本主题介绍了如何向 Cloud Billing API 发送一些简单的请求。
如需查看完整的方法列表,请参阅 REST 或 RPC 参考文档。
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Cloud Billing API.
Create a service account:
In the Google Cloud console, go to the Create service account page.
Go to Create service account - Select your project.
In the Service account name field, enter a name. The Google Cloud console fills in the Service account ID field based on this name.
In the Service account description field, enter a description. For example,
Service account for quickstart
. - Click Create and continue.
Grant the Project > Owner role to the service account.
To grant the role, find the Select a role list, then select Project > Owner.
- Click Continue.
Click Done to finish creating the service account.
Do not close your browser window. You will use it in the next step.
Create a service account key:
- In the Google Cloud console, click the email address for the service account that you created.
- Click Keys.
- Click Add key, and then click Create new key.
- Click Create. A JSON key file is downloaded to your computer.
- Click Close.
Set the environment variable
to the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials. This variable applies only to your current shell session, so if you open a new session, set the variable again.Example: Linux or macOS
"KEY_PATH Replace
with the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials.For example:
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/home/user/Downloads/service-account-file.json"
Example: Windows
For PowerShell:
"KEY_PATH Replace
with the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials.For example:
For command prompt:
KEY_PATH Replace
with the path of the JSON file that contains your credentials.
获取 Cloud Billing 账号列表
列出所有 Cloud Billing 账号(REST、RPC)的 API 方法是 API 中最简单的方法,因为该方法无需设置参数,所以很适合用来入门。该方法会直接返回您有权查看的所有结算账号。
GET https://cloudbilling.googleapis.com/v1/billingAccounts
ListBillingAccountsResponse result = service.billingAccounts().list().execute();
检索特定的 Cloud Billing 账号
若要检索特定的结算账号(REST、RPC),您需要知道结算账号 ID。本示例使用示例 ID 012345-567890-ABCDEF
GET https://cloudbilling.googleapis.com/v1/billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF
BillingAccount result = service.billingAccounts() .get("billingAccounts/00C5EA-61187E-D842F2").execute();
在 Google Cloud 项目中启用 Cloud Billing
若要对 Google Cloud 项目启用 Cloud Billing 功能,您需要调用 Cloud Billing API 以将该 Google Cloud 项目与现有的 Cloud Billing 账号相关联(REST、RPC)。下面的示例代码会将 Google Cloud 项目 tokyo-rain-123
与 Cloud Billing 账号 012345-567890-ABCDEF
相关联。顺便提一下,若要对 Google Cloud 项目停用 Cloud Billing 功能,也可采用相同的 API 方法,只需将 billingAccountName
PUT https://cloudbilling.googleapis.com/v1/projects/tokyo-rain-123/billingInfo { "billingAccountName": "billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF" }
service.projects().updateBillingInfo( "projects/tokyo-rain-123", new ProjectBillingInfo().setBillingAccountName("billingAccounts/012345-567890-ABCDEF")) .execute();
- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Manage resources page.
- In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.
- In the dialog, type the project ID, and then click Shut down to delete the project.