Deteksi Wajah mendeteksi beberapa wajah dalam satu gambar beserta
atribut wajah utama yang terkait, seperti keadaan emosi atau wearing headwear
Pengenalan Wajah individu tertentu tidak didukung.
Coba sendiri
Jika Anda baru menggunakan Google Cloud, buat akun untuk mengevaluasi performa Cloud Vision API dalam skenario dunia nyata. Pelanggan baru mendapatkan kredit gratis senilai $300 untuk menjalankan, menguji, dan men-deploy workload.
Coba Cloud Vision API gratisPermintaan deteksi wajah
Menyiapkan autentikasi dan project Google Cloud Anda
Jika Anda belum membuat project Google Cloud, lakukan sekarang. Luaskan bagian ini untuk menampilkan petunjuk.
- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.
In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.
Make sure that billing is enabled for your Google Cloud project.
Enable the Vision API.
- Install the Google Cloud CLI.
To initialize the gcloud CLI, run the following command:
gcloud init
Mendeteksi Wajah di gambar lokal
Anda dapat menggunakan Vision API untuk melakukan deteksi fitur pada file gambar lokal.
Untuk permintaan REST, kirim konten file gambar sebagai string yang berenkode base64 dalam isi permintaan Anda.
Untuk gcloud
dan permintaan library klien, tentukan jalur ke image lokal dalam
permintaan Anda.
Sebelum menggunakan salah satu data permintaan, buat penggantian berikut:
- BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE: Representasi
base64 (string ASCII) dari data gambar biner Anda. String ini akan terlihat seperti
string berikut:
- RESULTS_INT: (Opsional) Nilai bilangan bulat dari hasil yang akan
ditampilkan. Jika Anda menghilangkan kolom
dan nilainya, API akan menampilkan nilai default 10 hasil. Kolom ini tidak berlaku untuk jenis fitur berikut:TEXT_DETECTION
. - PROJECT_ID: Google Cloud Project ID Anda.
Metode HTTP dan URL:
Isi JSON permintaan:
{ "requests": [ { "image": { "content": "BASE64_ENCODED_IMAGE " }, "features": [ { "maxResults":RESULTS_INT , "type": "FACE_DETECTION" } ] } ] }
Untuk mengirim permintaan Anda, pilih salah satu opsi berikut:
Simpan isi permintaan dalam file bernama request.json
dan jalankan perintah berikut:
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "x-goog-user-project:PROJECT_ID " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \
Simpan isi permintaan dalam file bernama request.json
dan jalankan perintah berikut:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"; "x-goog-user-project" = "PROJECT_ID " }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
Jika permintaan berhasil, server akan menampilkan kode status HTTP 200 OK
respons dalam format JSON.
mencakup kotak pembatas untuk semua wajah yang terdeteksi, landmark
yang terdeteksi pada wajah (mata, hidung, mulut, dll.), serta rating kepercayaan diri untuk properti wajah dan
gambar (kegembiraan, kesedihan, kemarahan, keheranan, dll.).
