Create basic clusters

This page is the second part of a guide that walks you through a small proof-of-concept installation of Distributed Cloud. The first part, Set up minimal infrastructure, shows you how to set up your hardware, plan IP addresses, and set up the necessary Google Cloud infrastructure. This document builds on the setup and planning from the previous section and shows you how to create an admin cluster and a user cluster. You can then go on to Create a Service and an Ingress.

This guide helps you create a minimal Google Distributed Cloud installation. This minimal installation might not be suitable for your actual production needs and use cases. For information about production installations, see the installation guides.

Before you begin

  1. Ensure that you have set up hardware and planned your IP addresses as described in the preceding part of this guide, Set up minimal infrastructure. Alternatively, use the network requirements planner in the Prerequisites section of the Create a Distributed Cloud admin cluster flow in the Google Cloud console.

  2. If you want to use Terraform to create the user cluster, you need Terraform either on your admin workstation or another computer.

    1. Make sure you have the latest Google Cloud CLI components installed:

      gcloud components update
  3. Do the following steps to activate and use the GKE On-Prem API:

    1. Enable the API in your project:

      gcloud services enable \
          --project PROJECT_ID \


      Replace PROJECT_ID with the project ID of your fleet host project.

      If you get a PERMISSION_DENIED error, double check the project ID that you entered. If the project ID is correct, run gcloud auth login to sign in to the Google Cloud CLI with the account that has access to the project.

    2. If this is the first time that you have enabled the GKE On-Prem API in your project, you need to initialize the API. You can do this by calling a gcloud CLI command that displays available versions that you can use to create a cluster:

      gcloud container bare-metal clusters query-version-config \
          --project=PROJECT_ID \

Procedure overview

Creating basic clusters consists of these primary steps:

  1. Gather information used to specify the configuration of your clusters.

  2. Create an admin cluster for managing your user cluster.

  3. Create a user cluster that can run your workloads.

1. Gather information

Use the information that you prepared in Set up minimal infrastructure or from the network planner to fill in each placeholder in the following table. The placeholders correspond to field values in the cluster configuration files for the minimal installation of one admin cluster and one user cluster. Some placeholders are set to the prefilled values from the generated cluster configuration file, but all placeholders are editable.

Basic cluster information
The name of the admin cluster you're creating. The location and naming of cluster artifacts on the admin workstation are based on the cluster name. The cluster namespace is derived from the cluster name. ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME
The name of the user cluster you're creating. The location and naming of cluster artifacts on the admin workstation are based on the cluster name. The cluster namespace is derived from the cluster name. USER_CLUSTER_NAME
The version of bmctl that you downloaded in the first part of this guide. CLUSTER_VERSION
Account information
The path to the SSH private key file on your admin workstation. By default, the path is
The ID of the Google Cloud project that you want to use for connecting your cluster to Google Cloud and viewing logs and metrics. This project is also referred to as the fleet host project. PROJECT_ID
The email address that is associated with your Google Cloud account. For example: GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL
Node machine IP addresses
One IP address for the admin cluster control plane node. ADMIN_CP_NODE_IP
One IP address for the user cluster control plane node. USER_CP_NODE_IP
One IP address for the user cluster worker node. USER_WORKER_NODE_IP
VIP addresses
VIP for the Kubernetes API server of the admin cluster. ADMIN_CP_VIP
VIP for the Kubernetes API server of the user cluster. USER_CP_VIP
One VIP to use as the external address for the ingress proxy. USER_INGRESS_VIP
Range of ten IP addresses for use as external IP addresses for Services of type LoadBalancer. Notice that this range includes the ingress VIP, which is required by MetalLB. No other IP addresses can overlap this range. START_IP-END_IP
Pod and Service CIDRs
Range of IP addresses in CIDR block notation for use by Pods on the admin cluster. The recommended starting value, which is pre-filled in the generated cluster configuration file is
Range of IP addresses in CIDR block notation for use by Services on the admin cluster. The recommended starting value, which is pre-filled in the generated cluster configuration file is
Range of IP addresses in CIDR block notation for use by Pods on the user cluster. The recommended starting value, which is pre-filled in the generated cluster configuration file is
Range of IP addresses in CIDR block notation for use by Services on the user cluster. The recommended starting value, which is pre-filled in the generated cluster configuration file is

2. Create an admin cluster

The following steps create an admin cluster for a minimal admin cluster and user cluster installation. Ensure that you have provided values for each placeholder in the table in the preceding Gather information section before proceeding.

