カスタム マシンタイプを使用して VM を作成する

このサンプルでは、Compute Engine インスタンスで使用するカスタム マシンタイプの作成方法を示します。カスタム マシンタイプでは、インスタンスのコア数とメモリを正確に指定できるため、コンピューティング リソースの柔軟性と制御性が向上します。



このサンプルを試す前に、Compute Engine クイックスタート: クライアント ライブラリの使用に記載されている Go の設定手順に沿って操作します。詳細については、Compute Engine Go API リファレンス ドキュメントをご覧ください。

Compute Engine に対して認証を行うには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証を設定するをご覧ください。

import (

const (
	n1       = "custom"
	n2       = "n2-custom"
	n2d      = "n2d-custom"
	e2       = "e2-custom"
	e2Micro  = "e2-custom-micro"
	e2Small  = "e2-custom-small"
	e2Medium = "e2-custom-medium"

type typeLimit struct {
	allowedCores     []int
	minMemPerCore    int
	maxMemPerCore    int
	allowExtraMemory bool
	extraMemoryLimit int

func makeRange(start, end, step int) []int {
	if step <= 0 || end < start {
		return []int{}
	s := make([]int, 0, 1+(end-start)/step)
	for start <= end {
		s = append(s, start)
		start += step
	return s

var (
	cpuSeriesE2Limit = typeLimit{
		allowedCores:  makeRange(2, 33, 2),
		minMemPerCore: 512,
		maxMemPerCore: 8192,
	cpuSeriesE2MicroLimit  = typeLimit{minMemPerCore: 1024, maxMemPerCore: 2048}
	cpuSeriesE2SmallLimit  = typeLimit{minMemPerCore: 2048, maxMemPerCore: 4096}
	cpuSeriesE2MeidumLimit = typeLimit{minMemPerCore: 4096, maxMemPerCore: 8192}
	cpuSeriesN2Limit       = typeLimit{
		allowedCores:  append(makeRange(2, 33, 2), makeRange(36, 129, 4)...),
		minMemPerCore: 512, maxMemPerCore: 8192,
		allowExtraMemory: true,
		extraMemoryLimit: 624 << 10,
	cpuSeriesN2DLimit = typeLimit{
		allowedCores:  []int{2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96},
		minMemPerCore: 512, maxMemPerCore: 8192,
		allowExtraMemory: true,
		extraMemoryLimit: 768 << 10,
	cpuSeriesN1Limit = typeLimit{
		allowedCores:     append([]int{1}, makeRange(2, 97, 2)...),
		minMemPerCore:    922,
		maxMemPerCore:    6656,
		allowExtraMemory: true,
		extraMemoryLimit: 624 << 10,

type customMachineType struct {
	zone, cpuSeries     string
	memoryMb, coreCount int

// Validate whether the requested parameters are allowed.
// Find more information about limitations of custom machine types at:
// https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines#custom_machine_types
func validate(cmt *customMachineType) error {
	// Check the number of cores
	if len(cmt.typeLimit.allowedCores) > 0 {
		coreExists := false
		for _, v := range cmt.typeLimit.allowedCores {
			if v == cmt.coreCount {
				coreExists = true
		if !coreExists {
			return fmt.Errorf("invalid number of cores requested. Allowed number of cores for %v is: %v", cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.allowedCores)

	// Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB
	if cmt.memoryMb%256 != 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("requested memory must be a multiple of 256 MB")

	// Check if the requested memory isn't too little
	if cmt.memoryMb < cmt.coreCount*cmt.typeLimit.minMemPerCore {
		return fmt.Errorf("requested memory is too low. Minimal memory for %v is %v MB per core", cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.minMemPerCore)

	// Check if the requested memory isn't too much
	if cmt.memoryMb > cmt.coreCount*cmt.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore && !cmt.typeLimit.allowExtraMemory {
		return fmt.Errorf("requested memory is too large. Maximum memory allowed for %v is %v MB per core", cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore)
	if cmt.memoryMb > cmt.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit && cmt.typeLimit.allowExtraMemory {
		return fmt.Errorf("requested memory is too large. Maximum memory allowed for %v is %v MB", cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit)

	return nil

// Srring returns the custom machine type in form of a string acceptable by Compute Engine API.
func (t customMachineType) String() string {
	containsString := func(s []string, str string) bool {
		for _, v := range s {
			if v == str {
				return true

		return false

	if containsString([]string{e2Small, e2Micro, e2Medium}, t.cpuSeries) {
		return fmt.Sprintf("zones/%v/machineTypes/%v-%v", t.zone, t.cpuSeries, t.memoryMb)

	if t.memoryMb > t.coreCount*t.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore {
		return fmt.Sprintf("zones/%v/machineTypes/%v-%v-%v-ext", t.zone, t.cpuSeries, t.coreCount, t.memoryMb)

	return fmt.Sprintf("zones/%v/machineTypes/%v-%v-%v", t.zone, t.cpuSeries, t.coreCount, t.memoryMb)

