Troubleshooting storage

This document gives troubleshooting guidance for storage issues.

Volume fails to attach

This issue can occur if a virtual disk is attached to the wrong virtual machine, it may be due to Issue #32727 in Kubernetes 1.12.

The output of gkectl diagnose cluster looks like this:

Checking cluster object...PASS
Checking machine objects...PASS
Checking control plane pods...PASS
Checking gke-connect pods...PASS
Checking kube-system pods...PASS
Checking gke-system pods...PASS
Checking storage...FAIL
    PersistentVolume pvc-776459c3-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84: virtual disk "[datastore_nfs] kubevols/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-776459c3-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84.vmdk" IS attached to machine "gsl-test-user-9b46dbf9b-9wdj7" but IS NOT listed in the Node.Status
1 storage errors

One or more Pods are stuck in the ContainerCreating state with warnings like this:

  Type     Reason              Age               From                     Message
  ----     ------              ----              ----                     -------
  Warning  FailedAttachVolume  6s (x6 over 31s)  attachdetach-controller  AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-776459c3-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84" : Failed to add disk 'scsi0:6'.

To resolve this issue:

If a virtual disk is attached to the wrong virtual machine, you might need to manually detach it:

  1. Drain the node. See Safely draining a node. You might want to include the --ignore-daemonsets and --delete-local-data flags in your kubectl drain. command.

  2. Power off the VM.

  3. Edit the VM's hardware config in vCenter to remove the volume.

  4. Power on the VM.

  5. Uncordon the node

Volume is lost

This issue can occur if a virtual disk was permanently deleted. This can happen if an operator manually deletes a virtual disk or the virtual machine it is attached to. If you see a "not found" error related to your VMDK file, it is likely that the virtual disk was permanently deleted.

The output of gkectl diagnose cluster looks like this:

Checking cluster object...PASS
Checking machine objects...PASS
Checking control plane pods...PASS
Checking gke-connect pods...PASS
Checking kube-system pods...PASS
Checking gke-system pods...PASS
Checking storage...FAIL
    PersistentVolume pvc-52161704-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84: virtual disk "[datastore_nfs] kubevols/kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-52161704-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84.vmdk" IS NOT found
1 storage errors

One or more Pods are stuck in the ContainerCreating state:

  Type     Reason              Age                   From                                    Message
  ----     ------              ----                  ----                                    -------
  Warning  FailedAttachVolume  71s (x28 over 42m)    attachdetach-controller                 AttachVolume.Attach failed for volume "pvc-52161704-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84" : File []/vmfs/volumes/43416d29-03095e58/kubevols/
  kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-52161704-d350-11e9-9db8-e297f465bc84.vmdk was not found

To prevent this issue from occurring, manage your virtual machines as described in Resizing a user cluster and Upgrading clusters.

To resolve this issue, you might need to manually clean up related Kubernetes resources:

  1. Delete the PVC that referenced the PV by running kubectl delete pvc [PVC_NAME].

  2. Delete the Pod that referenced the PVC by running kubectl delete pod [POD_NAME].

  3. Repeat step 2. Yes, really. See Kubernetes issue 74374.

vSphere CSI Volume fails to detach

This issue occurs if the CNS > Searchable privilege has not been granted to the vSphere user.

If you find Pods stuck in the ContainerCreating phase with FailedAttachVolume warnings, it could be due to a failed detach on a different node.

To check for CSI detach errors:

kubectl get volumeattachments,DETACH_ERROR:status.detachError.message

The output is similar to the following:

NAME                                                                   DETACH_ERROR
csi-0e80d9be14dc09a49e1997cc17fc69dd8ce58254bd48d0d8e26a554d930a91e5   rpc error: code = Internal desc = QueryVolume failed for volumeID: "57549b5d-0ad3-48a9-aeca-42e64a773469". ServerFaultCode: NoPermission

To resolve this issue, add the CNS > Searchable privilege to your vcenter user account. The detach operation automatically retries until it succeeds.

vSphere CSI driver not supported on ESXi host

This issue occurs when an ESXi host in the vSphere cluster is running a version lower than ESXi 6.7U3.

The output of gkectl check-config includes this warning:

The vSphere CSI driver is not supported on current ESXi host versions.
CSI requires ESXi 6.7U3 or above. See logs for ESXi version details.

