Hashtag tokenization

Create and tokenize hashtags.

You can query a model directly and test the results returned when using different parameter values with the Cloud console, or by calling the Vertex AI API directly.

Examples Structured

Tokenize the hashtags of this tweet The hashtags in this tweet are
Google Cloud @googlecloud · 4h Google Cloud 🤝 @MongoDB : helping startups scale quicker, more safely, and more successfully. Learn how we're supporting high-potential startups via our dedicated startup programs—the Google for Startups Cloud Program and MongoDB for Startups Program ↓ #GoogleCloud #googlecloud #MongoDB #mongodb #startups #startup #scale #quicker #moresafely #moresuccessfully #GoogleforStartupsCloudProgram #MongoDBforStartupsProgram#mongodb
Google Cloud @googlecloud · 10h Women deliver impact across Google Cloud—from keeping the internet running to driving AI innovation to transforming our customers' businesses. For IWD2023, check out their advice for the next generation of innovators, change-makers, and leaders ↓ #IWD2023 #WomenInTech #GoogleCloud
Google Cloud @googlecloud · Mar 7 The E-learning platform, @schooliocorp , started with an act of kindness, a cold DM, and a belief that schools must be reimagined for the modern world. Learn more about this women-led startup and how it reimagines e-learning with Google Cloud ↓ #GoogleCloud #schooliocorp
Google Cloud @googlecloud · Mar 6 A good migration plan has 4️⃣ phases: assessment, planning, execution, and optimization. A great migration plan has 5️⃣ phases: discussion (i.e., join our Twitter Space on March 8), assessment, planning, execution, and optimization. Set a reminder ↓ #googlecloud #migration #assessment #planning #execution #optimization #discussion #twitterspace #march8


Tokenize the hashtags of this tweet The hashtags in this tweet are
Google Cloud @googlecloud · Feb 25 We heard it through the grapevine: - Document AI Workbench is GA and ready for production use through APIs and the Google Cloud Console - Deliver higher model accuracy with Workbench - Build production-ready models faster with Workbench

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#DocumentAIWorkbench #GA #production #APIs #GoogleCloudConsole #higher #model #accuracy #Workbench #production-ready #models
Model: gemini-1.5-flash-001
Temperature: 1
Max output tokens: 8192
TopK: 40
TopP: 0.95