Test your high availability setup

Ensuring the reliability and quality of your high availability Patroni setup is crucial for maintaining continuous database operations and minimizing downtime. This page provides a comprehensive guide to testing your Patroni cluster, covering various failure scenarios, replication consistency, and failover mechanisms.

Test your Patroni setup

  1. Connect to any of your patroni instances (alloydb-patroni1, alloydb-patroni2, or alloydb-patroni3) and navigate to the AlloyDB Omni patroni folder.

    cd /alloydb/
  2. Inspect the Patroni logs.

    docker compose logs alloydbomni-patroni

    The last entries should reflect information about the Patroni node. You should see something similar to the following.

    alloydbomni-patroni        | 2024-06-12 15:10:29,020 INFO: no action. I am (patroni1), the leader with the lock
    alloydbomni-patroni        | 2024-06-12 15:10:39,010 INFO: no action. I am (patroni1), the leader with the lock
    alloydbomni-patroni        | 2024-06-12 15:10:49,007 INFO: no action. I am (patroni1), the leader with the lock
  3. Connect to any instance running Linux that has network connectivity to your primary Patroni instance, alloydb-patroni1, and get information about the instance. You might need to install the jq tool by running sudo apt-get install jq -y.

    curl -s http://alloydb-patroni1:8008/patroni | jq .

    You should see something similar to the following displayed.

      "state": "running",
      "postmaster_start_time": "2024-05-16 14:12:30.031673+00:00",
      "role": "master",
      "server_version": 150005,
      "xlog": {
        "location": 83886408
      "timeline": 1,
      "replication": [
          "usename": "alloydbreplica",
          "application_name": "patroni2",
          "client_addr": "",
          "state": "streaming",
          "sync_state": "async",
          "sync_priority": 0
          "usename": "alloydbreplica",
          "application_name": "patroni3",
          "client_addr": "",
          "state": "streaming",
          "sync_state": "async",
          "sync_priority": 0
      "dcs_last_seen": 1715870011,
      "database_system_identifier": "7369600155531440151",
      "patroni": {
        "version": "3.3.0",
        "scope": "my-patroni-cluster",
        "name": "patroni1"

Calling the Patroni HTTP API endpoint on a Patroni node exposes various details about the state and configuration of that particular PostgreSQL instance managed by Patroni, including cluster state information, timeline, WAL information, and health checks indicating whether the nodes and cluster are up and running correctly.

Test your HAProxy setup

  1. On a machine with a browser and network connectivity to your HAProxy node, go to the following address: http://haproxy:7000. Alternatively, you can use the external IP address of the HAProxy instance instead of its hostname.

    You should see something similar to the following screenshot.

    HAProxy status page showing health status and latency of Patroni nodes

    Figure 1. HAProxy status page showing health status and latency of Patroni nodes.

    In the HAProxy dashboard you can see the health status and latency of your primary Patroni node, patroni1, and of the two replicas, patroni2 and patroni3.

  2. You can perform queries to check the replication stats in your cluster. From a client such as pgAdmin, connect to your primary database server through HAProxy and run the following query.

          pid, usename, application_name, client_addr, state, sync_state

    You should see something similar to the following diagram, showing that patroni2 and patroni3 are streaming from patroni1.

    pg_stat_replication output showing the replication state of the Patroni nodes

    Figure 2. pg_stat_replication output showing the replication state of the Patroni nodes.

Test automatic failover

In this section, in your three node cluster, we simulate an outage on the primary node by stopping the attached running Patroni container. You can either stop the Patroni service on the primary to simulate an outage or enforce some firewall rules to stop communication to that node.

  1. On the primary Patroni instance, navigate to the AlloyDB Omni Patroni folder.

    cd /alloydb/
  2. Stop the container.

    docker compose down

    You should see something similar to the following output. This should validate that the container and network were stopped.

    [+] Running 2/2
    ✔ Container alloydb-patroni            Removed
    ✔ Network alloydbomni-patroni_default  Removed
  3. Refresh the HAProxy dashboard and see how failover takes place.

    HAProxy dashboard showing the failover from the primary node to the standby node

    Figure 3. HAProxy dashboard showing the failover from the primary node to the standby node.

    The patroni3 instance became the new primary, and patroni2 is the only remaining replica. The previous primary, patroni1, is down and health checks fail for it.

    Patroni performs and manages the failover through a combination of monitoring, consensus, and automated orchestration. As soon as the primary node fails to renew its lease within a specified timeout, or if it reports a failure, the other nodes in the cluster recognize this condition through the consensus system. The remaining nodes coordinate to select the most suitable replica to promote as the new primary. Once a candidate replica is selected, Patroni promotes this node to primary by applying the necessary changes, such as updating the PostgreSQL configuration and replaying any outstanding WAL records. Then, the new primary node updates the consensus system with its status and the other replicas reconfigure themselves to follow the new primary, including switching their replication source and potentially catching up with any new transactions. HAProxy detects the new primary and redirects client connections accordingly, ensuring minimal disruption.

  4. From a client such as pgAdmin, connect to your database server through HAProxy and check the replication stats in your cluster after failover.

          pid, usename, application_name, client_addr, state, sync_state

    You should see something similar to the following diagram, showing that only patroni2 is streaming now.

    pg_stat_replication output showing the replication state of the Patroni nodes after failover

    Figure 4. pg_stat_replication output showing the replication state of the Patroni nodes after failover.

  5. Your three node cluster can survive one more outage. If you stop the current primary node, patroni3, another failover takes place.

    HAProxy dashboard showing the failover from the primary node, `patroni3`, to the standby node, `patroni2`

    Figure 5. HAProxy dashboard showing the failover from the primary node, patroni3, to the standby node, patroni2.

Fallback considerations

Fallback is the process to reinstate the former source node after a failover has occurred. Automatic fallback is generally not recommended in a high availability database cluster because of several critical concerns, such as incomplete recovery, risk of split-brain scenarios, and replication lag.

In your Patroni cluster, if you bring up the two nodes that you simulated an outage with, they will rejoin the cluster as standby replicas.

HAProxy dashboard showing the restoration of `patroni1` and `patroni3` as standby nodes

Figure 6. HAProxy dashboard showing the restoration of patroni1 and patroni3 as standby nodes.

Now patroni1 and patroni3 are replicating from the current primary patroni2.

pg_stat_replication output showing the replication state of the Patroni nodes after fallback

Figure 7. pg_stat_replication output showing the replication state of the Patroni nodes after fallback.

If you want to manually fall back to your initial primary, you can do that by using the patronictl command-line interface. By opting for manual fallback, you can ensure a more reliable, consistent, and thoroughly verified recovery process, maintaining the integrity and availability of your database systems.