{ "responses": [ { "faceAnnotations": [ { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1077, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 1399 }, { "x": 1077, "y": 1399 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1112, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 1270 }, { "x": 1112, "y": 1270 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1368.748, "y": 739.0957, "z": 0.0024604797 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1660.6105, "y": 751.5844, "z": -117.06496 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1284.3208, "y": 666.61487, "z": 63.41506 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1418.9249, "y": 671.49414, "z": -83.82396 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1556.9579, "y": 672.2199, "z": -139.39935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1771.4799, "y": 682.65845, "z": -131.66716 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 1479.6194, "y": 741.87305, "z": -114.84635 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1443.3151, "y": 917.5109, "z": -194.49301 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1466.7897, "y": 1025.3483, "z": -130.1202 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1467.2588, "y": 1147.0403, "z": -109.24505 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1376.8649, "y": 1066.0856, "z": -6.8136826 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1652, "y": 1079.3108, "z": -106.93649 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1485.5554, "y": 1087.2388, "z": -110.68126 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1571.9475, "y": 944.9213, "z": -124.11806 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1395.2339, "y": 938.12787, "z": -58.072197 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1468.4205, "y": 968.8732, "z": -132.09975 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1357.8658, "y": 711.2427, "z": -14.618992 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1423.6936, "y": 750.4164, "z": -23.540215 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1360.5627, "y": 762.87415, "z": -1.2607727 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1313.72, "y": 739.443, "z": 50.216393 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1661.6622, "y": 718.6839, "z": -134.17404 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1730.0901, "y": 763.57104, "z": -116.365845 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1660.8823, "y": 777.3474, "z": -120.8635 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1590.8903, "y": 753.5044, "z": -91.84842 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1345.7522, "y": 640.18243, "z": -27.887913 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1660.5848, "y": 648.36145, "z": -153.73691 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1274.1006, "y": 826.2645, "z": 422.6642 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 2014.8041, "y": 908.56537, "z": 149.61232 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 1476.2395, "y": 669.9625, "z": -120.59111 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1477.3256, "y": 1269.3269, "z": -67.748795 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1336.8848, "y": 1096.2242, "z": 286.73004 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1863.2197, "y": 1128.6213, "z": 68.90431 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1317.8549, "y": 940.8025, "z": 50.863163 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1733.4912, "y": 964.073, "z": -112.43947 } } ], "rollAngle": 1.5912293, "panAngle": -22.01964, "tiltAngle": -1.4997566, "detectionConfidence": 0.9310801, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.5775582, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "POSSIBLE" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 144, "y": 1273 }, { "x": 793, "y": 1273 }, { "x": 793, "y": 1844 }, { "x": 144, "y": 1844 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 181, "y": 1373 }, { "x": 742, "y": 1373 }, { "x": 742, "y": 1844 }, { "x": 181, "y": 1844 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 356.13745, "y": 1635.7034, "z": 0.0045757294 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 557.07324, "y": 1601.1769, "z": -10.258446 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 284.70563, "y": 1599.5238, "z": 28.755493 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 397.47183, "y": 1574.1455, "z": -28.716581 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 484.00983, "y": 1559.5669, "z": -33.509003 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 607.31726, "y": 1551.2396, "z": 11.0225525 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 447.86597, "y": 1603.2458, "z": -40.69277 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 463.15356, "y": 1705.7849, "z": -114.36831 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 475.02646, "y": 1779.54, "z": -85.219086 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 483.2983, "y": 1844.4594, "z": -83.812 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 391.11206, "y": 1824.9432, "z": -34.578503 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 559.85266, "y": 1797.929, "z": -44.700863 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 478.21106, "y": 1807.5089, "z": -76.46759 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 522.9539, "y": 1717.8636, "z": -51.489075 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 414.95767, "y": 1739.2955, "z": -46.75015 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 468.7361, "y": 1739.5958, "z": -78.64168 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 352.39365, "y": 1618.0576, "z": -7.2005444 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 395.81454, "y": 1629.9379, "z": -2.4021797 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 357.511, "y": 1649.6553, "z": -4.4735374 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 316.1426, "y": 1645.2771, "z": 18.701395 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 553.78973, "y": 1582.3448, "z": -17.07942 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 596.6489, "y": 1599.1897, "z": 4.014868 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 558.60706, "y": 1615.964, "z": -15.077105 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 514.8054, "y": 1605.6407, "z": -7.929638 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 336.4973, "y": 1567.6466, "z": -7.853897 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 542.3708, "y": 1536.191, "z": -19.405855 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 231.38948, "y": 1749.3823, "z": 221.4534 