// Returns machine type in a format without the zone. For example, n2-custom-0-10240.
// This format is used to create instance templates.
func (t customMachineType) machineType() string {
	// Return machine type in a format without the zone. For example, n2-custom-0-10240.
	// This format is used to create instance templates.
	ss := strings.Split(t.String(), "/")
	return ss[len(ss)-1]

func createCustomMachineType(zone, cpuSeries string, memoryMb, coreCount int, tl typeLimit) (*customMachineType, error) {
	containsString := func(s []string, str string) bool {
		for _, v := range s {
			if v == str {
				return true

		return false

	if containsString([]string{e2Small, e2Micro, e2Medium}, cpuSeries) {
		coreCount = 2
	cmt := &customMachineType{
		zone:      zone,
		cpuSeries: cpuSeries,
		memoryMb:  memoryMb,
		coreCount: coreCount,
		typeLimit: tl,

	if err := validate(cmt); err != nil {
		return &customMachineType{}, err
	return cmt, nil


このサンプルを試す前に、Compute Engine クイックスタート: クライアント ライブラリの使用に記載されている Java の設定手順に沿って操作します。 詳細については、Compute Engine Java API リファレンス ドキュメントをご覧ください。

Compute Engine に対して認証を行うには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証を設定するをご覧ください。

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.stream.IntStream;

public class HelperClass {

   * This class allows you to create custom machine types to be used with the VM instances.

  static class CustomMachineType {
    String zone;
    String cpuSeries;
    int memory;
    int coreCount;
    TypeLimits typeLimit;

    CustomMachineType(String zone, String cpuSeries, int memory, int coreCount,
        TypeLimits typeLimit) {
      this.zone = zone;
      this.cpuSeries = cpuSeries;
      this.memory = memory;
      this.coreCount = coreCount;
      // Shared machine types (e2-small, e2-medium and e2-micro) always have
      // 2 vCPUs: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines#e2_limitations
      this.typeLimit = typeLimit;

    public String toString() {
      if (cpuSeries.equalsIgnoreCase(CpuSeries.E2_SMALL.cpuSeries)
          || cpuSeries.equalsIgnoreCase(CpuSeries.E2_MICRO.cpuSeries)
          || cpuSeries.equalsIgnoreCase(CpuSeries.E2_MEDIUM.cpuSeries)) {
        return String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s-%d", zone, cpuSeries, memory);

      if (memory > typeLimit.maxMemPerCore * coreCount && typeLimit.allowExtraMemory) {
        return String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s-%d-%d-ext", zone, cpuSeries, coreCount,

      return String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s-%d-%d", zone, cpuSeries, coreCount, memory);

    public String shortString() {
      String cmt = this.toString();
      return cmt.substring(cmt.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

  // This class defines the configurable parameters for a custom VM.
  static final class TypeLimits {

    int[] allowedCores;
    int minMemPerCore;
    int maxMemPerCore;
    int extraMemoryLimit;
    boolean allowExtraMemory;

    TypeLimits(int[] allowedCores, int minMemPerCore, int maxMemPerCore, boolean allowExtraMemory,
        int extraMemoryLimit) {
      this.allowedCores = allowedCores;
      this.minMemPerCore = minMemPerCore;
      this.maxMemPerCore = maxMemPerCore;
      this.allowExtraMemory = allowExtraMemory;
      this.extraMemoryLimit = extraMemoryLimit;

  public enum CpuSeries {

    private static final Map<String, CpuSeries> ENUM_MAP;

    static {
      ENUM_MAP = init();

    // Build an immutable map of String name to enum pairs.
    public static Map<String, CpuSeries> init() {
      Map<String, CpuSeries> map = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
      for (CpuSeries instance : CpuSeries.values()) {
        map.put(instance.name().toLowerCase(), instance);
      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);

    private final String cpuSeries;

