Working with VM-based workloads

This page shows you how to deploy VMs on Google Distributed Cloud using Anthos VM Runtime. Anthos VM Runtime uses KubeVirt to orchestrate VMs on clusters, allowing you to work with your VM-based apps and workloads in a uniform development environment. You can enable Anthos VM Runtime when creating a new cluster and on existing clusters.

Before you begin

These instructions assume that you have a cluster up and running. If you don't, you can follow the instructions on Google Distributed Cloud quickstart to quickly set up a cluster on your workstation.

Enable Anthos VM Runtime

  1. Open the cluster configuration by running:

    kubectl --kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/CLUSTER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig edit cluster CLUSTER_NAME -n cluster-CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster.

  2. Add kubevirt to the spec section of the cluster configuration. If the node supports hardware virtualization, set useEmulation to false for better performance. If hardware virtualization isn't supported or you aren't sure, set it to true.

      anthosBareMetalVersion: 1.8.9
        useEmulation: true
      bypassPreflightCheck: false
  3. Save the configuration and verify that KubeVirt is enabled:

    kubectl --kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/CLUSTER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get pods -n kubevirt

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster.

    The command returns something like:

    NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    virt-api-767bc4ccd5-56fk2         1/1     Running   0          11d
    virt-api-767bc4ccd5-ms8tn         1/1     Running   0          11d
    virt-controller-c8468c84c-l4dzr   1/1     Running   0          11d
    virt-controller-c8468c84c-tljnj   1/1     Running   1          11d
    virt-handler-6wk5v                1/1     Running   0          11d
    virt-handler-ngth6                1/1     Running   0          11d
    virt-operator-7447547957-c6g5d    1/1     Running   1          11d
    virt-operator-7447547957-nl826    1/1     Running   0          11d

Install virtctl

  1. Install the virtctl CLI tool as a kubectl plugin

    sudo -E ./bmctl install virtctl
  2. Verify that virtctl is installed:

    kubectl plugin list

    virtctl is successfully installed if it's listed in the response.

Create a VM

Once you enable KubeVirt on your cluster and install the virtctl plugin for kubectl, you can start creating VMs in your cluster using the kubectl virt create vm command. Before running this command, we recommend configuring a cloud-init file to ensure that you have console access to the VM once it's created.

Create a custom cloud-init file for console access

There are two ways that you can create a custom cloud-init file. The easiest way is to specify the --os=<OPERATING_SYSTEM> flag when creating the VM. This method automatically configures a simple cloud-init file and works for the following operating systems.

  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • Debian
  • Fedora

Once your VM is created, you can access it for the first time with the following credentials and then change the password:

user: root
password: changeme

If your image contains a different Linux-based OS or you need a more advanced configuration, you can manually create a custom cloud-init file and specify the path to that file by specifying the --cloud-init-file=<path/to/file> flag. In its most basic form, the cloud-init file is a YAML file that contains the following:

user: root
password: changeme
lock_passwd: false
chpasswd: {expire: false}
disable_root: false
- <ssh-key>

For more advanced configurations, see Cloud config examples.

Once you've determined which method to use, you are ready to create a VM.

Run the kubectl virt create vm command

You can create VMs from public or custom images.

If your cluster has external connection, you can create a VM from a public image by running:

kubectl virt create vm VM_NAME \
    --boot-disk-access-mode=MODE \
    --boot-disk-size=DISK_SIZE \
    --boot-disk-storage-class="DISK_CLASS" \
    --cloud-init-file=FILE_PATH \
    --cpu=CPU_NUMBER \
    --image=IMAGE_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to create.
  • MODE with the access-mode of the boot disk. Possible values are ReadWriteOnce (default) or ReadWriteMany.
  • DISK_SIZE with the size you want for the boot disk. The default value is 20Gi.
  • DISK_CLASS with the storage class of the boot disk. The default value is local-shared. For a list of available storage classes, run kubectl get storageclass.
  • FILE_PATH with the full path of the customized cloud-init file. Depending on the image, this may be required to gain console access to the VM after it is created. If you plan to automatically configure the cloud-init file with the --os flag, then don't specify the --cloud-init-file flag. If you're specifying the --cloud-init-file flag, the --os flag is ignored. Accectable values for --os are ubuntu, centos, debian, and fedora.
  • CPU_NUMBER with the number of CPUs you want to configure for the VM. The default value is 1.
  • IMAGE_NAME with the VM image, which can be ubuntu20.04 (default), centos8, or a URL of the image.
  • MEMORY_SIZE with the memory size of the VM. The default value is 4Gi.

