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Prompt in formato libero

from collections import namedtuple
from math import sqrt

# A point has an x and a y coordinate
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
# A triangle is defined by three points
Triangle = namedtuple('Triangle', 'a b c')

def distance(p, q):
"""Returns the distance between the provided pair of points"""
return sqrt((p.x - q.x)**2 + (p.y - q.y)**2)

def perimeter(triangle):
"""Returns the perimeter of the provided triangle"""
return distance(triangle.a, triangle.b) + distance(triangle.b, triangle.c) + distance(triangle.c, triangle.a)

def area(triangle):
"""Returns the area of the provided triangle using Heron's formula"""

Scrivi il corpo della funzione area, seguendo la relativa docstring.


from collections import namedtuple
from math import sqrt

# A point has an x and a y coordinate
Point = namedtuple('Point', 'x y')
# A triangle is defined by three points
Triangle = namedtuple('Triangle', 'a b c')

def distance(p, q):
"""Returns the distance between the provided pair of points"""
return sqrt((p.x - q.x)**2 + (p.y - q.y)**2)

def perimeter(triangle):
"""Returns the perimeter of the provided triangle"""
return distance(triangle.a, triangle.b) + distance(triangle.b, triangle.c) + distance(triangle.c, triangle.a)

def area(triangle):
"""Returns the area of the provided triangle using Heron's formula"""
s = perimeter(triangle) / 2
return sqrt(s * (s - distance(triangle.a, triangle.b)) * (s - distance(triangle.b, triangle.c)) * (s - distance(triangle.c, triangle.a)))
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