借助 Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) 企业版,您可以获得 Config Sync、Policy Controller 和 Config Controller。借助 Config Sync,您可以创建通用配置,并将其同时应用于本地和云端。借助 Policy Controller,您可以在整个基础架构中应用预构建的政策和自定义政策。借助 Config Controller,您可以使用声明式 Kubernetes 模型来管理您的 Google Cloud 资源。


探索 Google Cloud Skills Boost 中的自主培训、应用场景、参考架构和代码示例,并了解有关如何使用和连接 Google Cloud 服务的示例。


Anthos Config Management → https://goo.gle/3h5fguT Compliance audits can be strenuous and time-consuming since most enterprises have to check if their infrastructure complies with defined subscription and system standards. In this video, we show how

The video give s you a demo of setting up and using Anthos config management config sync and policy controller to manager GKE, Anthos attached EKS cluster and Anthos on AWS cluster. Subscribe http://goo.gle/3dpMD9R

Anthos Config Management → https://goo.gle/2SiLjwU Kubernetes is a great tool for application development because of its ability to easily coordinate declarative workflows. This allows you to ensure a specific state on how your application should be