HTTP headers and common query string parameters for JSON

The Cloud Storage API uses standard HTTP headers as well as several extension (custom) HTTP headers. This page describes:

  • All headers used by the JSON API
  • The query parameters that apply to any JSON API request

See specific methods for additional query string parameters not covered in this page.

HTTP headers and common query string parameters summary

The JSON API uses the following standard HTTP headers:


The JSON API uses the following extension (custom) HTTP headers:


The JSON API uses the following query string parameters:


Standard HTTP headers


A request header that contains a string used to authenticate requests.

Valid Values The authentication identifier Bearer followed by a valid OAuth 2.0 token.
Example Authorization: Bearer ya29.AHES6ZRVmB7fkLtd1XTmq6mo0S1wqZZi3-Lh_s- ...
Details You must send an OAuth 2.0 token with every request that requires an OAuth scope. OAuth 2.0 is the only supported authorization protocol.

For more information about how to use this header, see Authentication.

To create a sample access token for testing, use the OAuth 2.0 playground.

Note: If your requests are being routed through a proxy, you might need to check with your network administrator to ensure that required Authorization headers are not stripped out by the proxy. Without the Authorization header, you receive a MissingSecurityHeader error and your request is rejected. For more information about accessing Cloud Storage through a proxy server, see the Troubleshooting topic.

For additional details, see the specification.


A response header that indicates the caching directive for the request.

Valid Values Any valid cache-control value (see the specification).
Example Cache-Control: public, max-age=6000
Details Indicates if, and how, the response can be cached. When serving publicly accessible objects from Cloud Storage, the value for Cache-Control is determined by the Cache-Control metadata set on the object. To be considered publicly accessible, permission to read the object's data must be available for allUsers. If an object is publicly accessible and you have not set the object's Cache-Control metadata, Cloud Storage applies a Cache-Control setting of 3600 seconds. When serving an object via the JSON API that is not publicly accessible, Cloud Storage sets the response to Cache-Control: no-cache, regardless of the metadata settings for the object. For additional details, see the specification.


An optional identifier in the part-header of a multipart request.

Valid Values An identifier that is unique within the parts of the request.
Example Content-ID: <b29c5de2-0db4-490b-b421-6a51b598bd22+1>
Details Content-ID is only used in the body of multipart (batch) requests and only as an identifier of requests within the body. If included, any response will have a matching Content-ID header in the corresponding part whose value will be response- followed by the originally supplied ID. For additional details, see the specification.


The length (in bytes) of the request or response body.

Valid Values Any value of zero or greater.
Example Content-Length: 1234
Details This is required for most POST and PUT commands used in uploading objects, except if you are using the header Transfer-Encoding: chunked. When making the initial request of a resumable upload, this header should be set to the number of bytes provided in that specific request. For more information, see Objects:insert. For additional details, see the specification.


A header used in some upload requests and download responses.

Valid Values Any contiguous range of bytes.
Example Content-Range: bytes 456-987/1234

When appearing in a response, the Content-Range header indicates the range of bytes being returned as a result of a request that included a Range header.

When included as part of a resumable upload request, Content-Range is used to query for the current position of the upload or as an indicator of the starting point of the block of data being uploaded in the current request.

Byte ranges are inclusive; that is, bytes 0-999 represent the first 1000 bytes in a file or object.

For additional details, particularly regarding download responses, see the specification.


A header used in some upload requests and download responses.

Valid Values An optional request and response header that indicates the type of encoding that has been applied to the message body.
Example Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary

This header specifies the encoding of a message body in a request.

For additional details, see the specification.


The MIME type of the request or response.

Valid Values Any valid MIME type.
Example Content-Type: text/html

This is required for POST and PUT commands associated with uploading objects and granting permissions; however, this command can alternatively be included in the body of the request instead of as a header (for more information, see Objects: insert). When making the initial request of a resumable upload that also includes metadata, use the Content-Type header to specify the metadata's data type.