    CpuSeries(String cpuSeries) {
      this.cpuSeries = cpuSeries;

    public static CpuSeries get(String name) {
      return ENUM_MAP.get(name.toLowerCase());

    public String getCpuSeries() {
      return this.cpuSeries;

  // This enum correlates a machine type with its limits.
  // The limits for various CPU types are described in:
  // https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines
  enum Limits {
    CPUSeries_E2(new TypeLimits(getNumsInRangeWithStep(2, 33, 2), 512, 8192, false, 0)),
    CPUSeries_E2MICRO(new TypeLimits(new int[]{}, 1024, 2048, false, 0)),
    CPUSeries_E2SMALL(new TypeLimits(new int[]{}, 2048, 4096, false, 0)),
    CPUSeries_E2MEDIUM(new TypeLimits(new int[]{}, 4096, 8192, false, 0)),
        new TypeLimits(concat(getNumsInRangeWithStep(2, 33, 2), getNumsInRangeWithStep(36, 129, 4)),
            512, 8192, true, gbToMb(624))),
        new TypeLimits(new int[]{2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96}, 512, 8192, true, gbToMb(768))),
        new TypeLimits(concat(new int[]{1}, getNumsInRangeWithStep(2, 97, 2)), 922, 6656, true,

    private final TypeLimits typeLimits;

    Limits(TypeLimits typeLimits) {
      this.typeLimits = typeLimits;

    public TypeLimits getTypeLimits() {
      return typeLimits;

  // Returns the array of integers within the given range, incremented by the specified step.
  // start (inclusive): starting number of the range
  // stop (inclusive): ending number of the range
  // step : increment value
  static int[] getNumsInRangeWithStep(int start, int stop, int step) {
    return IntStream.range(start, stop).filter(x -> (x - start) % step == 0).toArray();

  static int gbToMb(int value) {
    return value << 10;

  static int[] concat(int[] a, int[] b) {
    int[] result = new int[a.length + b.length];
    System.arraycopy(a, 0, result, 0, a.length);
    System.arraycopy(b, 0, result, a.length, b.length);
    return result;

  // Return the custom machine type in the form of a string acceptable by Compute Engine API.
  public static String returnCustomMachineTypeString(CustomMachineType cmt) {
    // Check if the requested CPU belongs to E2 series.
    if (Arrays.asList(CpuSeries.E2_SMALL.name(), CpuSeries.E2_MICRO.name(),
        CpuSeries.E2_MEDIUM.name()).contains(cmt.cpuSeries)) {
      return String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s-%s", cmt.zone, cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.memory);

    // Check if extended memory was requested.
    if (cmt.memory > cmt.coreCount * cmt.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore) {
      return String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s-%s-%s-ext", cmt.zone, cmt.cpuSeries,

    return String.format("zones/%s/machineTypes/%s-%s-%s", cmt.zone, cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.coreCount,

  // Returns machine type in a format without the zone. For example, n2-custom-0-10240.
  // This format is used to create instance templates.
  public static String machineType(CustomMachineType cmt) {
    String[] machineType = returnCustomMachineTypeString(cmt).split("/");
    return machineType[machineType.length - 1];

  // Validate whether the requested parameters are allowed.
  // Find more information about limitations of custom machine types at:
  // https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines#custom_machine_types
  public static String validate(CustomMachineType cmt) {

    // Check the number of cores and if the coreCount is present in allowedCores.
    if (cmt.typeLimit.allowedCores.length > 0 && Arrays.stream(cmt.typeLimit.allowedCores)
        .noneMatch(x -> x == cmt.coreCount)) {
      throw new Error(String.format(
          "Invalid number of cores requested. Allowed number of cores for %s is: %s",

    // Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB.
    if (cmt.memory % 256 != 0) {
      throw new Error("Requested memory must be a multiple of 256 MB");

    // Check if the requested memory isn't too little.
    if (cmt.memory < cmt.coreCount * cmt.typeLimit.minMemPerCore) {
      throw new Error(
          String.format("Requested memory is too low. Minimum memory for %s is %s MB per core",
              cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.minMemPerCore));

    // Check if the requested memory isn't too much.
    if (cmt.memory > cmt.coreCount * cmt.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore
        && !cmt.typeLimit.allowExtraMemory) {
      throw new Error(String.format(
          "Requested memory is too large.. Maximum memory allowed for %s is %s MB per core",
          cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit));

