Workflows release notes

This page documents production updates to Workflows. Check this page for announcements about new or updated features, bug fixes, known issues, and deprecated functionality.

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September 30, 2024


A math.floor function has been added to return the largest integer less than or equal to a given number.

September 13, 2024


The maximum number of concurrent workflow executions has increased from 7,500 to 10,000.

September 03, 2024


Support for execution backlogging is available in Preview. Backlogged executions automatically run as soon as execution concurrency quota becomes available.

June 17, 2024


Support for a Vertex AI API connector is available in Preview. Learn how to access Vertex AI models from a workflow.

May 31, 2024


May 30, 2024


The maximum number of concurrent workflow executions has increased from 5,000 to 7,500.

April 22, 2024


Workflows is available in the following additional region: me-central1 (Doha, Qatar).

March 04, 2024


An issue that allowed jumps in or out of parallel branches, parallel loops, and for loops is resolved. Only these jumps are allowed:

February 19, 2024


The maximum number of concurrent workflow executions has increased from 3,000 to 5,000.

January 31, 2024


Workflows is available in the following additional region: africa-south1 (Johannesburg, South Africa).

January 11, 2024


Support for invoking a VPC Service Controls-compliant private endpoint is generally available (GA).

Support for defining environment variables at deployment time is generally available (GA). See the blog post: Custom Environment Variables in Workflows.

December 15, 2023


Support to view the history of a workflow execution as a list of step entries is generally available (GA). See the blog post: Announcing Workflows execution steps history.

November 17, 2023


Support for a Kubernetes API connector is available in Preview. The connector allows you to interact with Kubernetes objects in a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. For more information, see Access Kubernetes API objects using a connector.

See the blog post: Deploy and manage Kubernetes applications with Workflows.

October 31, 2023


Workflows is available in the following additional region: europe-west10 (Berlin, Germany).

October 26, 2023


A connection reset error is tagged as a ConnectionError and not a ConnectionFailedError, and it is not retried for non-idempotent requests. For more information, see Workflow errors and Retry steps.

September 19, 2023


Workflows is available in the following additional region: me-central2 (Dammam, Saudi Arabia).

July 06, 2023


June 30, 2023


Three functions are available: map.merge takes two maps, creates a copy of the first map, and adds items from the second map to the copy; map.merge_nested recursively adds items from a map to a copy of another map; uuid.generate returns a random universally unique identifier.

June 26, 2023


Support for Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) is generally available (GA).

June 19, 2023


An issue with how Workflows handles HTTP headers with duplicate keys is resolved. The values associated with duplicate header keys are merged into a comma-separated list as described in RFC 9110. Previously, all but one of the values associated with duplicate keys would be dropped.

June 15, 2023


Cloud Asset Inventory support for Workflows is now publicly available. For details, see the Cloud Asset Inventory release note.

May 17, 2023


Support for a Batch API connector is available in Preview.

May 10, 2023


You can apply call logging to a workflow definition as well as to the execution of a workflow, and specify the level of logging required. The execution log level takes precedence over any workflow log level, unless the execution log level is not specified.

May 01, 2023


The Cloud Workflows service agent has the ability to consume quota and billing for a project through the permission. This allows workflows to count quota and apply billing to the correct project when making calls to other Google APIs.

April 14, 2023


Workflows support for Customer-Managed Encryption Keys (CMEK) is available in Preview.

Use the Workflows JSON schema in your IDE to provide syntax support when creating a workflow. See the Google Cloud Blog post: Workflows gets an updated JSON Schema.

March 21, 2023


Support for triggering a workflow using Eventarc within a VPC Service Controls perimeter is generally available (GA).

March 16, 2023


Support for a Transcoder API connector is available in Preview.

March 02, 2023


Workflows is available in the following additional regions:

  • asia-northeast3 (Seoul, South Korea)
  • asia-southeast2 (Jakarta, Indonesia)
  • me-west1 (Tel Aviv, Israel)
  • southamerica-west1 (Santiago, Chile)

Support for limiting the maximum number of concurrent branches or iterations within a parallel step is generally available (GA).

February 21, 2023


An issue where one shared variable in a subworkflow overwrote another in a calling subworkflow during a workflow's execution is resolved. This affected calling a subworkflow with a parallel step from within a parallel step.

January 10, 2023


A get_type function that returns a string indicating an argument's data type is available.

January 04, 2023


Support for an Application Integration connector is available in Preview.

December 15, 2022


A workflow's source and details can now be updated independently through the Cloud Console using the Source and Details tabs for quicker editing.

December 09, 2022


A list.prepend function is available to support creating a copy of a list with a new element added to the beginning.

November 08, 2022


Workflows is available in the following additional regions:

  • asia-east2 (Hong Kong, China)
  • europe-central2 (Warsaw, Poland)
  • europe-southwest1 (Madrid, Spain)
  • europe-west9 (Paris, France)
  • northamerica-northeast2 (Toronto, Canada)
  • us-east5 (Columbus, United States)
  • us-south1 (Dallas, United States)
  • us-west2 (Los Angeles, United States)
  • us-west3 (Salt Lake City, United States)

October 24, 2022


Eventarc event-triggered requests are limited by the execution API write request on workflows. Events that exceed the limit follow the Eventarc retry policy.

