
This page contains current API pricing for the use of CCAI Insights. This page will be updated to reflect any changes to these prices. We reserve the right to change these prices.

CCAI Insights is priced according to the number of conversations processed by the API. A conversation is text between multiple participants. A conversation turn is when the conversation switches between participants. For pricing purposes, a single conversation is defined as having a maximum of 120 turns, with each turn having a maximum of 1000 characters. More than 1000 characters in a single turn will cause that turn to count for multiple turns. More than 120 turns in a conversation will cause the conversation to be billed as more than one conversation. For example, if a conversation has 241 turns, it will be billed as 3 conversations.

Building a topic model does not require any data to be labeled and is free. You need a minimum number of conversations imported into Insights to train a model. Importing audio data that needs to be transcribed by Speech-to-Text to get the transcript incurs a charge. After you have a model, you can use it to analyze conversations and label the topics, incurring topic-model labeling charges listed in the following table.

Feature Cost
CCAI Insights Analysis (Sentiment, Entities, Highlighters) $2 per 100 Conversations
Topic Model labeling $2 per 100 Conversations