To create an admin cluster for the minimal installation:

  1. Set the default credentials that Google Distributed Cloud can use to create the cluster with the following command:

    gcloud auth application-default login
  2. To generate a cluster configuration file, run the following command from the /baremetal directory on your admin workstation:

    bmctl create config -c ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME \
        --enable-apis --create-service-accounts --project-id=PROJECT_ID
  3. Verify the admin cluster configuration file:

    The following cluster configuration file is filled in with the values that you entered in the planning table in the preceding section. In addition to the values you entered, note the following differences from the generated configuration file:

    • Comments have been removed from this sample to improve readability.
    • The NodePool spec has been removed. Worker nodes aren't allowed for an admin cluster.
    gcrKeyPath: bmctl-workspace/.sa-keys/PROJECT_ID-anthos-baremetal-gcr.json
    sshPrivateKeyPath: SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH
    gkeConnectAgentServiceAccountKeyPath: bmctl-workspace/.sa-keys/PROJECT_ID-anthos-baremetal-connect.json
    gkeConnectRegisterServiceAccountKeyPath: bmctl-workspace/.sa-keys/PROJECT_ID-anthos-baremetal-register.json
    cloudOperationsServiceAccountKeyPath: bmctl-workspace/.sa-keys/PROJECT_ID-anthos-baremetal-cloud-ops.json
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: cluster-ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME
    kind: Cluster
      namespace: cluster-ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME
      type: admin
      profile: default
      anthosBareMetalVersion: CLUSTER_VERSION
        projectID: PROJECT_ID
          - address: ADMIN_CP_NODE_IP
        mode: bundled
          controlPlaneLBPort: 443
          controlPlaneVIP: ADMIN_CP_VIP
        projectID: PROJECT_ID
        location: us-central1
          path: /mnt/localpv-disk
          storageClassName: local-disks
          path: /mnt/localpv-share
          storageClassName: local-shared
          numPVUnderSharedPath: 5
          maxPodsPerNode: 250
  4. Replace the contents of the generated configuration file on your admin workstation with the contents from the preceding sample.

    Open the generated file, bmctl-workspace/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME.yaml and replace its contents with the contents of the sample you verified in the preceding step.

  5. To create the admin cluster, run the following command from the /baremetal directory on your admin workstation:

    bmctl create cluster -c ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME

    The bmctl command displays output to the screen as it runs preflight checks and creates the cluster. Verbose information is written to logs in the baremetal/bmctl-workspace/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME/log folder on the admin workstation.

    Cluster creation can take several minutes to finish.

  6. Verify that your cluster was created and is running:

    kubectl --kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig \
        get nodes

    If your cluster is running, the response looks something like this:

    node-01  Ready   control-plane  16h  v1.25.7-gke.1000
  7. To grant your user account the Kubernetes clusterrole/cluster-admin role on the cluster, run the following gcloud command:

    gcloud container fleet memberships generate-gateway-rbac \
        --membership=ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME \
        --role=clusterrole/cluster-admin \
        --users=GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
        --project=PROJECT_ID \
        --kubeconfig=bmctl-workspace/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig \

    The output of this command is similar to the following, which is truncated for readability:

    Validating input arguments.
    Specified Cluster Role is: clusterrole/cluster-admin
    Generated RBAC policy is:
    Applying the generate RBAC policy to cluster with kubeconfig: /root/bmctl-workspace/<var class="edit"scope="ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME">ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME</var>/<var class="edit"scope="ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME">ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME</var>-kubeconfig, context: <var class="edit"scope="ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME">ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME</var>-admin@<var class="edit"scope="ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME">ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME</var>
    Writing RBAC policy for user: GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL to cluster.
    Successfully applied the RBAC policy to cluster.

    Among other things, the RBAC policy lets you sign in to your cluster in the Google Cloud console to see more cluster details.