When creating a VM from a custom image, you can either specify an image from an HTTP image server or a locally stored image.

HTTP image server

You can set up an HTTP server using Apache or nginx and upload the custom image to its exposed folder. You can then create a VM from the custom image by running:

kubectl virt create vm VM_NAME \
    --boot-disk-access-mode=DISK_ACCESS_MODE \
    --boot-disk-size=DISK_SIZE \
    --boot-disk-storage-class=DISK_CLASS \
    --cloud-init-file=FILE_PATH \
    --cpu=CPU_NUMBER \
    --image=http://SERVER_IP/IMAGE_NAME \

Replace the following:

  • VM_NAME with the name of the VM you want to create.
  • DISK_ACCESS_MODE with the access-mode of the boot disk. Possible values are ReadWriteOnce (default) or ReadWriteMany.
  • DISK_SIZE with the size you want for the boot disk. The default value is 20Gi.
  • DISK_CLASS with the storage class of the boot disk. The default value is local-shared. For a list of available storage classes, run kubectl get storageclass.
  • FILE_PATH with the full path of the customized cloud-init file. Depending on the image, this may be required to gain console access to the VM after it is created. If you plan to automatically configure the cloud-init file with the --os flag, then don't specify the --cloud-init-file flag. If you're specifying the --cloud-init-file flag, the --os flag is ignored. Accectable values for --os are ubuntu, centos, debian, and fedora.
  • CPU_NUMBER with the number of CPUs you want to configure for the VM. The default value is 1.
  • SERVER_IP with the IP address of the server hosting the image.
  • IMAGE_NAME with the file name of the custom image.
  • MEMORY_SIZE with the memory size of the VM. The default value is 4Gi.

Locally stored image

You can store the custom image locally and create a VM from it by running:

kubectl virt create vm VM_NAME \
    --boot-disk-access-mode=DISK_ACCESS_MODE \
    --boot-disk-size=DISK_SIZE \
    --boot-disk-storage-class=DISK_CLASS \
    --cloud-init-file=FILE_PATH \
    --cpu=CPU_NUMBER \
    --image=IMAGE_PATH \
    --memory=MEMORY_SIZE \

Replace the following:

  • VM_NAME with the name of the VM you want to create.
  • DISK_ACCESS_MODE with the access-mode of the boot disk. Possible values are ReadWriteOnce (default) or ReadWriteMany.
  • DISK_SIZE with the size you want for the boot disk. The default value is 20Gi.
  • DISK_CLASS with the storage class of the boot disk. The default value is local-shared.
  • FILE_PATH with the full path of the customized cloud-init file. Depending on the image, this may be required to gain console access to the VM after it is created. If you plan to automatically configure the cloud-init file with the --os flag, then don't specify the --cloud-init-file flag. If you're specifying the --cloud-init-file flag, the --os flag is ignored. Accectable values for --os are ubuntu, centos, debian, and fedora.
  • CPU_NUMBER with the number of CPUs you want to configure for the VM. The default value is 1.
  • IMAGE_PATH with the local file path to the custom image.
  • MEMORY_SIZE with the memory size of the VM. The default value is 4Gi.

Change the default values for flags

The kubectl virt create vm command uses default values to auto-fill unspecified flags when the command is executed. You can change these default values by running:

kubectl virt config default FLAG

Replace FLAG with the flag of the parameter that you want to change the default value for.

Example: The following command changes the default CPU configuration from the initial default of 1 to 2:

kubectl virt config default --cpu=2

For a list of supported flags and their current default values, run:

kubectl virt config default -h

The default configurations are stored client side as a local file called ~/.virtctl.default. You can change the default configurations by editing this file as well.

