cbt 참조

Cbt는 Cloud Bigtable과의 기본적인 상호 작용을 위한 도구입니다.


cbt [options] command [arguments]


count                     Count rows in a table
createinstance            Create an instance with an initial cluster
createcluster             Create a cluster in the configured instance
createfamily              Create a column family
createtable               Create a table
updatecluster             Update a cluster in the configured instance
deleteinstance            Delete an instance
deletecluster             Delete a cluster from the configured instance
deletecolumn              Delete all cells in a column
deletefamily              Delete a column family
deleterow                 Delete a row
deletetable               Delete a table
doc                       Print godoc-suitable documentation for cbt
help                      Print help text
listinstances             List instances in a project
listclusters              List clusters in an instance
lookup                    Read from a single row
ls                        List tables and column families
mddoc                     Print documentation for cbt in Markdown format
read                      Read rows
set                       Set value of a cell
setgcpolicy               Set the GC policy for a column family
waitforreplication        Block until all the completed writes have been replicated to all the clusters
version                   Print the current cbt version
createappprofile          Creates app profile for an instance
getappprofile             Reads app profile for an instance
listappprofile            Lists app profile for an instance
updateappprofile          Updates app profile for an instance
deleteappprofile          Deletes app profile for an instance

명령어에 대한 자세한 내용을 보려면 'cbt help '를 사용하세요.


-project string
    project ID, if unset uses gcloud configured project
-instance string
    Cloud Bigtable instance
-creds string
    if set, use application credentials in this file

알파 기능은 현재 대다수 Cloud Bigtable 고객들이 사용할 수 없습니다. 이 기능은 이전 버전과 호환되지 않는 방식으로 변경될 수 있으며, 프로덕션용으로 권장되지 않습니다. 여기에는 어떠한 SLA 또는 지원 중단 정책도 적용되지 않습니다.

편의를 위해 -project, -instance, -creds, -admin-endpoint, -data-endpoint 플래그의 값을 ~/.cbtrc에 다음 형식으로 지정할 수 있습니다.

project = my-project-123
instance = my-instance
creds = path-to-account-key.json
admin-endpoint = hostname:port
data-endpoint = hostname:port

모든 값은 선택사항이며 플래그에 의해 재정의됩니다.

테이블의 열 세기

cbt count <table>

초기 클러스터로 인스턴스 만들기

cbt createinstance <instance-id> <display-name> <cluster-id> <zone> <num-nodes> <storage type>
  instance-id                   Permanent, unique id for the instance
  display-name              Description of the instance
  cluster-id                        Permanent, unique id for the cluster in the instance
  zone                              The zone in which to create the cluster
  num-nodes                 The number of nodes to create
  storage-type                  SSD or HDD

구성된 인스턴스에 클러스터 만들기

cbt createcluster <cluster-id> <zone> <num-nodes> <storage type>
  cluster-id        Permanent, unique id for the cluster in the instance
  zone                The zone in which to create the cluster
  num-nodes   The number of nodes to create
  storage-type  SSD or HDD

열 그룹 만들기

cbt createfamily <table> <family>

테이블 만들기

cbt createtable <table> [families=family[:(maxage=<d> | maxversions=<n>)],...] [splits=split,...]
  families: Column families and their associated GC policies. See "setgcpolicy".
                     Example: families=family1:maxage=1w,family2:maxversions=1
  splits:   Row key to be used to initially split the table

구성된 인스턴스에서 클러스터 업데이트

cbt updatecluster <cluster-id> [num-nodes=num-nodes]
  cluster-id        Permanent, unique id for the cluster in the instance
  num-nodes     The number of nodes to update to

인스턴스 삭제

cbt deleteinstance <instance>

구성된 인스턴스에서 클러스터 삭제

cbt deletecluster <cluster>

열의 모든 셀 삭제

cbt deletecolumn <table> <row> <family> <column> [app-profile=<app profile id>]
  app-profile=<app profile id>      The app profile id to use for the request

열 그룹 삭제

cbt deletefamily <table> <family>

행 삭제

cbt deleterow <table> <row> [app-profile=<app profile id>]
  app-profile=<app profile id>      The app profile id to use for the request

표 삭제

cbt deletetable <table>
cbt doc
cbt help [command]

프로젝트의 인스턴스 나열

cbt listinstances

인스턴스의 클러스터 나열

cbt listclusters

단일 행에서 읽기

cbt lookup <table> <row> [columns=[family]:[qualifier],...] [cells-per-column=<n>] [app-profile=<app profile id>]
  columns=[family]:[qualifier],...  Read only these columns, comma-separated
  cells-per-column=<n>          Read only this many cells per column
  app-profile=<app profile id>      The app profile id to use for the request

테이블 및 열 그룹 나열

cbt ls          List tables
cbt ls <table>      List column families in <table>
cbt mddoc

행 읽기

cbt read <table> [start=<row>] [end=<row>] [prefix=<prefix>] [regex=<regex>] [columns=[family]:[qualifier],...] [count=<n>] [cells-per-column=<n>] [app-profile=<app profile id>]
  start=<row>               Start reading at this row
  end=<row>             Stop reading before this row
  prefix=<prefix>           Read rows with this prefix
  regex=<regex>             Read rows with keys matching this regex
  columns=[family]:[qualifier],...  Read only these columns, comma-separated
  count=<n>             Read only this many rows
  cells-per-column=<n>          Read only this many cells per column
  app-profile=<app profile id>      The app profile id to use for the request

셀 값 설정

cbt set <table> <row> [app-profile=<app profile id>] family:column=val[@ts] ...
  app-profile=<app profile id>      The app profile id to use for the request
  family:column=val[@ts] may be repeated to set multiple cells.

  ts is an optional integer timestamp.
  If it cannot be parsed, the `@ts` part will be
  interpreted as part of the value.

열 그룹의 GC 정책 설정

cbt setgcpolicy <table> <family> ( maxage=<d> | maxversions=<n> | never)

  maxage=<d>        Maximum timestamp age to preserve (e.g. "1h", "4d")
  maxversions=<n>   Maximum number of versions to preserve

완료된 모든 쓰기가 모든 클러스터에 복제될 때까지 차단

cbt waitforreplication <table>

  table The name of the table to create
cbt version

인스턴스의 앱 프로필 만들기

cbt createappprofile <instance-id> <profile-id> <description> <etag> <routing-policy>
[cluster-id=<cluster-id>] [allow-transactional-writes=<allow-transactional-writes>]
set multi_cluster_routing_use_any or single_cluster_routing as possible values for routing policy
provide cluster-id=clusterID and allow-transactional-writes=true or false in case of single_cluster_routing

인스턴스의 앱 프로필 읽기

cbt getappprofile <instance-id> <profile-id>

인스턴스의 앱 프로필 나열

cbt listappprofile <instance-id>

인스턴스의 앱 프로필 업데이트

cbt updateappprofile  <instance-id> <profile-id> <description> <routing-policy>[cluster-id=<cluster-id>] [allow-transactional-writes=<allow-transactional-writes>]
set multi_cluster_routing_use_any or single_cluster_routing as possible values for routing policy
provide cluster-id=clusterID and allow-transactional-writes=true or false in case of single_cluster_routing

인스턴스의 앱 프로필 삭제

cbt deleteappprofile <instance-id> <profile-id>