You can filter conversations based on information gleaned directly from their characteristics or from attributes of operations that those conversations have been through.
Conversation filters
Conversations can be filtered on one or more of the characteristics in the following table. These filters are useful for narrowing down a search among large conversation data sets. The "Filtering" section of the List Conversations page lists the permissions you need to apply the following filters.
Filter term | Description | Field type | Reference code |
Agent ID | String which identifies a unique agent | string | agent_id="some agent_id" |
Analysis create time | Time when the analysis was created | numerical | latest_analysis.create_time>"2023-12-31T16:00:10-08:00" |
Analysis status | Status of whether or not a conversation has been analyzed | numerical | Has been analyzed: latest_analysis:"*" Has not been analyzed: -latest_analysis:"*" |
Conversation channel | Medium of conversation: PHONE_CALL or CHAT | string | medium="PHONE_CALL" |
Conversation create time | Time when the conversation was imported into Insights | numerical | create_time>"1969-12-31T16:00:10-08:00" create_time<="1969-12-31T16:00:20-08:00" |
Conversation label | Label or tag assigned to a conversation | string | labels:"key_only" labels.key_1:"value_1" |
Conversation start time | Time at which conversation began | numerical | start_time>"1969-12-31T16:00:10-08:00" start_time>"1969-12-31T16:00:20-08:00" |
Conversation update time | Time when conversation was imported | numerical | update_time>"1969-12-31T16:00:10-08:00" update_time<="1969-12-31T16:00:20-08:00" |
Custom highlight (also called Phrase matchers) | Parameters that you define which are applied to portions of a conversation to help flag certain phrases. | string |"add_one_positive_custom_highlight""multiple positive custom highlights""one_negative_custom_highlight""multiple negative custom highlights" |
Dialogflow conversation | Conversation that took place through Dialogflow, using a virtual agent | string | data_source.dialogflow_source.dialogflow_conversation="projects/123456789/locations/us-central1/conversations/some_dialogflow_conversation" |
Dialogflow conversation profile ID | String which identifies a unique Dialogflow conversation profile | string | dialogflow_conversation_profile_id="some_dialogflow_conversation_profile_id" data_source.dialogflow_source.dialogflow_conversation="projects/123456789/locations/us-central1/conversations/some_dialogflow_conversation" |
Duration | Length of time conversation lasts | string | duration<="20s" |
Language | Spoken or typed language used in the conversation. The language code is in BCP-47 format and prefixes are supported. | string | language_code: "some_language_code" |
Latest analysis create time | Time at which latest analysis was created | numerical | latest_analysis.create_time>"1969-12-31T16:00:10-08:00" latest_analysis.create_time<$eq;"1969-12-31T16:00:20-08:00" |
Latest summary | Most recent summary | string | latest_summary.text:"phrase to match" latest_summary.text:"and another" latest_summary.text:"exclude this" |
Smart highlight | Suggested parameters which are applied to portions of a conversation to help flag certain phrases. | string | latest_analysis.analysis_result.call_analysis_metadata.intents.display_name:"one_positive_smart_highlight" latest_analysis.analysis_result.call_analysis_metadata.intents.display_name:"multiple positive smart highlights" latest_analysis.analysis_result.call_analysis_metadata.intents.display_name:"one_negative_smart_highlight" latest_analysis.analysis_result.call_analysis_metadata.intents.display_name:"multiple negative smart highlights" |
Summary status | Status of summary generation | string | Has a summary: latest_summary:"*" No summary: -latest_summary:"*" |
Topic (also called Issue) | Topic or issue identified by Topic Modeling. | string | latest_analysis.analysis_result.issues.issue="projects/123456789/locations/us-central1/issueModels/test_model/issues/issue_foo" latest_analysis.analysis_result.issue_model_id="projects/123456789/locations/us-central1/issueModels/test_model" |
Transcript | Text of conversation | string | transcript.transcript_segments.text:"one_positive_term" transcript.transcript_segments.text:"multiple positive terms" transcript.transcript_segments.text:"one_negative_term"" transcript.transcript_segments.text:"multiple negative terms" |
Turn count | Number of conversation turns | numerical | turn_count>"10" turn_count<="20" |
Operation filters
You can also filter conversations based on the information available from operations that have been performed on them. You can filter a conversation dataset based on the following operation attributes.
Filter term | Description | Reference code |
Create time | The time at which the operation was created. | metadata.create_time>"1969-12-31T16:00:10-08:00" metadata.create_time<="1969-12-31T16:00:20-08:00" |
Conversation ID | The string which identifies a specific conversation. | metadata.conversation_id="some_conversation_id" |
Done | The final status of an operation. | **Completed**: done="true" **Not completed**: done="false" |
Operation Type | Identifies the type of operation performed on the dataset. | BulkAnalyzeConversations CreateAnalysis CreateIssueModel DeleteIssueModel DeployIssueModel ExportInsightsData IngestConversations UndeployIssueModel |
Status | A detailed status of the operation. | **Completed successfully**: status_code="0" **Failed but not aborted**: status_code!="ABORTED" |
To view the errors from running a bulk operation, you must use a curl command.
- Bulk analyze operations:
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "
$PROJECT /locations/$LOCATION /operations?filter=metadata.operation_type=\"BulkAnalyzeConversations\"&page_size=10" - Bulk ingest operations (transcript or audio):
curl -X GET \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" "
$PROJECT /locations/$LOCATION /operations?filter=metadata.operation_type=\"IngestConversations\"&page_size=10"