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 712.5644, "y": 1670.4897, "z": 199.4929 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 439.35938, "y": 1561.1454, "z": -36.451645 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 501.61096, "y": 1942.0133, "z": -75.04764 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 304.9834, "y": 1892.5361, "z": 114.12407 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 684.92535, "y": 1824.337, "z": 96.13425 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 334.5645, "y": 1764.659, "z": -2.0755844 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 609.5919, "y": 1719.6847, "z": -16.861538 } } ], "rollAngle": -8.514851, "panAngle": -3.096844, "tiltAngle": 9.26052, "detectionConfidence": 0.5463216, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.55711126, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 785, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 534 }, { "x": 785, "y": 534 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 834, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 506 }, { "x": 834, "y": 506 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 933.74615, "y": 351.82394, "z": -0.00068986416 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1005.8836, "y": 329.02396, "z": 43.38338 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 901.93494, "y": 333.3503, "z": -9.714935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 957.4015, "y": 319.9436, "z": -6.8983736 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 987.50134, "y": 308.46817, "z": 13.108145 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1031.5519, "y": 298.8843, "z": 65.60683 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 979.4568, "y": 336.0551, "z": 3.8077774 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1003.45795, "y": 398.80377, "z": -17.351936 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1000.16614, "y": 432.11664, "z": 5.2740355 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1004.0378, "y": 456.92422, "z": 13.545323 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 961.922, "y": 448.64325, "z": 11.117096 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1025.2979, "y": 432.70157, "z": 47.89795 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1002.51434, "y": 443.3482, "z": 13.021965 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1015.5027, "y": 402.8421, "z": 28.03568 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 969.764, "y": 413.05563, "z": 3.1156778 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 997.8564, "y": 416.98083, "z": 3.3404813 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 930.542, "y": 343.17078, "z": -6.9020395 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 950.7726, "y": 348.11346, "z": 9.216144 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 933.6862, "y": 359.50848, "z": -1.3347243 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 914.83966, "y": 356.1447, "z": -1.4299142 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1006.59766, "y": 319.50406, "z": 38.31219 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1021.45886, "y": 327.68784, "z": 61.100002 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1009.46686, "y": 336.0832, "z": 43.87975 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 991.17535, "y": 331.97632, "z": 34.4881 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 928.40436, "y": 317.13898, "z": -14.411907 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1008.5887, "y": 294.364, "z": 32.917953 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 835.18915, "y": 395.7093, "z": 81.31065 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1024.4136, "y": 360.64178, "z": 182.02446 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 975.5221, "y": 315.06647, "z": 0.31154716 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1010.74097, "y": 503.23572, "z": 29.966637 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 891.86237, "y": 466.7829, "z": 58.84553 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1031.9008, "y": 428.13455, "z": 145.42484 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 929.4197, "y": 418.09122, "z": 4.574672 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1033.7278, "y": 390.5432, "z": 65.6329 } } ], "rollAngle": -12.077273, "panAngle": 27.194477, "tiltAngle": -5.252778, "detectionConfidence": 0.38126788, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.040030442, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "LIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" } ] } ] }
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Go di Panduan memulai Vision menggunakan library klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Vision Go API.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Vision, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Java di Panduan Memulai Vision API Menggunakan Library Klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Java Vision API.
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Node.js di Panduan memulai Vision menggunakan library klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Vision Node.js API.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Vision, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Python di Panduan memulai Vision menggunakan library klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Vision Python API.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Vision, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
C#: Ikuti Petunjuk penyiapan C# di halaman library klien, lalu kunjungi Dokumentasi referensi Vision untuk .NET.
PHP: Ikuti Petunjuk penyiapan PHP di halaman library klien, lalu buka Dokumentasi referensi Vision untuk PHP.
Ruby: Ikuti Petunjuk penyiapan Ruby di halaman library klien, lalu kunjungi Dokumentasi referensi Vision untuk Ruby.
Mendeteksi Wajah dalam gambar jarak jauh
Anda dapat menggunakan Vision API untuk melakukan deteksi fitur pada file gambar jarak jauh yang terletak di Cloud Storage atau di Web. Untuk mengirim permintaan file jarak jauh, tentukan URL Web atau Cloud Storage URI file dalam isi permintaan.
Sebelum menggunakan salah satu data permintaan, buat penggantian berikut:
- CLOUD_STORAGE_IMAGE_URI: jalur ke file gambar
yang valid di bucket Cloud Storage. Anda setidaknya harus memiliki hak istimewa baca ke file tersebut.
- RESULTS_INT: (Opsional) Nilai bilangan bulat dari hasil yang akan
ditampilkan. Jika Anda menghilangkan kolom
dan nilainya, API akan menampilkan nilai default 10 hasil. Kolom ini tidak berlaku untuk jenis fitur berikut:TEXT_DETECTION
. - PROJECT_ID: Google Cloud Project ID Anda.
