adalah alat command line untuk GKE di Bare Metal yang menyederhanakan
pembuatan dan pengelolaan cluster. Dokumen ini adalah referensi komprehensif untuk
perintah bmctl
dan flag terkait.
Cadangkan cluster Anthos berdasarkan informasi bare metal.
-h, --help help for backup
cluster cadangan
Cadangkan Anthos di cluster bare metal dan simpan cadangan ke dalam file tar.
backup cluster [flags]
--backup-file string path to the output backup files.
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for cluster
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--use-disk Perform the backup using the disk instead of in-memory buffer. This option only works when the command is run by the root user or with sudo.
--yes Perform the backup and do not prompt for confirmation (non-interactive mode).
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mencadangkan dan memulihkan cluster dengan bmctl
, lihat
Mencadangkan dan memulihkan cluster dengan bmctl.
Lakukan preflight atau health check pada cluster atau infrastruktur Anda.
-h, --help help for check
periksa add-on
Periksa kondisi operasional add-on cluster, seperti
, stackdriver-log-forwarder
, dan
check add-ons [flags]
# Do a health check for add-ons
bmctl check add-ons --cluster=cluster1
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for add-ons
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
periksa cluster
Memeriksa respons cluster atau membuat snapshot cluster.
check cluster [flags]
# Do a health check for cluster.
bmctl check cluster --cluster=cluster1
# Take a snapshot of the cluster (requires admin cluster to be available).
bmctl check cluster --snapshot --cluster=cluster1 --admin-kubeconfig=admin-kubeconfig
# Take a snapshot of the cluster nodes only (does not require admin cluster to be available).
bmctl check cluster --snapshot --cluster=cluster1 --snapshot-config=snapshot-config
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for cluster
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--login-user string The user to login to each node. This will be ignored when admin-kubeconfig is set. (default "root")
--node-ssh-key string The file contains ssh key to the nodes to capture snapshots against. While this flag is fully optional, when provided, nodes must also be provided.
--nodes strings The comma-separated IP address list of the nodes to capture snapshots against. While this flag is fully optional, when provided, node-ssh-key must also be provided.
--quiet During snapshot run suppress logging to stdout. (Console log is available in 'bmctl_diagnose_snapshot.log' file part of the snapshot)
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--service-account-key-file string The service account key file for uploading the snapshot. Please make sure this service account has the "roles/storage.admin" of its parent project for creating a Cloud Storage bucket and writing object to the bucket. Note that:
- this flag is defaulted to the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS, if not provided.
- this flag is ignored, if "--upload-to" flag is empty.
--since duration This Only returns logs newer than a relative duration like 5s, 4m, or 3h. It defaults to all logs.
--snapshot Takes a snapshot of the cluster's logs, configurations and other data if true.
--snapshot-config string The config file of the snapshot. When this flag is omitted, a default configuration is applied.
--snapshot-dry-run In dry-run mode, the command does not take the snapshot. Instead, it prints out the actions to be taken and the snapshot configuration.
--snapshot-output string The output file of the snapshot.
--snapshot-scenario string The scenario of the snapshot. This is ignored when --config flag is specified. The supported scenarios are:
- system: snapshot of system components, including their logs
- all: snapshot of all pods, including their logs (default "system")
--snapshot-temp-output-dir string The temporary landing directory for snapshot.
--upload-to string The Cloud Storage bucket name for uploading the snapshot. A new bucket will be created if it doesn't exist. Please follow the naming guidelines here(
periksa konfigurasi
Periksa file konfigurasi cluster.
check config [flags]
# Do check for cluster1.yaml file
bmctl check config --cluster=cluster1
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for config
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
periksa gcp
Konektivitas cluster ke health check Google Cloud.
check gcp [flags]
# Do a machines' Google Cloud connectivity health check for cluster
bmctl check gcp --cluster=cluster1
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for gcp
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
lihat kubernetes
Health check Kubernetes.
check kubernetes [flags]
# Do a kubernetes health check for cluster
bmctl check kubernetes --cluster=cluster1
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for kubernetes
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
periksa node
Periksa respons node.
check nodes [flags]
# Do a health check for some provisioned nodes
bmctl check nodes --addresses=,
--addresses strings Node addresses, addresses should be a comma separated list, each address needs be a single IP address(e.g.,
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for nodes
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
periksa preflight
Pemeriksaan awal.