Access your VM

You can access VMs using the following methods:

To access a VM from the console, run:

kubectl virt console VM_NAME

Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to access.

To access a VM using VNC, run:

# This requires remote-viewer from the virt-viewer package and a graphical desktop from where you run virtctl
kubectl virt vnc VM_NAME

Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to access.

The IP addresses of your cluster VMs can be directly accessed by all other pods in the cluster. To find the IP address of a VM, run:

kubectl get vmi VM_NAME

Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to access.

The command returns something like:

NAME     AGE   PHASE     IP              NODENAME
vm1      13m   Running   upgi-bm002

VMs created in your cluster have pod network addresses that can be accessed only from within the cluster. To access cluster VMs externally:

  1. Expose the VM as a load balancer service:

    kubectl virt expose vm VM_NAME \
        --port=LB_PORT \
        --target-port=VM_PORT \
        --type=LoadBalancer \

    Replace the following:

    • VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to access.
    • LB_PORT with the port of the load balancer service that is exposed.
    • VM_PORT with the port on the VM that you want to access through the load balancer service.
    • SERVICE_NAME with the name you want to give to this load balancer service.
  2. Get the external IP address of the load balancer service:

    kubectl get svc SERVICE_NAME

    Replace SERVICE_NAME with the name of the load balancer service that exposes the VM.

    You can access the target-port of the VM through the IP address listed in the EXTERNAL-IP field of the response.


If you have a VM named galaxy that you wanted to access it from outside the cluster using SSH, you would run:

kubectl virt expose vm galaxy \
   --port=25022 \
   --target-port=22 \
   --type=LoadBalancer \

Then get the load balancer IP address:

kubectl get svc galaxy-ssh

The command returns something like:

NAME        TYPE          CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)           AGE
galaxy-ssh  LoadBalancer   25000:30499/TCP   4m40s

Now you can access the VM using SSH through (VIP:port) from outside the cluster:

ssh root@ -p 25022

Inspect VM telemetry and console logs

VM telemetry and console logs have been integrated into Google Cloud console. Telemetry information and log data are critical to monitoring the status of your VMs and troubleshooting any problems with your cluster VMs.

VM telemetry

The Anthos clusters VM status dashboard provides live telemetry data for your cluster VMs.

To view telemetry information for your cluster VMs:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, select Monitoring, or click the following button:

    Go to Monitoring

  2. Select Dashboards.

    Anthos cluster VM status dashboard in the Monitoring dashboards list

  3. Click Anthos clusters VM status in the All Dashboards list.

    Anthos cluster VM status details

VM console logs

VM serial console logs are streamed to Cloud Logging and can be viewed in Logs Explorer.

Logs Explorer showing Anthos cluster VM data

Delete VMs and their resources

kubectl virt delete vm VM_NAME

Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to delete.

kubectl virt delete disk DISK_NAME

Replace DISK_NAME with the name of the disk that you want to delete. If you try to delete a VM disk before deleting the VM, the disk is marked for deletion pending the deletion of the VM.

kubectl virt delete vm VM_NAME --all

Replace VM_NAME with the name of the VM that you want to delete.

If you want to check the resources used by the VM that would be deleted, you can specify the --dry-run flag together with --all.

Disable Anthos VM Runtime

Before you can disable Anthos VM Runtime in a cluster, you must ensure that all VMs in that cluster have been deleted. Disabling Anthos VM Runtime removes all KubeVirt related deployments, such as pods and services in the KubeVirt and CDI namespaces.

  1. Check for any existing VMs in the cluster:

    kubectl get vm

    If the command shows that there are still VMs in your cluster, then you must delete them before proceeding.

  2. Open the cluster configuration by running:

    kubectl --kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/CLUSTER_NAME/CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig edit cluster CLUSTER_NAME -n cluster-CLUSTER_NAME

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of your cluster.

  3. Remove kubevirt from the spec section of the cluster configuration.

      anthosBareMetalVersion: 1.8.9
        useEmulation: true
      bypassPreflightCheck: false
  4. Save the configuration.

What's next