Metode HTTP dan URL:
Isi JSON permintaan:
{ "requests": [ { "image": { "source": { "imageUri": "CLOUD_STORAGE_IMAGE_URI " } }, "features": [ { "maxResults":RESULTS_INT , "type": "FACE_DETECTION" } ] } ] }
Untuk mengirim permintaan Anda, pilih salah satu opsi berikut:
Simpan isi permintaan dalam file bernama request.json
dan jalankan perintah berikut:
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \
-H "x-goog-user-project:PROJECT_ID " \
-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \
-d @request.json \
Simpan isi permintaan dalam file bernama request.json
dan jalankan perintah berikut:
$cred = gcloud auth print-access-token
$headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred"; "x-goog-user-project" = "PROJECT_ID " }
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Method POST `
-Headers $headers `
-ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" `
-InFile request.json `
-Uri "" | Select-Object -Expand Content
Jika permintaan berhasil, server akan menampilkan kode status HTTP 200 OK
respons dalam format JSON.
mencakup kotak pembatas untuk semua wajah yang terdeteksi, landmark
yang terdeteksi pada wajah (mata, hidung, mulut, dll.), serta rating kepercayaan diri untuk properti wajah dan
gambar (kegembiraan, kesedihan, kemarahan, keheranan, dll.).
{ "responses": [ { "faceAnnotations": [ { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1077, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 157 }, { "x": 2146, "y": 1399 }, { "x": 1077, "y": 1399 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 1112, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 407 }, { "x": 1946, "y": 1270 }, { "x": 1112, "y": 1270 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1368.748, "y": 739.0957, "z": 0.0024604797 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1660.6105, "y": 751.5844, "z": -117.06496 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1284.3208, "y": 666.61487, "z": 63.41506 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1418.9249, "y": 671.49414, "z": -83.82396 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1556.9579, "y": 672.2199, "z": -139.39935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1771.4799, "y": 682.65845, "z": -131.66716 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 1479.6194, "y": 741.87305, "z": -114.84635 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1443.3151, "y": 917.5109, "z": -194.49301 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1466.7897, "y": 1025.3483, "z": -130.1202 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1467.2588, "y": 1147.0403, "z": -109.24505 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1376.8649, "y": 1066.0856, "z": -6.8136826 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1652, "y": 1079.3108, "z": -106.93649 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1485.5554, "y": 1087.2388, "z": -110.68126 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1571.9475, "y": 944.9213, "z": -124.11806 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 1395.2339, "y": 938.12787, "z": -58.072197 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1468.4205, "y": 968.8732, "z": -132.09975 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1357.8658, "y": 711.2427, "z": -14.618992 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1423.6936, "y": 750.4164, "z": -23.540215 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1360.5627, "y": 762.87415, "z": -1.2607727 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1313.72, "y": 739.443, "z": 50.216393 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1661.6622, "y": 718.6839, "z": -134.17404 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1730.0901, "y": 763.57104, "z": -116.365845 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1660.8823, "y": 777.3474, "z": -120.8635 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1590.8903, "y": 753.5044, "z": -91.84842 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1345.7522, "y": 640.18243, "z": -27.887913 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1660.5848, "y": 648.36145, "z": -153.73691 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1274.1006, "y": 826.2645, "z": 422.6642 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 2014.8041, "y": 908.56537, "z": 149.61232 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 1476.2395, "y": 669.9625, "z": -120.59111 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1477.3256, "y": 1269.3269, "z": -67.748795 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1336.8848, "y": 1096.2242, "z": 286.73004 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1863.2197, "y": 1128.6213, "z": 68.90431 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1317.8549, "y": 940.8025, "z": 50.863163 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1733.4912, "y": 964.073, "z": -112.43947 } } ], "rollAngle": 1.5912293, "panAngle": -22.01964, "tiltAngle": -1.4997566, "detectionConfidence": 0.9310801, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.5775582, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "POSSIBLE" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 144, "y": 1273 }, { "x": 793, "y": 1273 }, { "x": 