To resolve this issue, upgrade your ESXi hosts to version 6.7U3 or later.

CSI volume creation fails with NotSupported error

This issue occurs when an ESXi host in the vSphere cluster is running a version lower than ESXi 6.7U3.

The output of kubectl describe pvc includes this error:

Failed to provision volume with StorageClass : rpc error:
code = Internal desc = Failed to create volume. Error: CnsFault error:
CNS: Failed to create disk.:Fault cause: vmodl.fault.NotSupported

To resolve this issue, upgrade your ESXi hosts to version 6.7U3 or later.

vSphere CSI volume fails to attach

This known issue in the open-source vSphere CSI driver occurs when a node is shut down, deleted, or fails.

The output of kubectl describe pod looks like this:

 Type    Reason                 From                     Message
 ----    ------             ... ----                     -------
 Warning FailedAttachVolume ... attachdetach-controller  Multi-Attach error for volume
                                                         Volume is already exclusively attached to one
                                                         node and can't be attached to another

To resolve this issue:

  1. Note the name of the PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) in the preceding output, and find the VolumeAttachments that are associated with the PVC. For example:

    kubectl get volumeattachments | grep pvc-xxxxx

    The output shows the names of the VolumeAttachments. For example:

    csi-yyyyy   pvc-xxxxx   node-zzzzz ...
  2. Describe the VolumeAttachments. For example:

    kubectl describe volumeattachments csi-yyyyy | grep "Deletion Timestamp"

    Make a note of the deletion timestamp in the output:

    Deletion Timestamp:   2021-03-10T22:14:58Z
  3. Wait until the time specified by the deletion timestamp, and then force delete the VolumeAttachment. To do this, edit the VolumeAttachment object and delete the finalizer. For example:

    kubectl edit volumeattachment csi-yyyyy

vSphere CSI VolumeSnapshot not ready because of version

This issue occurs when the version of vCenter Server or ESXi host lower than 7.0 Update 3.

The output of kubectl describe volumesnapshot includes errors like this:

rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = VC version does not support snapshot operations.

To resolve this issue, upgrade vCenter Server and the ESXi hosts to version 7.0 Update 3 or later.

vSphere CSI VolumeSnapshot not ready, maximum snapshots per volume

This issue occurs when the number of snapshots per volume reaches the maximum value for the vSphere Container Storage driver. The default value is three.

The output of kubectl describe volumesnapshot includes the errors like this:

rpc error: code = FailedPrecondition desc = the number of snapshots on the source volume 5394aac1-bc0a-44e2-a519-1a46b187af7b reaches the configured maximum (3)

To resolve this issue, use the following steps to update the maximum number of snapshots per volume:

  1. Get the name of the Secret that supplies the vSphere configuration to the vSphere CSI controller:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get deployment vsphere-csi-controller \
       --namespace USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
       --output json \
       | jq -r '.spec.template.spec.volumes[] \
       | select(.name=="vsphere-secret") .secret.secretName'

    Replace the following:

    • ADMIN_KUBECONFIG: the path of your admin cluster kubeconfig file
    • USER_CLUSTER_NAME: the name of your user cluster
  2. Get the value of data.config from the Secret, base64 decode it, and save it in a file named config.txt:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG get secret SECRET_NAME \
       --namespace USER_CLUSTER_NAME  \
       --output json | jq -r '.data["config"]' | base64 -d > config.txt

    Replace SECRET_NAME with the name of the Secret from the previous step.

  3. Open config.txt for editing:

    Edit or add the global-max-snapshots-per-block-volume field in the [Snapshot] section. For example:

    cluster-id = "my-user-cluster"
    insecure-flag = "0"
    user = "my-account.local"
    password = "fxqSD@SZTUIsG"
    [VirtualCenter "my-vCenter"]
    port = "443"
    datacenters = "my-datacenter1"
    global-max-snapshots-per-block-volume = 4
  4. Delete and re-create the Secret:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG delete secret SECRET_NAME \
       --namespace USER_CLUSTER_NAME
    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG create secret generic SECRET_NAME \
       --namespace USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
  5. Restart the vsphere-csi-controller Deployment:

    kubectl --kubeconfig ADMIN_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG rollout restart deployment vsphere-csi-controller \
       --namespace USER_CLUSTER_NAME