  8. Optionally, enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API. This Google Cloud- hosted API lets you manage the admin cluster lifecycle using the Google Cloud console or the gcloud CLI.

    gcloud container bare-metal admin-clusters enroll ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME  \
        --project=PROJECT_ID \
        --admin-cluster-membership=projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME \

3. Create a user cluster

The following steps create a user cluster for a minimal admin cluster and user cluster installation. Ensure that you have provided values for each placeholder in the table in the earlier Gather information section before proceeding.

If you use Terraform to create the user cluster, the cluster is automatically enrolled in the GKE On-Prem API. This Google Cloud-hosted API lets you manage the cluster lifecycle using the Google Cloud console, the gcloud CLI, and Terraform. If you use bmctl, you can optionally enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API after the cluster is created.

To create a user cluster for the minimal installation:


  1. Generate a cluster configuration file:

    bmctl create config -c USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
  2. Verify the user cluster configuration file:

    The following cluster configuration file is filled in with the values that you entered in the planning table earlier. In addition to the values you entered, note the following differences from the generated configuration file:

    • Comments have been removed from this sample to improve readability.
    • The cluster type, spec.type, has been set to user.
    • The spec.clusterSecurity.authorization.clusterAdmin.gcpAccounts field was added to grant the clusterrole/cluster-admin to your account. Among other things, this field lets you sign in to your cluster in the Google Cloud console to see more cluster details.
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: cluster-USER_CLUSTER_NAME
    kind: Cluster
      namespace: cluster-USER_CLUSTER_NAME
      type: user
      profile: default
      anthosBareMetalVersion: CLUSTER_VERSION
        projectID: PROJECT_ID
          - address: USER_CP_NODE_IP
        mode: bundled
          controlPlaneLBPort: 443
          controlPlaneVIP: USER_CP_VIP
          ingressVIP: USER_INGRESS_VIP
        - name: pool1
          - START_IP-END_IP
        projectID: PROJECT_ID
        location: us-central1
          path: /mnt/localpv-disk
          storageClassName: local-disks
          path: /mnt/localpv-share
          storageClassName: local-shared
          numPVUnderSharedPath: 5
          maxPodsPerNode: 250
    kind: NodePool
      name: node-pool-1
      namespace: cluster-USER_CLUSTER_NAME
      clusterName: USER_CLUSTER_NAME
      - address: USER_WORKER_NODE_IP
  3. Replace the contents of the generated configuration file on your admin workstation with the contents from the preceding sample.

    Open the generated file, bmctl-workspace/USER_CLUSTER_NAME/USER_CLUSTER_NAME.yaml and replace its contents with the contents of the sample you verified in the preceding step.

  4. Create the user cluster:

    bmctl create cluster -c USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --kubeconfig ADMIN_KUBECONFIG

    The bmctl command displays output to the screen as it runs preflight checks and creates the cluster. Verbose information is written to logs in the baremetal/bmctl-workspace/USER_CLUSTER_NAME/log folder on the admin workstation.

    Cluster creation can take several minutes to finish.

  5. Verify that your cluster was created and is running:

    kubectl --kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/USER_CLUSTER_NAME/USER_CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig \
      get nodes

    If your cluster is running, the response looks something like this:

    NAME    STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
    nuc-3   Ready    control-plane   4m32s   v1.26.2-gke.1001
    nuc-4   Ready    worker          2m2s    v1.26.2-gke.1001
  6. Optionally, enroll the cluster in the GKE On-Prem API:

    gcloud container bare-metal clusters enroll USER_CLUSTER_NAME  \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --admin-cluster-membership=projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME \


Do the following steps to create a user cluster in the console:

  1. In the console, go to the Create a Distributed Cloud cluster page.

    Go to Create a Distributed Cloud cluster

  2. Make sure that the Google Cloud project list has PROJECT_ID selected.

  3. Under Choose your cluster type, select Create a user cluster for an existing admin cluster

  4. Click Next.

Cluster basics

  1. Enter USER_CLUSTER_NAME as the name of the user cluster or use the default.

  2. Make sure that the newly created admin cluster is selected.

  3. In GCP API Location, select us-central1.

  4. In Distributed Cloud version, select CLUSTER_VERSION or use the default. You can use the defaults for the rest of the settings on this page.