For additional details, see the specification.


The date and time of the request or response.

Valid Values A date and time represented in conventional HTTP format (see the specification).
Example Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2010 11:11:11 GMT
Details For information about HTTP date formats, see the specification.


A response header that contains the entity tag of the object being accessed.

Valid Values A string of characters enclosed by quotes. For more information, see Object metadata.

ETag: "39a59594290b0f9a30662a56d695b71d"

ETag: "-CKicn4fknbUCEAE="

Details See the specification.


A response header indicating the time after which the response is considered stale.

Valid Values A date and time represented in conventional HTTP format (see the specification).
Example Expires: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 18:56:00 GMT
Details See the specification.


A request header that specifies an entity tag (ETag).

Valid Values A valid entity tag.
Example If-Match: "881f7881ac1bc144a2672e45babb8839"

This header is currently supported for GET requests. This header is supported for all resources, including buckets, objects and ACLs. If the ETag you specify with this header is the same as the ETag for the requested resource, then the request proceeds normally. If the ETag you specify with this header is different from the ETag for the requested resource, then the request fails and Cloud Storage returns a 412 Precondition Failed error code.

For additional details, see the specification.


A request header that specifies an entity tag (ETag).

Valid Values A valid entity tag.
Example If-None-Match: "881f7881ac1bc144a2672e45babb8839"

This header is currently supported for GET requests. This header is supported for all resources, including buckets, objects and ACLs. If the ETag you specify with this header is different than the ETag for the requested resource, then the request proceeds normally. If the ETag you specify with this header is the same as the ETag of the requested resource, then the request fails and Cloud Storage returns a 304 Not Modified status code.

For additional details, see the specification.


A response header providing a URI.

Valid Values Any valid URI.
Example Location:

The location header is used for several purposes:

  • In response to initiating a resumable upload it provides you with a session URI for a resumable upload operation.
  • In response to a Cookie-based authentication request it provides you with a unique web origin response URL for the request.
  • In response to a JSON API download request made at a URL other than `` it provides a redirect to the JSON API URL where the download can be made.

For additional details, see the specification.


A request header indicating the range of bytes that you want returned, and a response header indicating the range of bytes that have been uploaded to the Cloud Storage system.

Valid Values A contiguous range of bytes.
Examples Range: bytes=0-1999 (first 2000 bytes)
Range: bytes=-2000 (last 2000 bytes)
Range: bytes=2000- (from byte 2000 to end of file)

When included as a header in a request for object data, only the specified range of bytes for the object gets returned, which is useful when downloading an object in parallel requests or when resuming an interrupted download. Multiple byte ranges in a single request are not accepted, and in certain circumstances the Range request header is ignored.

When returned as part of a response associated with a resumable upload, Range indicates the number of bytes currently uploaded. You can subsequently use this information to continue the upload.

Byte ranges are inclusive. For example, bytes=0-999 represent the first 1000 bytes in a file or object. For more information about this header, see the specification.

Extension (custom) HTTP headers


A request header that restricts the resources the request is allowed to act on.

Valid Values An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of the organization restriction definition.
Example X-Goog-Allowed-Resources: ewogInJlc291cmNlcyI6IFsib3JnYW5pemF0aW9ucy8xMjM0NTY3ODkiLCAib3JnYW5pemF0aW9ucy8xMDExMTIxMzE0Il0sCiAib3B0aW9ucyI6ICJzdHJpY3QiCn0K
Details This request header prevents a request from proceeding unless each resource in the request is within an organization specified by the header. For more information, see Introduction to organization restrictions.


A request and response header that specifies if transfer-encoding had been applied to the message body.

Valid Values chunked
Example Transfer-Encoding: chunked

This header specifies if the message body of a request or response has been chunked. If it is, content is received or served in a series of chunks, with the final chunk having a length of zero. If you specify Transfer-Encoding: Chunked, you don't need to specify a Content-Length. This can be useful if you don't know the length of the message body in advance, such as when performing a streaming upload.