Pemeriksaan awal.
check preflight [flags]
# Do a preflight check for cluster1.yaml in bmctl-workspace/cluster1
bmctl check preflight --cluster=cluster1. If kubeconfig flag (for example, --kubeconfig=bmctl-workspace/cluster1/cluster1-kubeconfig) is included, the command will trigger a preflight check for upgrading the cluster
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for preflight
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
Untuk informasi selengkapnya tentang pemeriksaan preflight, lihat Memahami pemeriksaan preflight.
Buat file konfigurasi cluster, cluster, atau akun layanan Kubernetes (KSA).
-h, --help help for create
buat cluster
Buat cluster dari file konfigurasi cluster.
Membuat resource bare metal Anthos. Perintah ini akan memunculkan kubeconfig dari cluster yang dibuat. Pastikan untuk menyimpan file ini dengan aman karena berisi kredensial untuk cluster Anda. Perintah ini memerlukan izin untuk memeriksa pengaktifan API untuk project Google Cloud Anda.
create cluster [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--force If true, ignore errors from preflight checks and validation except for Google Cloud check errors.
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for cluster
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang cara membuat cluster, baca Ringkasan pembuatan cluster.
buat konfigurasi
Buat file konfigurasi cluster. Secara default, file ini dibuat di folder bmctl-workspace/
create config [flags]
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters or '-', start with an alphabetic character, and end with an alphanumeric character
--create-service-accounts Auto create Google Cloud service accounts keys, if they do not already exist in workspace
--enable-apis Auto enable APIs used by Anthos Bare Metal cluster, for the Google Cloud project specified by project-id flag
--force Overwrite existing config
-h, --help help for config
--project-id string Google Cloud project where the new cluster will connect with via GKE hub and stackdriver logging/monitoring, required if --create-service-accounts or --enable-apis is true
buat ksa
Membuat akun layanan Kubernetes dengan peran admin cluster dari cluster target.
Nama default akun layanan Kubernetes adalah “kubernetes-service-account”, sehingga flag “--name” bersifat opsional.
Perintah tersebut menghasilkan token pemilik yang
dapat Anda gunakan untuk masuk ke cluster.
Secara default, token pemilik disimpan di folder bmctl-workspace/
create ksa [flags]
-c, --cluster string Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml.
-h, --help help for ksa
--ksa-name string Name of the kubernetes service account and default value is kubernetes-service-account. (default "kubernetes-service-account")
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
Nonaktifkan Anthos VM Runtime di cluster.
-h, --help help for disable
nonaktifkan vmruntime
Nonaktifkan Anthos VM Runtime di cluster.
disable vmruntime [flags]
--force If true, delete all VM resources and disable vmruntime.
-h, --help help for vmruntime
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mengaktifkan dan menonaktifkan Runtime VM di GDC, lihat Mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan Runtime VM di GDC.
Aktifkan Anthos VM Runtime di cluster.
-h, --help help for enable
aktifkan vmruntime
Aktifkan Anthos VM Runtime di cluster.
enable vmruntime [flags]
-h, --help help for vmruntime
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mengaktifkan dan menonaktifkan Runtime VM di GDC, lihat Mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan Runtime VM di GDC.
Daftarkan cluster agar dapat dikelola oleh Anthos On-Prem API.
-h, --help help for enroll
daftarkan cluster
Daftarkan cluster agar dapat dikelola oleh Anthos On-Prem API. Pendaftaran ini memungkinkan pengelolaan cluster melalui klien, seperti Google Cloud Console dan gcloud CLI.
enroll cluster [flags]
-c, --cluster string Cluster name.