793, "y": 1844 }, { "x": 144, "y": 1844 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 181, "y": 1373 }, { "x": 742, "y": 1373 }, { "x": 742, "y": 1844 }, { "x": 181, "y": 1844 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 356.13745, "y": 1635.7034, "z": 0.0045757294 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 557.07324, "y": 1601.1769, "z": -10.258446 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 284.70563, "y": 1599.5238, "z": 28.755493 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 397.47183, "y": 1574.1455, "z": -28.716581 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 484.00983, "y": 1559.5669, "z": -33.509003 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 607.31726, "y": 1551.2396, "z": 11.0225525 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 447.86597, "y": 1603.2458, "z": -40.69277 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 463.15356, "y": 1705.7849, "z": -114.36831 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 475.02646, "y": 1779.54, "z": -85.219086 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 483.2983, "y": 1844.4594, "z": -83.812 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 391.11206, "y": 1824.9432, "z": -34.578503 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 559.85266, "y": 1797.929, "z": -44.700863 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 478.21106, "y": 1807.5089, "z": -76.46759 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 522.9539, "y": 1717.8636, "z": -51.489075 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 414.95767, "y": 1739.2955, "z": -46.75015 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 468.7361, "y": 1739.5958, "z": -78.64168 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 352.39365, "y": 1618.0576, "z": -7.2005444 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 395.81454, "y": 1629.9379, "z": -2.4021797 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 357.511, "y": 1649.6553, "z": -4.4735374 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 316.1426, "y": 1645.2771, "z": 18.701395 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 553.78973, "y": 1582.3448, "z": -17.07942 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 596.6489, "y": 1599.1897, "z": 4.014868 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 558.60706, "y": 1615.964, "z": -15.077105 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 514.8054, "y": 1605.6407, "z": -7.929638 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 336.4973, "y": 1567.6466, "z": -7.853897 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 542.3708, "y": 1536.191, "z": -19.405855 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 231.38948, "y": 1749.3823, "z": 221.4534 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 712.5644, "y": 1670.4897, "z": 199.4929 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 439.35938, "y": 1561.1454, "z": -36.451645 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 501.61096, "y": 1942.0133, "z": -75.04764 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 304.9834, "y": 1892.5361, "z": 114.12407 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 684.92535, "y": 1824.337, "z": 96.13425 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 334.5645, "y": 1764.659, "z": -2.0755844 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 609.5919, "y": 1719.6847, "z": -16.861538 } } ], "rollAngle": -8.514851, "panAngle": -3.096844, "tiltAngle": 9.26052, "detectionConfidence": 0.5463216, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.55711126, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "UNLIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" }, { "boundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 785, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 167 }, { "x": 1100, "y": 534 }, { "x": 785, "y": 534 } ] }, "fdBoundingPoly": { "vertices": [ { "x": 834, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 220 }, { "x": 1101, "y": 506 }, { "x": 834, "y": 506 } ] }, "landmarks": [ { "type": "LEFT_EYE", "position": { "x": 933.74615, "y": 351.82394, "z": -0.00068986416 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE", "position": { "x": 1005.8836, "y": 329.02396, "z": 43.38338 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 901.93494, "y": 333.3503, "z": -9.714935 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_LEFT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 957.4015, "y": 319.9436, "z": -6.8983736 } }, { "type": "LEFT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 987.50134, "y": 308.46817, "z": 13.108145 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_OF_RIGHT_EYEBROW", "position": { "x": 1031.5519, "y": 298.8843, "z": 65.60683 } }, { "type": "MIDPOINT_BETWEEN_EYES", "position": { "x": 979.4568, "y": 336.0551, "z": 3.8077774 } }, { "type": "NOSE_TIP", "position": { "x": 1003.45795, "y": 398.80377, "z": -17.351936 } }, { "type": "UPPER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1000.16614, "y": 432.11664, "z": 5.2740355 } }, { "type": "LOWER_LIP", "position": { "x": 1004.0378, "y": 456.92422, "z": 13.545323 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_LEFT", "position": { "x": 961.922, "y": 448.64325, "z": 11.117096 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1025.2979, "y": 432.70157, "z": 47.89795 } }, { "type": "MOUTH_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1002.51434, "y": 443.3482, "z": 13.021965 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_RIGHT", "position": { "x": 1015.5027, "y": 402.8421, "z": 28.03568 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_LEFT", "position": { "x": 969.764, "y": 413.05563, "z": 3.1156778 } }, { "type": "NOSE_BOTTOM_CENTER", "position": { "x": 997.8564, "y": 416.98083, "z": 3.3404813 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 930.542, "y": 343.17078, "z": -6.9020395 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 950.7726, "y": 348.11346, "z": 9.216144 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 933.6862, "y": 359.50848, "z": -1.3347243 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 914.83966, "y": 356.1447, "z": -1.4299142 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_TOP_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1006.59766, "y": 319.50406, "z": 38.31219 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_RIGHT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 1021.45886, "y": 327.68784, "z": 61.100002 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOM_BOUNDARY", "position": { "x": 1009.46686, "y": 336.0832, "z": 43.87975 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYE_LEFT_CORNER", "position": { "x": 991.17535, "y": 331.97632, "z": 34.4881 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 928.40436, "y": 317.13898, "z": -14.411907 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EYEBROW_UPPER_MIDPOINT", "position": { "x": 1008.5887, "y": 294.364, "z": 32.917953 } }, { "type": "LEFT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 835.18915, "y": 395.7093, "z": 81.31065 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_EAR_TRAGION", "position": { "x": 1024.4136, "y": 360.64178, "z": 182.02446 } }, { "type": "FOREHEAD_GLABELLA", "position": { "x": 975.5221, "y": 315.06647, "z": 0.31154716 } }, { "type": "CHIN_GNATHION", "position": { "x": 1010.74097, "y": 503.23572, "z": 29.966637 } }, { "type": "CHIN_LEFT_GONION", "position": { "x": 891.86237, "y": 466.7829, "z": 58.84553 } }, { "type": "CHIN_RIGHT_GONION", "position": { "x": 1031.9008, "y": 428.13455, "z": 145.42484 } }, { "type": "LEFT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 929.4197, "y": 418.09122, "z": 4.574672 } }, { "type": "RIGHT_CHEEK_CENTER", "position": { "x": 1033.7278, "y": 390.5432, "z": 65.6329 } } ], "rollAngle": -12.077273, "panAngle": 27.194477, "tiltAngle": -5.252778, "detectionConfidence": 0.38126788, "landmarkingConfidence": 0.040030442, "joyLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "sorrowLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "angerLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "surpriseLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY", "underExposedLikelihood": "LIKELY", "blurredLikelihood": "VERY_LIKELY", "headwearLikelihood": "VERY_UNLIKELY" } ] } ] }
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Go di Panduan memulai Vision menggunakan library klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Vision Go API.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Vision, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Java di Panduan Memulai Vision API Menggunakan Library Klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Java Vision API.
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Node.js di Panduan memulai Vision menggunakan library klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Vision Node.js API.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Vision, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
Sebelum mencoba contoh ini, ikuti petunjuk penyiapan Python di Panduan memulai Vision menggunakan library klien. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, lihat dokumentasi referensi Vision Python API.
Untuk melakukan autentikasi ke Vision, siapkan Kredensial Default Aplikasi. Untuk mengetahui informasi selengkapnya, baca Menyiapkan autentikasi untuk lingkungan pengembangan lokal.
Untuk melakukan deteksi wajah, gunakan
perintah gcloud ml vision detect-faces
seperti yang ditunjukkan pada contoh berikut:
gcloud ml vision detect-facesgs://cloud-samples-data/vision/face/faces.jpeg
C#: Ikuti Petunjuk penyiapan C# di halaman library klien, lalu kunjungi Dokumentasi referensi Vision untuk .NET.
PHP: Ikuti Petunjuk penyiapan PHP di halaman library klien, lalu buka Dokumentasi referensi Vision untuk PHP.
Ruby: Ikuti Petunjuk penyiapan Ruby di halaman library klien, lalu kunjungi Dokumentasi referensi Vision untuk Ruby.
Coba deteksi wajah di bawah ini. Anda dapat menggunakan
gambar yang sudah ditentukan (gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/face/faces.jpeg
) atau
menentukan gambar Anda sendiri sebagai gantinya. Kirim permintaan dengan memilih
Isi permintaan:
{ "requests": [ { "features": [ { "maxResults": 10, "type": "FACE_DETECTION" } ], "image": { "source": { "imageUri": "gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/face/faces.jpeg" } } } ] }