For more details about Transfer-Encodings, see the specification. For more details about chunked transfer encoding, see the specification.


A PUT request header. When used, Cloud Storage only accepts the request if the size of the request's content is within the header's specified range.

Valid Values A MIN,MAX pair
Example X-Goog-Content-Length-Range: 0,256
Details The values for content size are inclusive and given in bytes. If the size of the request's content is in the specified range, it is delivered as requested. If the size of the request's content is outside the specified range, the request fails and a 400 Bad Request code is returned in the response. If the X-Goog-Content-Length-Range is used in a request other than PUT, the header is silently ignored.


A request header that specifies custom information to include in audit logs generated by Cloud Audit Logs.

Valid Values A string of characters (1,200 maximum).

X-Goog-Custom-Audit-User: user ID test 1

X-Goog-Custom-Audit-Job: test-job-id-here

X-Goog-Custom-Audit-Justification: Removed customer identity record at customer request

Details The X-Goog-Custom-Audit-KEY header can be used in any JSON API request. The KEY is a custom string that can contain up to 64 characters. The VALUE is a custom string that can contain up to 1,200 characters.


A request and response header that specifies the encryption algorithm to use.

Valid Values AES256
Example X-Goog-Encryption-Algorithm: AES256
Details This request and response header is used when you provide customer-supplied encryption keys. When used specifically in a rewrite operation, this header applies to the destination object.


A request header that specifies an encryption key.

Valid Values An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of a valid AES-256 encryption key
Example X-Goog-Encryption-Key: NwbyGGmcKAX4FxGpOERG2Ap33m5NVOgmXznSGTEvG0I=
Details This request header is used when you provide customer-supplied encryption keys. When used specifically in a rewrite operation, this header applies to the destination object.


A request and response header that specifies the SHA256 hash of the encryption key.

Valid Values An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of a valid SHA256 hash for an encryption key
Example X-Goog-Encryption-Key-Sha256: +eBzkZBt1Mj2CZx69L3c8yXoZB6DtRLlSvXMJB9JGIQ=
Details This request header is used when you provide customer-supplied encryption keys. When used specifically in a rewrite operation, this header applies to the destination object.


A request and response header that specifies the encryption algorithm to use on the source object when performing a rewrite.

Valid Values AES256
Example X-Goog-Copy-Source-Encryption-Algorithm: AES256
Details This request and response header is used in rewrite operations when you provide customer-supplied encryption keys. This header applies to the source object used in the rewrite.


A request header that specifies an encryption key to use to decrypt the source object when performing a rewrite.

Valid Values An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of a valid AES-256 encryption key
Example X-Goog-Copy-Source-Encryption-Key: NwbyGGmcKAX4FxGpOERG2Ap33m5NVOgmXznSGTEvG0I=
Details This request header is used in rewrite operations when you provide customer-supplied encryption keys. This header applies to the source object in the rewrite.


A request and response header that specifies the SHA256 hash of the encryption key that is used to decrypt the source object when performing a rewrite.

Valid Values An RFC 4648 Base64-encoded string of a valid SHA256 hash for an encryption key.
Example X-Goog-Copy-Source-Encryption-Key-Sha256: +eBzkZBt1Mj2CZx69L3c8yXoZB6DtRLlSvXMJB9JGIQ=
Details This request header is in rewrite operations when you provide customer-supplied encryption keys. This header applies to the source object in the rewrite.


A request header used to set custom metadata in the final request of a resumable upload.

Valid Values Any valid header name and value, with a maximum combined size of 8 KiB.
Example X-Goog-Meta-foo: bar
Details The X-Goog-Meta- header is an optional header in the final request of a resumable upload. The KEY and the header's value are added to the custom metadata of the uploaded object. Any custom metadata set in the initial request that uses the same KEY string is overwritten using the value provided in the X-Goog-Meta- header. Keys specified using the X-Goog-Meta- header are always added to the object's metadata using lowercase characters because HTTP headers are case-insensitive.