--cluster-resource-name string Unique cluster name within a Google Cloud project/fleet. It is defaulted to be the same as the --cluster-name and they should be the same if possible. In case there is already another cluster with the same name enrolled in the project/fleet previously (under another admin cluster), this flag can be used to rename the cluster within the Google Cloud project/fleet.
-h, --help help for cluster
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--location location The Google Cloud location to enroll the user cluster. The "us-west1" location is the default. (default us-west1)
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang mendaftarkan cluster, lihat Mengonfigurasi cluster untuk dikelola oleh GKE di Bare Metal.
Dapatkan konfigurasi cluster atau kredensial cluster.
-h, --help help for get
dapatkan konfigurasi
Dapatkan file konfigurasi cluster. Perintah ini menarik resource kustom cluster target dan membuat file konfigurasi.
get config [flags]
-c, --cluster string Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml.
-h, --help help for config
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
dapatkan kredensial
Mendapatkan kredensial cluster target. Perintah ini membuat file kubeconfig di folder
get credentials [flags]
-c, --cluster string Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml.
-h, --help help for credentials
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
Melakukan operasi penginstalan software.
-h, --help help for install
instal virtctl
Instal virtctl ke komputer saat ini sebagai plugin kubectl. Plugin virtctl mendukung operasi VM dasar, seperti membuat, menghubungkan, dan mengubah status daya.
install virtctl [flags]
-d, --dst-dir string The dir virtctl binary to be installed, this path must be a valid one within PATH env variable
-h, --help help for virtctl
Pindahkan resource bare metal Anthos dan semua dependensi di antara cluster pengelolaan.
- Namespace cluster target dapat berisi resource tambahan, dan resource yang bertentangan akan diganti.
move [flags]
--cluster-move-timeout duration Cluster move timeout, default value is 15m. The input should contain the duration unit, e.g. 3600s, 60m or 1h. (default 15m0s)
--from-kubeconfig string kubeconfig file path for the source management cluster. If unspecified, will use the default discovered kubeconfig.
--from-kubeconfig-context string Context to be used within the kubeconfig file for the source management cluster. If empty, current context will be used.
-h, --help help for move
-n, --namespace string The namespace where the cluster resources are stored. If unspecified, the current context's namespace is used.
--to-kubeconfig string kubeconfig file path for the destination management cluster.
--to-kubeconfig-context string Context to be used within the kubeconfig file for the destination management cluster. If empty, current context will be used.
Mengirim image Docker ke registry pribadi.
-h, --help help for push
kirim gambar
Mengirim file tar image container lokal ke registry pribadi.
push images [flags]
--cacert string Private registry CA certificate file path.
--dry-run Dry run.
--email string Email for private registry.
--force-push If set to true, will always push images even if images already exist in registry.
-h, --help help for images
--need-credential Whether credential is needed for private registry. (default true)
--password string Password for private registry authentication.
-r, --private-registry string Private registry path that stores all Anthos Bare Metal images.
Format should be <registry-name>/<optional-registry-namespace>.
--source string Path to Anthos Bare Metal container images compressed file.
-t, --threads int Push images with multiple threads. (default 4)
--username string Username for private registry authentication.
mendaftarkan bootstrap
Mendaftarkan cluster bootstrap ke Hub API.
Mendaftarkan cluster bootstrap ke Hub API. Perintah ini mendaftarkan cluster Kind lokal sebagai cluster admin. Perintah ini menunggu cluster dibuat di Konsol Google Cloud dan keluar setelah cluster berhasil dibuat.
register bootstrap [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
--cloud-operation-service-account-key string Optional, service account key file used to access Google cloud service, service account key specified by environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS will be used to fetch or create the Service account.
--gcr-service-account-key string Optional, service account key file used to pull GCR images, service account key specified by environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS will be used to fetch or create the Service account.
--gke-agent-service-account-key string Optional, service account key file used to connect the GKE cluster in Google Cloud, service account key specified by environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS will be used to fetch or create the Service account.