  5. Click Networking in the left-navigation bar.


  1. In the Control plane section, enter the following in the Control plane node IP 1 field:

  2. In the Load balancer section, use the default load balancer, Bundled with MetalLB.

  3. Go to the New address pool section. Enter the IP address range in the IP address range 1 field:
  4. Click Done.

  5. In the Virtual IPs section, enter the IP address for the Control Plane VIP:

  6. Enter the IP address for the Ingress VIP:

  7. In the Service and Pod CIDRs section, if you didn't change the Service and Pod CIDRs in the planner, you can use the defaults.

    If you changed the CIDRs, then enter the CIDRs you want to use:

    • Service CIDR:
    • Pod CIDR:
  8. Click default pool in the left-navigation bar.

Create a node pool

Your cluster must have at least one node pool for worker nodes. A node pool is a template for the groups of worker nodes created in this cluster.

Enter the IP address of the user cluster worker node in the Nodes address 1 field:


Create the cluster

  1. Click Verify and Create to create the user cluster.

    It takes 15 minutes or more to create the user cluster. The console displays status messages as it verifies the settings and creates the cluster.

    If there is a problem with the configuration, the console displays an error message that should be clear enough for you to fix the configuration issue and try again to create the cluster.

    To see additional information about the creation process, click Show details to display a side panel. Click to close the details panel.

    When the cluster is created, Cluster status: running is displayed.

    Screenshot cluster ready

  2. After the cluster is created, click Clusters to go back to the Clusters page.

gcloud CLI

This section shows you how to create a user cluster and a node pool using the gcloud CLI.

  1. Run the following command to create a user cluster:

    gcloud container bare-metal clusters create USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --location=us-central1 \
      --admin-cluster-membership=ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --admin-cluster-membership-project=PROJECT_ID \
      --admin-cluster-membership-location=global \
      --version=CLUSTER_VERSION \
      --admin-users=GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
      --island-mode-service-address-cidr-blocks= \
      --island-mode-pod-address-cidr-blocks= \
      --metal-lb-address-pools='pool=lb-pool-1,manual-assign=True,addresses=START_IP-END_IP' \
      --control-plane-node-configs='node-ip=USER_CP_NODE_IP' \
      --control-plane-vip=USER_CP_VIP \
      --control-plane-load-balancer-port=443 \
      --ingress-vip=USER_INGRESS_VIP \
      --lvp-share-path=/mnt/localpv-share \
      --lvp-share-storage-class=local-shared \
      --lvp-node-mounts-config-path=/mnt/localpv-disk \

    The output from the command is similar to the following:

    Waiting for operation [projects/example-project-12345/locations/us-west1/operations/operation-1679543737105-5f7893fd5bae9-942b3f97-75e59179] to complete.

    In the example output, the string operation-1679543737105-5f7893fd5bae9-942b3f97-75e59179 is the OPERATION_ID of the long-running operation. You can find out the status of the operation with the following command:

    gcloud container bare-metal operations describe OPERATION_ID \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \

    It takes about 15 minutes or more to create the cluster. As the cluster is being created, you can run the previous command every so often to get the current status.

    When the cluster is created, you see output like the following:

    Created Anthos cluster on bare metal [].
  2. After the cluster is created, run the following command to create a node pool on the newly created cluster.

    gcloud container bare-metal node-pools create node-pool-1 \
      --cluster=USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
      --project=PROJECT_ID \
      --location=us-central1 \
      --node-configs node-ip=USER_WORKER_NODE_IP

For more information and other examples, see the following:


This section shows you how to create a user cluster and a node pool using Terraform.

  1. Create a directory and a new file within that directory. The filename must have the .tf extension. In this guide, the file is called

    mkdir DIRECTORY && cd DIRECTORY && touch
  2. Verify the user cluster Terraform resource:

    The following Terraform resource example is filled in with the values that you entered in the planning table in the preceding section.

