YAML-Beispieldatei für eine Zugriffsebene

Das folgende Beispiel enthält alle Attribute, die angegeben werden können, wenn Sie eine .yaml-Datei für eine Zugriffsebene erstellen. Eine .yaml-Datei ist nur erforderlich, wenn Sie eine Zugriffsebene mit dem gcloud-Befehlszeilentool erstellen oder ändern.

Sie können zwar Identitäten im Attribut members angeben, wir raten davon jedoch ab. Wie Sie Perimetern die Kommunikation miteinander erlauben, erfahren Sie unter identities in den Regeln für eingehenden und ausgehenden Traffic.

# Attributes can be included in any order in the condition
- devicePolicy:
  # Must include at least one of the following:
    # Must include at least one of the following:
    # Must include at least one of the following:
      - osType: DESKTOP_CHROME_OS
        minimumVersion: 11316.165.0
        # minimumVersion must be formatted as x.x.x
        requireVerifiedChromeOs: true
      - osType: DESKTOP_MAC
      - osType: DESKTOP_WINDOWS
        # minimumVersion is not required
    requireScreenlock: true
    # requireScreenlock defaults to false if not included
    requireAdminApproval: true
    # requireAdminApproval defaults to false if not included
    requireCorpOwned: true
    # requireCorpOwned defaults to false if not included
  # Must include one or more IPv4 and IPv6 CIDRs
    - 2001:db8::/32
  # Must include one or more regions as ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes
    - US
    - CH
    - SG
  # Must include one or more existing access levels
  # Must be formatted as accessPolicies/policy-name/accessLevels/level-name
    - accessPolicies/247332951433/accessLevels/Device_Trust
  # Must include one or more valid IAM users or service accounts
    - user:exampleuser@example.com
    - serviceAccount:exampleaccount@example.iam.gserviceaccount.com
  negate: true
  # negate is not required and can only be included with other attributes
  # If negate is included, none of the attributes included in the condition
  # can be true for the condition to be met.

# You can include more than one condition in the .yaml file
- ipSubnetworks: