AutoML Vision Object Detection release notes

This page documents production updates to AutoML Vision Object Detection. We recommend that AutoML Vision Object Detection developers periodically check this list for any new announcements.

You can see the latest product updates for all of Google Cloud Platform on the Google Cloud page, browse and filter all release notes in the Google Cloud Platform Console, or programmatically access release notes in BigQuery.

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January 03, 2024

The shutdown date for AutoML Vision has changed from Jan 23, 2024 to Mar 31, 2024.

January 23, 2023

AI Hub and the legacy versions of the following products are deprecated and will no longer be available on Google Cloud after January 17, 2024:

All the functionality of these legacy versions and new features are available on the Vertex AI platform. See Migrate to Vertex AI to learn how to migrate your resources.

June 04, 2020

v1beta1 endpoint end-of-life

After June 4, 2020, the v1beta1 version of AutoML API will deny increasing numbers of API requests from AutoML Vision users. Please refer to the November 20, 2019 release notes and migrate to v1 version immediately.

If you have any questions regarding the above action items, join the cloud-vision-discuss Google group. For further assistance, please open an issue in this private issue tracker.

April 03, 2020

Integration with VPC Service Controls is now in beta stage.

November 20, 2019

Object Detection General Availability (GA) release

Some notes about the GA release:

  • Cloud AutoML Vision and AutoML Vision Edge are now in General Availability (GA). The Service Level Agreement has been published.
  • We've introduced a new version (v1) of the Cloud AutoML API. The current version (v1beta1) is deprecated and is scheduled for deletion within six months. As a result, you will need to migrate your applications from the v1beta1 version to the v1 version. If you have integrated with the Create Dataset API, you will also need to change your code to reflect changes with v1 version integration.
    • Creating datasets will now return an Operation, whose status must be requested to detect completion.
    • Both dataset and model can be updated using patch, with a field mask that can include labels and displayName for both, and description only for dataset.
    • Specifying an Image is the only option for ExamplePayload of online prediction. The inputConfig option was not supported and has been deleted.
  • The maximum supported lifespan for custom models created in Cloud AutoML Vision and AutoML Vision Edge has changed from two years to 18 months.

For more information, see the product documentation.

October 14, 2019

Batch prediction Beta

The following Beta feature is available in API version v1beta1:

In addition to online predictions in our Cloud and predictions at the Edge, we now support batch predictions in our Cloud with your AutoML Vision models.

Making batch predictions is documented for both Image Classification and Object Detection.

TensorFlow.js Integration Beta

This integration allows AutoML Vision Edge models to be exported as TensorFlow.js package.

The edge model can be deployed in an increasing number of platforms with TensorFlow.js support, including all major browsers and server-side in Node.js. You may want to view the documented user journey for exporting to web, and TensorFlow.js tutorial for Edge Object Detection models.

August 29, 2019

AutoML Vision Edge Beta Release

Some notes about the Beta release:

  • You can access the updated AutoML Vision Object Detection Beta UI with with AutoML Vision Edge support at
  • You can now perform all of your AutoML Vision Edge tasks using the AutoML API. Create datasets, train models, make predictions, and export models. For details, see the how-to guides.
  • You can currently only supply base64-encoded image content to the predict method. For an example, see the Annotating prediction images page.

For more information, see the product documentation.

Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer do not support all features of AutoML Vision Object Detection. If you are having problems, try Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.

June 18, 2019

Model node number update

Notes about the update:

  • You can now update the number of nodes a deploy model is on without first having to undeploy the model.

For more information, see the managing models topic.

April 10, 2019

Cloud AutoML Vision Object Detection Beta Release

Cloud AutoML Vision Object Detection Beta has been released. Some notes about the Beta release:

  • You can access the Cloud AutoML Vision Beta UI with with AutoML Vision Object Detection support at
  • You can now perform all of your AutoML Vision Object Detection tasks using the AutoML API. Create datasets, train models, make predictions, and more. For details, see the landing page.
  • You can currently only supply base64-encoded image content to the predict method. For an example, see Make a prediction.
  • AutoML Vision Object Detection does not currently satisfy the requirements to be considered compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

For more information, see the product documentation.

There are workflow differences between Cloud AutoML Vision image classification and object detection. Consequently, changes have been made to the Google Cloud Platform Console UI for object detection that are not reflected in the UI for image classification.

Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer do not support all features of AutoML Vision Object Detection. If you are having problems, try Google Chrome, Safari, or Firefox.