Generate configuration files from a cluster

This document shows how to generate a set of configuration files from an existing cluster.

One way to create a cluster is to use the gkectl command-line tool. First you create a set of configuration files for the cluster. Then you run one of the following commands:

  • gkectl create admin to create an admin cluster
  • gkectl create cluster to create a user cluster

Over time, your original configuration files might become out of sync with the actual state of your cluster. For example, if you update a cluster by editing a custom resource, then your original configuration files might not be an accurate representation of the cluster.

Another way to create a cluster is to use the Google Cloud console, and in that case, you would not have any cluster configuration files. Later you might need cluster configuration files so that you can make certain updates to the cluster.

If you suspect your original configuration files are out of sync with your cluster, or if you don't have configuration files, you can use the gkectl get-config command to generate a new set of configuration files that accurately represent the current state of the cluster.

You can use gkectl get-config with:

  • User clusters
  • Admin clusters that do not have a high-availability control plane.

You cannot use gkectl get-config with an admin cluster that has a high-availability control plane.

Generate configuration files

To generate a new set of configuration files for a user cluster:

gkectl get-config cluster --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
    --cluster-name USER_CLUSTER_NAME

Replace the following:

  • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the path of the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster

  • USER_CLUSTER_NAME: the name of the user cluster

To generate a new set of configuration files for an admin cluster:

gkectl get-config admin --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG \
    --bundle-path BUNDLE

Replace the following:

  • ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG: the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster

  • BUNDLE: the path of the Google Distributed Cloud bundle file. The bundle file is on your admin workstation, typically at /var/lib/gke/bundles/gke-onprem-vsphere-VERSION-full.tgz. If you don't already have a bundle file, you can download one.

By default, the generated configuration files are written to a sub-directory of the current directory. For a user cluster, the output directory is named user-cluster-config-output. For an admin cluster, the output directory is named admin-cluster-config-output.

If you prefer to have the generated files in a different directory, you can use the --output-dir parameter to specify the path of an output directory. For example:

gkectl get-config cluster --kubeconfig my-kubeconfig \
    --cluster-name my-cluster \
    --output-dir /home/me/configuration/generated-files

If there are already files in the default output directory or a specified output directory, you must include the --force flag so that the newly generated files will replace the existing files. Otherwise the command will fail. For example:

gkectl get-config cluster --kubeconfig my-kubeconfig \
    --cluster-name my-cluster \
    --output-dir /home/me/configuration/generated-files

Generated files for an admin cluster

admin-cluster.yaml Admin cluster configuration file
Always generated
admin-cluster-creds.yaml Cluster credentials file
Always generated
component-access-key.json JSON key file for your component access service account
Always generated
vcenter-ca-cert.pem Root certificate for your vCenter Server
Always generated
admin-cluster-ipblock.yaml IP block file for cluster nodes
Generated if the cluster nodes use static IP addresses
admin-seesaw-ipblock.yaml IP block file for Seesaw VMs
Generated if the cluster uses the Seesaw load balancer
connect-register-key.json JSON key file for your connect register service account
Always generated
private-registry-ca.crt Root certificate for your private registry server
Generated if the cluster uses a private registry
stackdriver-key.json JSON key file for your logging monitoring service account
Generated if the cluster is configured to to export logs and metrics to Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring (stackdriver section in the cluster configuration file)
audit-logging-key.json JSON key file for your audit logging service account
Generated if the cluster uses Cloud Audit Logs

Generated files for a user cluster

user-cluster.yaml User cluster configuration file
Always generated
user-cluster-creds.yaml Cluster credentials file
Generated if the cluster is not using prepared credentials
vcenter-ca-cert.pem Root certificate for your vCenter Server
Always generated
user-cluster-ipblock.yaml IP block file for cluster nodes
Generated if the cluster nodes use static IP addresses
user-seesaw-ipblock.yaml IP block file for Seesaw VMs
Generated if the cluster uses the Seesaw load balancer
private-registry-ca.crt Root certificate for your private registry server
Generated if the cluster uses a private registry
component-access-key.json JSON key file for your component access service account
Generated if the cluster is not using a private registry
connect-register-key.json JSON key file for your connect register service account
Always generated
stackdriver-key.json JSON key file for your logging monitoring service account
Generated if the cluster is configured to to export logs and metrics to Cloud Logging and Cloud Monitoring (stackdriver section in the cluster configuration file)
audit-logging-key.json JSON key file for your audit logging service account
Generated if the cluster uses Cloud Audit Logs
usage-metering-key.json JSON key file for your usage metering service account
Generated if the cluster stores usage data in a BigQuery dataset
secrets.yaml Secrets configuration file
Generated if the cluster uses prepared credentials
For this file to be generated, you must include the --export-secrets-config flag in the gkectl get-config cluster command.
sni-cert.pem Additional serving certificate for the Kubernetes API server
Generated if the cluster is configured to use Server Name Indication (SNI)
sni-key.json Private key file for the additional serving certificate
Generated if the cluster is configured to use SNI