Support for limiting the maximum number of concurrent branches or iterations within a parallel step is available in Preview.

October 17, 2022


Support for Eventarc triggers for Workflows is generally available (GA).

October 12, 2022


The memory available for workflow variables and runtime arguments (including Eventarc events) has been doubled to 512 KB per execution.

October 05, 2022


Support for parallel steps is generally available (GA).

September 23, 2022


September 13, 2022


Execution results include the current or final step of the workflow execution.

September 06, 2022


Support for connectors for Google Forms and Google Sheets is available in Preview.

August 29, 2022


Added support to deploy a workflow using a cross-project service account through the Google Cloud console.

August 05, 2022


Added skip_polling so that connectors can execute asynchronously without waiting for the operation to complete.

August 02, 2022


Workflows is available in the following additional regions:

  • asia-northeast2 (Osaka, Japan)
  • asia-south2 (Delhi, India)
  • australia-southeast2 (Melbourne, Australia)
  • europe-north1 (Hamina, Finland)
  • europe-west2 (London, England)
  • europe-west3 (Frankfurt, Germany)
  • southamerica-east1 (Osasco, São Paulo, Brazil)
  • us-east4 (Ashburn, Virginia, United States)
  • us-west4 (Las Vegas, Nevada, United States)

July 11, 2022


Added support to deploy a workflow using a cross-project service account through the Google Cloud CLI.

July 01, 2022


To reduce naming conflicts and improve memory usage, local scoping now applies to any variable created inside an except block.

If you are assigning a variable inside an except block and want to access the variable outside of the block, assign the variable before the block to place it in the surrounding scope.

June 21, 2022


June 20, 2022


Support for VPC Service Controls is generally available (GA).

June 13, 2022


Parallel steps are available in Preview.

June 01, 2022


Workflows is available in the europe-west8 (Milan, Italy) region.

May 16, 2022


Workflows using callbacks that were deployed on or before January 11, 2022 must be redeployed to continue executing workflows without failures.

May 12, 2022


The following functions have been added:

A Status field that tracks the current steps and progress of an execution is available in Preview. See the Workflows Executions REST API Overview.

April 21, 2022


Call logging is generally available (GA).

April 06, 2022


Terraform support to create an Eventarc trigger that invokes Workflows is available in Preview.

March 31, 2022


Support for creating an Eventarc trigger on the Workflows page in the Cloud Console is now available in Preview.

March 25, 2022


Workflows is available in the following regions:

  • asia-east1 (Changhua County, Taiwan)
  • asia-northeast1 (Tokyo, Japan)
  • asia-south1 (Mumbai, India)
  • australia-southeast1 (Sydney, Australia)
  • northamerica-northeast1 (Montréal, Québec)
  • us-west1 (The Dalles, Oregon)

March 07, 2022


Support for the following connectors is available in Preview:

March 03, 2022


Support for VPC Service Controls is in Beta stage.

February 28, 2022


February 18, 2022


January 31, 2022


January 28, 2022


Workflows is available in the following regions:

  • europe-west1 (Belgium)
  • europe-west6 (Zurich)
  • us-east1 (South Carolina)

January 24, 2022


Callback endpoints are generally available (GA).

January 18, 2022


Workflows is now certified as SOC 1-compliant.

January 05, 2022


Workflows can invoke Cloud Functions or Cloud Run services that have ingress restricted to internal traffic.

December 10, 2021


Dynamic keys are supported.

December 07, 2021


Resource limits for variable memory and argument size have been increased to 256 KB.

December 06, 2021


A Workflows Service Level Agreement (SLA) is available and applicable.

November 19, 2021


Workflows can be scheduled through the Workflows page in the Cloud Console.

November 17, 2021


The following functions have been added:

  • sys.sleep_until — Suspends execution until the given time
  • time.format — Formats timestamp as a human-readable string
  • time.parse — Parses ISO 8601-compatible string into a timestamp

October 28, 2021


A built-in environment variable, GOOGLE_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME, is supported to access the service account name for a workflow execution.

September 14, 2021


Call logging is available in Preview.

September 13, 2021


Connectors are generally available (GA).

September 07, 2021


Support for callback endpoints is available in Preview.

September 02, 2021


Support for iterating over a sequence of numbers or through a collection of data is generally available (GA).

July 28, 2021


A list.concat function has been added to support adding an element to a list.

July 23, 2021


Platform logs are supported by Cloud Logging.

June 25, 2021


Syntax for updating list values and map values is supported.

June 07, 2021


String processing functions are available in the text module of the Workflows standard library.

May 31, 2021


Visualization support while editing the Workflows iteration syntax is available through the Google Cloud Console.

May 10, 2021


Workflows is HIPAA compliant.

January 25, 2021


Workflows is generally available (GA).

Connectors are available in Preview.

December 10, 2020


Workflows launched a visualization feature. The Google Cloud Console displays a visualization of the workflow during editing.

December 08, 2020


Workflows is available in the following regions:

  • asia-southeast1 (Singapore)
  • europe-west4 (Netherlands)

August 25, 2020


Beta launch of Workflows.