    // Check if the requested memory isn't too large.
    if (cmt.memory > cmt.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit && cmt.typeLimit.allowExtraMemory) {
      throw new Error(
          String.format("Requested memory is too large.. Maximum memory allowed for %s is %s MB",
              cmt.cpuSeries, cmt.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit));

    return null;

  // Create a custom machine type.
  public static CustomMachineType createCustomMachineType(String zone, String cpuSeries, int memory,
      int coreCount, TypeLimits typeLimit) {
    if (Arrays.asList(CpuSeries.E2_SMALL.getCpuSeries(), CpuSeries.E2_MICRO.getCpuSeries(),
        CpuSeries.E2_MEDIUM.getCpuSeries()).contains(cpuSeries)) {
      coreCount = 2;

    CustomMachineType cmt = new CustomMachineType(zone, cpuSeries, memory, coreCount, typeLimit);

    try {
    } catch (Error e) {
      // Error in validation.
      System.out.printf("Error in validation: %s", e);
      return null;
    return cmt;



このサンプルを試す前に、Compute Engine クイックスタート: クライアント ライブラリの使用に記載されている Node.js の設定手順に沿って操作します。 詳細については、Compute Engine Node.js API リファレンス ドキュメントをご覧ください。

Compute Engine に対して認証を行うには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証を設定するをご覧ください。

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment and replace these variables before running the sample.
// const projectId = 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID';
// const zone = 'europe-central2-b';
// const cpuSeries = 'N1';
// const coreCount = 2
// const memory = 256

function range(from, to, step) {
  return [...Array(Math.floor((to - from) / step) + 1)].map(
    (_, i) => from + i * step

class CustomMachineType {
  constructor(zone, cpuSeries, coreCount, memory) {
    this.zone = zone;
    this.cpuSeries = cpuSeries;
    this.coreCount = coreCount;
    this.memory = memory;

    this.N1 = 'custom';
    this.N2 = 'n2-custom';
    this.N2D = 'n2d-custom';
    this.E2 = 'e2-custom';
    this.E2Micro = 'e2-custom-micro';
    this.E2Small = 'e2-custom-small';
    this.E2Medium = 'e2-custom-medium';

    this.CpuSeriesE2Limit = {
      allowedCores: range(2, 33, 2),
      minMemPerCore: 512,
      maxMemPerCore: 8192,
      allowExtraMemory: false,
      extraMemoryLimit: 0,

    this.CpuSeriesE2MicroLimit = {
      allowedCores: [],
      minMemPerCore: 1024,
      maxMemPerCore: 2048,
      allowExtraMemory: false,
      extraMemoryLimit: 0,

    this.CpuSeriesE2SmallLimit = {
      allowedCores: [],
      minMemPerCore: 2048,
      maxMemPerCore: 4096,
      allowExtraMemory: false,
      extraMemoryLimit: 0,

    this.CpuSeriesE2MediumLimit = {
      allowedCores: [],
      minMemPerCore: 4096,
      maxMemPerCore: 8192,
      allowExtraMemory: false,
      extraMemoryLimit: 0,

    this.CpuSeriesN2Limit = {
      allowedCores: [...range(2, 33, 2), ...range(36, 129, 4)],
      minMemPerCore: 512,
      maxMemPerCore: 8192,
      allowExtraMemory: true,
      extraMemoryLimit: 624 << 10,

    this.CpuSeriesN2DLimit = {
      allowedCores: [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96],
      minMemPerCore: 512,
      maxMemPerCore: 8192,
      allowExtraMemory: true,
      extraMemoryLimit: 768 << 10,

    this.CpuSeriesN1Limit = {
      allowedCores: [1, range(2, 97, 2)],
      minMemPerCore: 922,
      maxMemPerCore: 6656,
      allowExtraMemory: true,
      extraMemoryLimit: 624 << 10,

    this.TYPE_LIMITS = {
      [this.N1]: this.CpuSeriesN1Limit,
      [this.N2]: this.CpuSeriesN2Limit,
      [this.N2D]: this.CpuSeriesN2DLimit,
      [this.E2]: this.CpuSeriesE2Limit,
      [this.E2Micro]: this.CpuSeriesE2MicroLimit,
      [this.E2Small]: this.CpuSeriesE2SmallLimit,
      [this.E2Medium]: this.CpuSeriesE2MediumLimit,

    this.typeLimit = this.TYPE_LIMITS[this.cpuSeries];

  validate() {
    // Check the number of cores
    if (
      this.typeLimit.allowedCores.length > 0 &&
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        `Invalid number of cores requested. Allowed number of cores for ${this.cpuSeries} is: ${this.typeLimit.allowedCores}`

    // Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB
    if (this.memory % 256 !== 0) {
      throw new Error('Requested memory must be a multiple of 256 MB');

    // Check if the requested memory isn't too little
    if (this.memory < this.coreCount * this.typeLimit.minMemPerCore) {
      throw new Error(
        `Requested memory is too low. Minimal memory for ${this.cpuSeries} is ${this.typeLimit.minMemPerCore} MB per core`

    // Check if the requested memory isn't too much
    if (
      this.memory > this.coreCount * this.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore &&
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        `Requested memory is too large.. Maximum memory allowed for ${this.cpuSeries} is ${this.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore} MB per core`

    if (
      this.memory > this.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit &&
    ) {
      throw new Error(
        `Requested memory is too large.. Maximum memory allowed for ${this.cpuSeries} is ${this.typeLimit.extraMemoryLimit} MB`

  // Returns the custom machine type in form of a string acceptable by Compute Engine API.
  getMachineTypeURI() {
    if (
      [this.E2Small, this.E2Micro, this.E2Medium].includes(this.cpuSeries)
    ) {
      return `zones/${this.zone}/machineTypes/${this.cpuSeries}-${this.memory}`;

    if (this.memory > this.coreCount * this.typeLimit.maxMemPerCore) {
      return `zones/${this.zone}/machineTypes/${this.cpuSeries}-${coreCount}-${this.memory}-ext`;

    return `zones/${zone}/machineTypes/${this.cpuSeries}-${this.coreCount}-${this.memory}`;

  // Returns machine type in a format without the zone. For example, n2-custom-0-10240.
  // This format is used to create instance templates.
  getMachineType() {
    return this.getMachineTypeURI().split('/').pop();

async function createCustomMachineType() {
  if (
  ) {
    coreCount = 2;

  const machineType = new CustomMachineType(

  console.log(`URI: ${machineType.getMachineTypeURI()}`);
  console.log(`MachineType: ${machineType.getMachineType()}`);



このサンプルを試す前に、Compute Engine クイックスタート: クライアント ライブラリの使用に記載されている Python の設定手順に沿って操作します。 詳細については、Compute Engine Python API リファレンス ドキュメントをご覧ください。

Compute Engine に対して認証を行うには、アプリケーションのデフォルト認証情報を設定します。詳細については、ローカル開発環境の認証を設定するをご覧ください。

from collections import namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from enum import unique

def gb_to_mb(value: int) -> int:
    return value << 10

class CustomMachineType:
    Allows to create custom machine types to be used with the VM instances.

    class CPUSeries(Enum):
        N1 = "custom"
        N2 = "n2-custom"
        N2D = "n2d-custom"
        E2 = "e2-custom"
        E2_MICRO = "e2-custom-micro"
        E2_SMALL = "e2-custom-small"
        E2_MEDIUM = "e2-custom-medium"

    TypeLimits = namedtuple(

    # The limits for various CPU types are described on:
    # https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines
    LIMITS = {
        CPUSeries.E2: TypeLimits(frozenset(range(2, 33, 2)), 512, 8192, False, 0),
        CPUSeries.E2_MICRO: TypeLimits(frozenset(), 1024, 2048, False, 0),
        CPUSeries.E2_SMALL: TypeLimits(frozenset(), 2048, 4096, False, 0),
        CPUSeries.E2_MEDIUM: TypeLimits(frozenset(), 4096, 8192, False, 0),
        CPUSeries.N2: TypeLimits(
            frozenset(range(2, 33, 2)).union(set(range(36, 129, 4))),
        CPUSeries.N2D: TypeLimits(
            frozenset({2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96}), 512, 8192, True, gb_to_mb(768)
        CPUSeries.N1: TypeLimits(
            frozenset({1}.union(range(2, 97, 2))), 922, 6656, True, gb_to_mb(624)

