This page shows you how to install Google Distributed Cloud using a registry
mirror instead of using
. To use a registry mirror, you must set the
container runtime to containerd.
Registry mirrors are designated to mirror the entirety of
; not just
, which is where Google Distributed Cloud
images are typically stored.
For example, if you try to pull an image
, this only works if your
registry service has this image in the exact same path, like
images still work as normal, for example, you can still pull
Using a registry mirror helps you save on traffic and offers an alternative to
in case you need to insulate your clusters from
It also allows you to conduct your own vulnerability scanning.
Before you begin
- You must have a container registry server set up in your network.
- If your registry server runs a private TLS certificate, you must have the certificate authority (CA) file.
- If your registry server needs authentication, you must have the proper login credentials or Docker configuration file.
Download all required images for Google Distributed Cloud
Download the latest version of the bmctl
tool and images package from the
Download page.
Upload container images to your registry server
Upload the images from the images package to your registry server by running:
[HTTPS_PROXY=http://PROXY_IP:PORT ] ./bmctl push images \
--source=./bmpackages_1.8.0.tar.xz \
--private-registry=REGISTRY_IP:PORT \
[--cacert=CERT_PATH ] \
Replace the following:
- PROXY_IP:PORT with the IP address and port of the proxy if you need a proxy to upload the images from your workstation to the registry server.
- REGISTRY_IP:PORT with the IP address and port of the private registry server.
- CERT_PATH with the path of the CA cert file if your registry server uses a private TLS certificate.
Enter your username and password when prompted or select a Docker configuration
file. If your registry server doesn't require credentials, then specify
For more information on the bmctl push images
command, run:
bmctl push images --help
Using your own namespace
If you want to use your own namespace in your registry server instead of the
root namespace, containerd
can pull from this sub namespace if you provide the
API endpoint for your private registry in registryMirrors.endpoint
. The
endpoint is usually in the format of <REGISTRY_IP:PORT>/v2/<NAMESPACE>
. Check
your private registry's user guide for specific details.
For example, if you only have access to
, you
can use the following command to upload all the images under namespace
./bmctl push images \
--source=./bmpackages_1.8.0.tar.xz \
--cacert <path/to/cert.crt>
Then in the cluster YAML file, you can input the following to make containerd
pull from the sub namespace:
- endpoint:
Create clusters from the registry mirror
Below is a sample cluster configuration file that uses your own registry mirror
server instead of
If your registry doesn't require a private TLS certificate, then you can leave
the caCertPath
field blank.
If your registry server doesn't require an authentication Docker configuration
file, then you can leave the pullCredentialConfigPath
field blank.
For detailed information on creating clusters, see Creating clusters.
# Sample cluster config with registry mirror:
gcrKeyPath: /bmctl/bmctl-workspace/.sa-keys/my-gcp-project-anthos-baremetal-gcr.json
sshPrivateKeyPath: /root/ssh-key/id_rsa
- endpoint:
caCertPath: /root/ca.crt
pullCredentialConfigPath: /root/.docker/config.json
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: cluster-admin1
kind: Cluster
name: admin1
namespace: cluster-admin1
containerRuntime: containerd
All nodes in this cluster will use this registry mirror
instead of
Fail over to
If your cluster fails to pull from your registry mirror, it will automatically
fail over to
. This is why we recommend providing a value for
in the cluster configuration file. If a value is not provided,
your cluster is not able to pull from
in the event that your
registry mirror fails.
If you don't need the pull failover feature, then you don't need add a
or add
to your proxy allow list.
Update registry mirror endpoints, certificates, and pull credentials
To update registry mirror endpoints, certificates, or pull credentials:
In the cluster configuration file, update the endpoint, CA certificate file, pull credential configuration file path.
Apply the changes by running:
bmctl update cluster -c
CLUSTER_NAME --kubeconfig=ADMIN_KUBECONFIG Replace the following:
- CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the cluster you want to update.
- ADMIN_KUBECONFIG with the path of its admin cluster's configuration file.