--gke-register-service-account-key string Optional, service account key file used to register the cluster in Google Cloud, service account key specified by environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS will be used to fetch or create the Service account.
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for bootstrap
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--name string Mandatory, Name of the bootstrap cluster. bmctl will register the bootstrap cluster with this name with GKE Connect.
--project-id string Optional, Google Cloud project for GKE Connect. bmctl will register this bootstrap cluster into Google Cloud project temporarily, and un-register it after cluster is provisioned successfully.
--registry-mirror-ca string Registry mirror CA file.
--registry-mirror-credential string Registry mirror credential file.
--registry-mirror-endpoint string Registry mirror endpoint.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--ssh-client-cert string Optional, Path of the SSH certificate. ABM will use this ssh key certificate while sshing in the machines.
--ssh-key string Mandatory, Path of the SSH key. ABM will use this ssh key while sshing in the machines.
Reset mesin cluster ke status sebelum penginstalan.
Perintah ini mencoba mengurungkan perubahan yang dilakukan dalam upaya penginstalan sebelumnya. Ini adalah upaya terbaik yang dimaksudkan untuk memulihkan kegagalan penginstalan parsial.
reset [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for reset
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
mereset bootstrap
Hapus cluster bootstrap.
reset bootstrap [flags]
bmctl reset bootstrap
-h, --help help for bootstrap
reset node
Mereset node yang ditentukan ke status sebelum menginstal cluster Anthos di bare metal.
reset nodes [flags]
bmctl reset nodes --addresses, --ssh-private-key-path /root/.ssh/id_rsa --login-user root --gcr-service-account-key gcr.json
--addresses strings Node addresses, addresses should be a comma separated list, each address needs be a single IP address(e.g.,
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--force Optional. If provided, nodes will be forcefully removed from the cluster without running reset jobs.
--gcr-service-account-key string Optional, path to the service account json key to pull gcr images. Mutually exclusive with --cluster flag. If not provided, the environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS will be used.
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for nodes
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--login-user string login user to use to connect to the nodes. Mutually exclusive with --cluster flag. Optional and should be used together with --ssh-private-key-path. Default to root.
--registry-mirror-ca string Registry mirror CA file.
--registry-mirror-credential string Registry mirror credential file.
--registry-mirror-endpoint string Registry mirror endpoint.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--ssh-private-key-path string path to the ssh private key to connect to the nodes. Either --cluster or --ssh-private-key-path should be provided, but not both. Use this flag to reset the machines if the original cluster yaml is no longer available.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang penggunaan bmctl reset nodes
untuk menampilkan node cluster ke status pra-penginstalan atau menghapus cluster, lihat Mereset node dan menghapus cluster.
Memulihkan cluster atau mencoba mendapatkan kembali kuorum untuk cluster.
Memulihkan Anthos di cluster bare metal. Jika digunakan tanpa sub-perintah cluster, perintah ini akan berupaya memulihkan cluster ketersediaan tinggi dari hilangnya kuorum. Jika digunakan dengan subperintah cluster, perintah tersebut akan memulihkan cluster dari file cadangan.
restore [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--control-plane-node string IP for the surviving host address, should be a single IP address(e.g.,
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for restore
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string kubeconfig file path for the management cluster. This only needs to be provided if restoring a broken user cluster.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
pulihkan cluster
Memulihkan Anthos di cluster bare metal dari file cadangan.
restore cluster [flags]
--backup-file string path to the backup file of the cluster.
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for cluster
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string path to the kubeconfig of the management cluster.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--use-disk Perform the restore using the disk instead of in-memory buffer. This option only works when the command is run by the root user or with sudo.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mencadangkan dan memulihkan cluster dengan bmctl
, lihat
Mencadangkan dan memulihkan cluster dengan bmctl.
batalkan pendaftaran
Membatalkan pendaftaran cluster.
