About supervised fine-tuning for Gemini models

Supervised fine-tuning is a good option when you have a well-defined task with available labeled data. It's particularly effective for domain-specific applications where the language or content significantly differs from the data the large model was originally trained on. You can tune text, image, audio, and document data types.

Supervised fine-tuning adapts model behavior with a labeled dataset. This process adjusts the model's weights to minimize the difference between its predictions and the actual labels. For example, it can improve model performance for the following types of tasks:

  • Classification
  • Summarization
  • Extractive question answering
  • Chat

Supported models

The following Gemini models support supervised tuning:

  • gemini-1.5-pro-002 (In GA, supports text, image, audio, and document)
  • gemini-1.5-flash-002(In GA, supports text, image, audio, and document)
  • gemini-1.0-pro-002 (In preview, only supports text tuning)


  • Maximum input and output tokens:
    • Training examples: 32,000
    • Serving: 32,000
  • Validation dataset size: 256 examples
  • Training dataset file size: Up to 1GB for JSONL
  • Adapter size:
    • Gemini 1.5 Pro: Supported values are 1 and 4 (default is 4). Using higher values (e.g., 8 or 16) will result in failure.
    • Gemini 1.5 Flash: Supported values are 1, 4, 8, and 16 (default is 8).

Use cases for using supervised fine-tuning

Foundation models work well when the expected output or task can be clearly and concisely defined in a prompt and the prompt consistently produces the expected output. If you want a model to learn something niche or specific that deviates from general patterns, then you might want to consider tuning that model. For example, you can use model tuning to teach the model the following:

  • Specific structures or formats for generating output.
  • Specific behaviors such as when to provide a terse or verbose output.
  • Specific customized outputs for specific types of inputs.

The following examples are use cases that are difficult to capture with only prompt instructions:

  • Classification: The expected response is a specific word or phrase.

    Tuning the model can help prevent the model from generating verbose responses.

  • Summarization: The summary follows a specific format. For example, you might need to remove personally identifiable information (PII) in a chat summary.

    This formatting of replacing the names of the speakers with #Person1 and #Person2 is difficult to describe and the foundation model might not naturally produce such a response.

  • Extractive question answering: The question is about a context and the answer is a substring of the context.

    The response "Last Glacial Maximum" is a specific phrase from the context.

  • Chat: You need to customize model response to follow a persona, role, or character.

You can also tune a model in the following situations:

  • Prompts are not producing the expected results consistently enough.
  • The task is too complicated to define in a prompt. For example, you want the model to do behavior cloning for a behavior that's hard to articulate in a prompt.
  • You have complex intuitions about a task that are easy to elicit but difficult to formalize in a prompt.
  • You want to reduce the context length by removing the few-shot examples.

Configure a tuning job region

User data, such as the transformed dataset and the tuned model, is stored in the tuning job region. During tuning, computation could be offloaded to other US or EU regions for available accelerators. The offloading is transparent to users.

  • If you use the Vertex AI SDK, you can specify the region at initialization. For example:

    import vertexai
    vertexai.init(project='myproject', location='us-central1')
  • If you create a supervised fine-tuning job by sending a POST request using the tuningJobs.create method, then you use the URL to specify the region where the tuning job runs. For example, in the following URL, you specify a region by replacing both instances of TUNING_JOB_REGION with the region where the job runs.

  • If you use the Google Cloud console, you can select the region name in the Region drop down field on the Model details page. This is the same page where you select the base model and a tuned model name.


Quota is enforced on the number of concurrent tuning jobs. Every project comes with a default quota to run at least one tuning job. This is a global quota, shared across all available regions and supported models. If you want to run more jobs concurrently, you need to request additional quota for Global concurrent tuning jobs.


Supervised fine-tuning for gemini-1.0-pro-002 is in Preview. While tuning is in Preview, there is no charge to tune a model.

Pricing for tuning Gemini 1.5 Flash and Gemini 1.5 Pro can be found here: Vertex AI pricing.

Training tokens are calculated by the total number of tokens in your training dataset, multiplied by your number of epochs. For all models, after tuning, inference costs for the tuned model still apply. Inference pricing is the same for each stable version of Gemini. For more information, see Vertex AI pricing and Available Gemini stable model versions.

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