    resource "google_gkeonprem_bare_metal_cluster"  "cluster-basic" {
      provider = google-beta
      name = "USER_CLUSTER_NAME"
      project = "PROJECT_ID"
      location = "us-central1"
      admin_cluster_membership = "projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/global/memberships/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME"
      bare_metal_version = "CLUSTER_VERSION"
      network_config {
        island_mode_cidr {
          service_address_cidr_blocks = [""]
          pod_address_cidr_blocks = [""]
      control_plane {
        control_plane_node_pool_config {
          node_pool_config {
            labels = {}
            operating_system = "LINUX"
            node_configs {
              labels = {}
              node_ip = "USER_CP_NODE_IP"
      load_balancer {
        port_config {
          control_plane_load_balancer_port = 443
        vip_config {
          control_plane_vip = "USER_CP_VIP"
          ingress_vip = "USER_INGRESS_VIP"
        metal_lb_config {
          address_pools {
            pool = "pool1"
            addresses = [
            avoid_buggy_ips = true
            manual_assign = true
      storage {
        lvp_share_config {
          lvp_config {
            path = "/mnt/localpv-share"
            storage_class = "local-shared"
          shared_path_pv_count = 5
        lvp_node_mounts_config {
          path = "/mnt/localpv-disk"
          storage_class = "local-disks"
      security_config {
        authorization {
          admin_users {
            username = "GOOGLE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL"
    resource "google_gkeonprem_bare_metal_node_pool" "node-pool-default" {
      provider = google-beta
      name =  "node-pool-1"
      bare_metal_cluster =
      project = "PROJECT_ID"
      location = "us-central1"
      node_pool_config {
        operating_system = "LINUX"
        node_configs {
          node_ip = "USER_WORKER_NODE_IP"
  3. Copy the Terraform resource to and save the file.

  4. Initialize and create the Terraform plan:

    terraform init

    Terraform installs any needed libraries, such as the Google Cloud provider.

  5. Review the configuration and make changes if needed:

    terraform plan
  6. Apply the Terraform plan to create the user cluster:

    terraform apply

    When prompted, enter yes.

    It takes about 15 minutes (or more depending on your network) to create the basic user cluster and node pool.

  7. To create a kubeconfig file for the user cluster, run the following command on the admin workstation:

    bmctl get credentials --cluster USER_CLUSTER_NAME \
    --admin-kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME/ADMIN_CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig

    The output from the command displays the name of the kubeconfig file for the user cluster, for example:


    The TIMESTAMP in the filename indicates the date and time the file was created.

    Because this file contains authentication credentials for your cluster, you should store it in a secure location with restricted access.

  8. Verify that your cluster was created and is running:

    kubectl --kubeconfig bmctl-workspace/USER_CLUSTER_NAME/USER_CLUSTER_NAME-TIMESTAMP-kubeconfig \
        get nodes

    If your cluster is running, the response looks something like this:

    NAME    STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
    nuc-3   Ready    control-plane   4m32s   v1.26.2-gke.1001
    nuc-4   Ready    worker          2m2s    v1.26.2-gke.1001

For more information and other examples, see the following:

Connect to the user cluster

If you created the user cluster using bmctl, your email address is included in the clusterSecurity section of the example user configuration file. If you created the cluster using Terraform, your email address is included in the security_config section of the example google_gkeonprem_bare_metal_cluster resource. These examples configure role-based access control (RBAC) policies for you, which do the following:

  • Grant you the Kubernetes clusterrole/cluster-admin role on the cluster.

  • Let you sign in to the cluster in the Google Cloud console using your Google identity. You can view the cluster on the GKE clusters page in the console.

  • Let you run kubectl commands on your local computer using the connect gateway's kubeconfig.

To get the connect gateway's kubeconfig, run the following commands from your local computer:

  1. Get the kubeconfig entry that can access the cluster through the connect gateway.

    gcloud container fleet memberships get-credentials USER_CLUSTER_NAME  \

    The output is similar to the following:

    Starting to build Gateway kubeconfig...
    Current project_id: PROJECT_ID
    A new kubeconfig entry "connectgateway_PROJECT_ID_global_USER_CLUSTER_NAME" has been generated and set as the current context.
  2. You can now run kubectl commands through the connect gateway:

    kubectl get nodes

    The output is similar to the following:

    NAME    STATUS   ROLES           AGE     VERSION
    nuc-3   Ready    control-plane   4m32s   v1.26.2-gke.1001
    nuc-4   Ready    worker          2m2s    v1.26.2-gke.1001

    Many kubectl commands require the kubeconfig for the admin cluster. You will need to run those commands on the admin workstation.

What's next