-h, --help help for unenroll
batalkan pendaftaran cluster
Membatalkan pendaftaran Anthos di cluster bare metal. Perintah ini menonaktifkan kemampuan untuk mengelola cluster dengan Anthos On-Prem API. Pembatalan pendaftaran akan menonaktifkan kemampuan pengelolaan cluster melalui Google Cloud Console dan gcloud CLI.
unenroll cluster [flags]
-c, --cluster string Cluster name.
-h, --help help for cluster
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
Update cluster Anthos pada resource bare metal.
-h, --help help for update
update cluster
Mengupdate konfigurasi cluster dan node pool. Perintah ini menerapkan perubahan yang dibuat di file konfigurasi cluster. Secara default, file konfigurasi,
update cluster [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for cluster
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang cara mengupdate cluster dengan bmctl
, lihat
Mengupdate cluster. Untuk mengetahui file
konfigurasi cluster yang dapat diubah, lihat
Referensi kolom konfigurasi cluster.
perbarui kredensial
Perbarui kredensial cluster.
Perbarui kredensial Anthos di cluster bare metal. Perintah ini memperbarui kredensial cluster admin dan kredensial cluster pengguna yang dikelola oleh cluster admin.
update credentials [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
--cloud-operations-service-account-key-path string New credential: path to cloud operations service account key.
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gcr-key-path string New credential: path to GCR service account key.
--gke-connect-agent-service-account-key-path string New credential: path to gke connect agent service account key.
--gke-connect-register-service-account-key-path string New credential: path to gke connect register service account key.
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for credentials
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--ssh-private-key-path string New credential: path to ssh private key.
perbarui kredensial certificate-authority
Mengupdate certificate authority di Anthos pada cluster bare metal.
-h, --help help for certificate-authorities
Opsi yang diwarisi dari perintah induk
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
perbarui kredensial certificate-authorities memutar
Merotasi certificate authority.
update credentials certificate-authorities rotate [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for rotate
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
Opsi yang diwarisi dari perintah induk
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
Upgrade Anthos on bare metal cluster ke versi baru.
-h, --help help for upgrade
upgrade cluster
Mengupgrade Anthos di cluster bare metal.
Mengupgrade Anthos di cluster bare metal. Perintah ini membaca versi target dari file konfigurasi cluster dan mengupgrade cluster target ke versi yang ditentukan. Semua perubahan lain dalam file konfigurasi cluster akan diabaikan. Perintah ini memerlukan izin untuk memeriksa pengaktifan API untuk project Google Cloud yang ditentukan dalam file konfigurasi.
upgrade cluster [flags]
--bootstrap-cluster-pod-cidr string Bootstrap cluster pod CIDR (default "")
--bootstrap-cluster-service-cidr string Bootstrap cluster service CIDR (default "")
-c, --cluster cluster name Cluster name, cluster config is expected to be placed under <workspace dir>/<cluster name>/<cluster name>.yaml
--cluster-update-timeout duration Cluster update timeout, default value is 24h. The input should contain the duration unit, e.g. 3600s, 60m or 1h. (default 24h0m0s)
--force If true, ignore errors from preflight checks.
--gkehub-endpoint gkehub-endpoint Sets the URL endpoint for GKEHub API HTTP requests. Can be set to "prod", "staging" or "autopush". The "prod" endpoint is the default. (default prod)
-h, --help help for cluster
--ignore-validation-errors A validation error override, allowing to proceed despite the validation errors.
--kubeconfig string Optional, path to the kubeconfig file for the admin cluster. IF not provided, will fall back to read env var ANTHOS_ADMIN_KUBECONFIG.
--reuse-bootstrap-cluster If true, use existing bootstrap cluster.
--skip-bootstrap-cidr-check If true, skip checking CIDR and the number of nodes to determine whether upgrade would succeed.
Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya tentang upgrade cluster, lihat dokumentasi berikut:
- Mengupgrade cluster
- Praktik terbaik untuk cluster Anthos pada upgrade cluster bare metal
- Siklus proses dan tahap upgrade cluster
Cetak versi bmctl.
version [flags]
-h, --help help for version
-o, --output string Output format of version string. Support version, commit.