + "The supported compression modes are: BZIP2, DEFLATE, GZIP. Files output to the destination location will follow a naming schema of original filename appended with the compression mode extension. The extensions appended will be one of: .bzip2, .deflate, .gz.",
      "Any errors which occur during the compression process will be output to the failure file in CSV format of filename, error message. "
          + "If no failures occur while running the pipeline, the error file will still be created but will contain no error records."
    optionsClass = Options.class,
    documentation =
    contactInformation = "",
    requirements = {
      "The compression must be in one of the following formats: `BZIP2`, `DEFLATE`, `GZIP`.",
      "The output directory must exist prior to running the pipeline."
public class BulkCompressor {

  /** The logger to output status messages to. */
  private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BulkCompressor.class);

  /** The tag used to identify the main output of the {@link Compressor}. */
  private static final TupleTag<String> COMPRESSOR_MAIN_OUT = new TupleTag<String>() {};

  /** The tag used to identify the dead-letter output of the {@link Compressor}. */
  private static final TupleTag<KV<String, String>> DEADLETTER_TAG =
      new TupleTag<KV<String, String>>() {};

   * The {@link Options} class provides the custom execution options passed by the executor at the
   * command-line.
  public interface Options extends PipelineOptions {
        order = 1,
        groupName = "Source",
        description = "Input Cloud Storage File(s)",
        helpText = "The Cloud Storage location of the files you'd like to process.",
        example = "gs://your-bucket/your-files/*.txt")
    ValueProvider<String> getInputFilePattern();

    void setInputFilePattern(ValueProvider<String> value);

        order = 2,
        groupName = "Target",
        description = "Output file directory in Cloud Storage",
        helpText =
            "The path and filename prefix for writing output files. Must end with a slash. DateTime formatting is used to parse directory path for date & time formatters.",
        example = "gs://your-bucket/your-path")
    ValueProvider<String> getOutputDirectory();

    void setOutputDirectory(ValueProvider<String> value);

        order = 3,
        groupName = "Target",
        description = "Output failure file",
        helpText =
            "The error log output file to use for write failures that occur during compression. The contents will be one line for "
                + "each file which failed compression. Note that this parameter will "
                + "allow the pipeline to continue processing in the event of a failure.",
        example = "gs://your-bucket/compressed/failed.csv")
    ValueProvider<String> getOutputFailureFile();

    void setOutputFailureFile(ValueProvider<String> value);

        order = 4,
        enumOptions = {
        description = "Compression",
        helpText =
            "The compression algorithm used to compress the matched files. Valid algorithms: BZIP2, DEFLATE, GZIP")
    ValueProvider<Compression> getCompression();

    void setCompression(ValueProvider<Compression> value);

        order = 5,
        groupName = "Target",
        optional = true,
        regexes = {"^[A-Za-z_0-9.]*"},
        description = "Output filename suffix",
        helpText =
            "Output filename suffix of the files to write. Defaults to .bzip2, .deflate or .gz depending on the compression algorithm.")
    ValueProvider<String> getOutputFilenameSuffix();

    void setOutputFilenameSuffix(ValueProvider<String> value);

   * The main entry-point for pipeline execution. This method will start the pipeline but will not
   * wait for it's execution to finish. If blocking execution is required, use the {@link
   * BulkCompressor#run(Options)} method to start the pipeline and invoke {@code
   * result.waitUntilFinish()} on the {@link PipelineResult}.
   * @param args The command-line args passed by the executor.
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    Options options = PipelineOptionsFactory.fromArgs(args).withValidation().as(Options.class);


   * Runs the pipeline to completion with the specified options. This method does not wait until the
   * pipeline is finished before returning. Invoke {@code result.waitUntilFinish()} on the result
   * object to block until the pipeline is finished running if blocking programmatic execution is
   * required.
   * @param options The execution options.
   * @return The pipeline result.
  public static PipelineResult run(Options options) {

    // Create the pipeline
    Pipeline pipeline = Pipeline.create(options);

     * Steps:
     *   1) Find all files matching the input pattern
     *   2) Compress the files found and output them to the output directory
     *   3) Write any errors to the failure output file
    PCollectionTuple compressOut =
            .apply("Match File(s)", FileIO.match().filepattern(options.getInputFilePattern()))
                "Compress File(s)",
                ParDo.of(new Compressor(options.getOutputDirectory(), options.getCompression()))
                    .withOutputTags(COMPRESSOR_MAIN_OUT, TupleTagList.of(DEADLETTER_TAG)));

            "Format Errors",
                .via(kv -> String.format("%s,%s", kv.getKey(), kv.getValue())))
            "Write Error File",


   * The {@link Compressor} accepts {@link MatchResult.Metadata} from the FileSystems API and
   * compresses each file to an output location. Any compression failures which occur during
   * execution will be output to a separate output for further processing.
  public static class Compressor extends DoFn<MatchResult.Metadata, String> {

    private final ValueProvider<String> destinationLocation;
    private final ValueProvider<Compression> compressionValue;

    Compressor(ValueProvider<String> destinationLocation, ValueProvider<Compression> compression) {
      this.destinationLocation = destinationLocation;
      this.compressionValue = compression;

    public void processElement(ProcessContext context) {
      ResourceId inputFile = context.element().resourceId();
      Compression compression = compressionValue.get();
      Options options = context.getPipelineOptions().as(Options.class);
      String outputFilename;

      // Add the extension to the output filename.
      if (options.getOutputFilenameSuffix() != null
          && options.getOutputFilenameSuffix().isAccessible()
          && options.getOutputFilenameSuffix().get() != null) {
        // Use suffix parameter. Example: demo.txt ->
        outputFilename = inputFile.getFilename() + options.getOutputFilenameSuffix().get();
      } else {
        // Use compression extension. Example: demo.txt -> demo.txt.gz
        outputFilename = inputFile.getFilename() + compression.getSuggestedSuffix();

      // Resolve the necessary resources to perform the transfer
      ResourceId outputDir = FileSystems.matchNewResource(destinationLocation.get(), true);
      ResourceId outputFile =
          outputDir.resolve(outputFilename, StandardResolveOptions.RESOLVE_FILE);
      ResourceId tempFile =
          outputDir.resolve("temp-" + outputFilename, StandardResolveOptions.RESOLVE_FILE);

      // Perform the copy of the compressed channel to the destination.
      try (ReadableByteChannel readerChannel = {
        try (WritableByteChannel writerChannel =
            compression.writeCompressed(FileSystems.create(tempFile, MimeTypes.BINARY))) {

          // Execute the copy to the temporary file
          ByteStreams.copy(readerChannel, writerChannel);

        // Rename the temporary file to the output file
        FileSystems.rename(ImmutableList.of(tempFile), ImmutableList.of(outputFile));

        // Output the path to the uncompressed file
      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.error("Error occurred during compression of {}", inputFile.toString(), e);
        context.output(DEADLETTER_TAG, KV.of(inputFile.toString(), e.getMessage()));

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