A response header that indicates the content encoding value stored as part of the object's metadata. This value is independent of any transcoding that might be performed by the server during individual requests for the object.

Valid Values The content-encoding specified in the stored object's metadata or identity.
Example X-Goog-Stored-Content-Encoding: gzip
Details If the object has no stored metadata value for content-encoding, then the value of this header is identity.


A response header that indicates the content length (in bytes) of the object as stored in Cloud Storage, independent of any server-driven negotiation that might occur for individual requests for the object.

Valid Values Any byte value of zero or greater.
Example X-Goog-Stored-Content-Length: 350
Details None


A request header that specifies a user project to bill for access charges associated with the request.

Valid Values The Project ID for an existing Google Cloud project
Example X-Goog-User-Project: my-project

The project specified in the header is billed for charges associated with the request. This header is used, for example, when making requests to buckets that have Requester Pays enabled.

Generally, JSON requests that require a project ID should supply one in the request URL with the userProject parameter instead of with the X-Goog-User-Project header.


A response header returned for Cloud Storage requests.

Valid Values A string of characters.
Example X-GUploader-UploadID: ADPycdvYczN-TgGGp1mvqlCLVKg2m0Cp9niWTV2kc8MLJG6W6Xw7aPMYj1YU8Pxskb5C9lUM8hVEtBG6DubMif3xhXkgTpfhpg
Details The X-GUploader-UploadID header is a unique identifier provided in Cloud Storage responses. This value can be helpful when troubleshooting with Google Cloud support.


An alternative notation for sending PATCH commands.

Valid Values PATCH
Example X-HTTP-Method-Override: PATCH
Details The X-HTTP-Method-Override header can be sent with a POST command in order to make the command behave as a PATCH command. This is useful when your firewall does not allow explicit PATCH commands to be sent.


A request header used in resumable uploads.

Valid Values Any value of 0 or greater.
Example X-Upload-Content-Length: 2000000
Details The X-Upload-Content-Length header is used in the initial request of a resumable upload. It specifies the total size in bytes of the object to be uploaded. If the length is unknown at the time of the request, the header can be omitted.


A request header used in resumable uploads.

Valid Values Any valid MIME type (see the specification).
Example X-Upload-Content-Type: image/jpeg
Details The X-Upload-Content-Type header is used in the initial request of a resumable upload. It specifies the MIME media type of the data that will be transferred in the resumable upload. If a MIME type is not specified in metadata or through this header, the object is served as application/octet-stream.

Standard Query Parameters

Query string parameters that can be used in any JSON API request are shown in the table below. Note that not all parameters apply to all requests. For example, use of the fields parameter has no effect on Delete requests, since the response body is empty. See specific methods for additional query string parameters.

In the examples of query parameters described in this section, the URIs are not shown but are assumed to be relative to, with the exception of object uploads and batched requests. For more information about the URIs you should use when making requests to the JSON API, see Request endpoints.

All parameters are optional except where noted.

Parameter Meaning Notes

Data format for the response.

  • Valid values: json, media
  • Default value: json
callback Callback function.
  • Name of the JavaScript callback function that handles the response.
  • Used in JavaScript JSON-P requests.
fields Selector specifying a subset of fields to include in the response.
  • For more information, see the partial response documentation.
  • Use for better performance.

Returns response with indentations and line breaks.

  • Returns the response in a human-readable format if true.
  • Default value: true.
  • When this is false, it can reduce the response payload size, which might lead to better performance in some environments.
quotaUser IP address of the end user for whom the API call is being made.
  • Lets you enforce per-user quotas from a server-side application even in cases when the user's IP address is unknown. This can occur, for example, with applications that run cron jobs on App Engine on a user's behalf.
  • You can choose any arbitrary string that uniquely identifies a user, but it is limited to 40 characters.
  • Learn more about Capping API usage.
userProject The project to be billed for the request.

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