    def __init__(
        self, zone: str, cpu_series: CPUSeries, memory_mb: int, core_count: int = 0
        self.zone = zone
        self.cpu_series = cpu_series
        self.limits = self.LIMITS[self.cpu_series]
        # Shared machine types (e2-small, e2-medium and e2-micro) always have
        # 2 vCPUs: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines#e2_limitations
        self.core_count = 2 if self.is_shared() else core_count
        self.memory_mb = memory_mb
        self._checked = False
        self.extra_memory_used = self._check_extra_memory()

    def is_shared(self):
        return self.cpu_series in (

    def _check_extra_memory(self) -> bool:
        if self._checked:
            return self.memory_mb > self.core_count * self.limits.max_mem_per_core
            raise RuntimeError(
                "You need to call _check_parameters() before calling _check_extra_memory()"

    def _check_parameters(self):
        Check whether the requested parameters are allowed. Find more information about limitations of custom machine
        types at: https://cloud.google.com/compute/docs/general-purpose-machines#custom_machine_types
        # Check the number of cores
        if (
            and self.core_count not in self.limits.allowed_cores
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Invalid number of cores requested. Allowed number of cores for {self.cpu_series.name} is: {sorted(self.limits.allowed_cores)}"

        # Memory must be a multiple of 256 MB
        if self.memory_mb % 256 != 0:
            raise RuntimeError("Requested memory must be a multiple of 256 MB.")

        # Check if the requested memory isn't too little
        if self.memory_mb < self.core_count * self.limits.min_mem_per_core:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f"Requested memory is too low. Minimal memory for {self.cpu_series.name} is {self.limits.min_mem_per_core} MB per core."

        # Check if the requested memory isn't too much
        if self.memory_mb > self.core_count * self.limits.max_mem_per_core:
            if self.limits.allow_extra_memory:
                if self.memory_mb > self.limits.extra_memory_limit:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        f"Requested memory is too large.. Maximum memory allowed for {self.cpu_series.name} is {self.limits.extra_memory_limit} MB."
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"Requested memory is too large.. Maximum memory allowed for {self.cpu_series.name} is {self.limits.max_mem_per_core} MB per core."

        self._checked = True

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Return the custom machine type in form of a string acceptable by Compute Engine API.
        if self.cpu_series in {
            return f"zones/{self.zone}/machineTypes/{self.cpu_series.value}-{self.memory_mb}"

        if self.extra_memory_used:
            return f"zones/{self.zone}/machineTypes/{self.cpu_series.value}-{self.core_count}-{self.memory_mb}-ext"

        return f"zones/{self.zone}/machineTypes/{self.cpu_series.value}-{self.core_count}-{self.memory_mb}"

    def short_type_str(self) -> str:
        Return machine type in a format without the zone. For example, n2-custom-0-10240.
        This format is used to create instance templates.
        return str(self).rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[1]

    def from_str(cls, machine_type: str):
        Construct a new object from a string. The string needs to be a valid custom machine type like:
         - https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/diregapic-mestiv/zones/us-central1-b/machineTypes/e2-custom-4-8192
         - zones/us-central1-b/machineTypes/e2-custom-4-8192
         - e2-custom-4-8192 (in this case, the zone parameter will not be set)
        zone = None
        if machine_type.startswith("http"):
            machine_type = machine_type[machine_type.find("zones/") :]

        if machine_type.startswith("zones/"):
            _, zone, _, machine_type = machine_type.split("/")

        extra_mem = machine_type.endswith("-ext")

        if machine_type.startswith("custom"):
            cpu = cls.CPUSeries.N1
            _, cores, memory = machine_type.rsplit("-", maxsplit=2)
            if extra_mem:
                cpu_series, _, cores, memory, _ = machine_type.split("-")
                cpu_series, _, cores, memory = machine_type.split("-")
            if cpu_series == "n2":
                cpu = cls.CPUSeries.N2
            elif cpu_series == "n2d":
                cpu = cls.CPUSeries.N2D
            elif cpu_series == "e2":
                cpu = cls.CPUSeries.E2
                if cores == "micro":
                    cpu = cls.CPUSeries.E2_MICRO
                    cores = 2
                elif cores == "small":
                    cpu = cls.CPUSeries.E2_SMALL
                    cores = 2
                elif cores == "medium":
                    cpu = cls.CPUSeries.E2_MEDIUM
                    cores = 2
                raise RuntimeError("Unknown CPU series.")

        cores = int(cores)
        memory = int(memory)

        return cls(zone, cpu, memory, cores)


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