
The Buckets resource represents a bucket in Cloud Storage. There is a single global namespace shared by all buckets. For more information, see bucket name requirements.

Buckets contain objects which can be accessed by their own methods. In addition to the acl property, buckets contain bucketAccessControls, for use in fine-grained manipulation of an existing bucket's access controls.

A bucket is always owned by the associated project's projectOwner convenience value.

To try out the methods for this resource, such as creating a new bucket, see Methods.

Resource representations

  "kind": "storage#bucket",
  "selfLink": string,
  "id": string,
  "name": string,
  "projectNumber": "unsigned long",
  "metageneration": "long",
  "location": string,
  "storageClass": string,
  "etag": string,
  "defaultEventBasedHold": boolean,
  "timeCreated": "datetime",
  "updated": "datetime",
  "hierarchicalNamespace": {
    "enabled": boolean
  "encryption": {
    "defaultKmsKeyName": string
  "acl": [
    bucketAccessControls Resource
  "defaultObjectAcl": [
    defaultObjectAccessControls Resource
  "website": {
    "mainPageSuffix": string,
    "notFoundPage": string
  "owner": {
    "entity": string,
    "entityId": string
  "logging": {
    "logBucket": string,
    "logObjectPrefix": string
  "cors": [
      "origin": [
      "method": [
      "responseHeader": [
      "maxAgeSeconds": integer
  "versioning": {
    "enabled": boolean
  "lifecycle": {
    "rule": [
        "action": {
          "storageClass": string,
          "type": string
        "condition": {
          "age": integer,
          "createdBefore": "date",
          "isLive": boolean,
          "numNewerVersions": integer,
          "matchesStorageClass": [
          "daysSinceCustomTime": integer,
          "customTimeBefore": "date",
          "daysSinceNoncurrentTime": integer,
          "noncurrentTimeBefore": "date",
          "matchesPrefix": [
          "matchesSuffix": [
  "autoclass": {
    "enabled": boolean,
    "toggleTime": "datetime",
    "terminalStorageClass": string,
    "terminalStorageClassUpdateTime": "datetime"
  "labels": {
    (key): string
  "retentionPolicy": {
    "retentionPeriod": "unsigned long",
    "effectiveTime": "datetime",
    "isLocked": boolean
  "objectRetention": {
    "mode": string
  "billing": {
    "requesterPays": boolean
  "iamConfiguration": {
    "publicAccessPrevention": string,
    "uniformBucketLevelAccess": {
      "enabled": boolean,
  "locationType": string,
  "customPlacementConfig": {
    "dataLocations": [
  "softDeletePolicy": {
    "retentionDurationSeconds": long,
    "effectiveTime": datetime
  "rpo": string
Property name Value Description Notes
acl[] list Access controls on the bucket, containing one or more bucketAccessControls Resources. If iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled is set to true, this field is omitted in responses, and requests that specify this field fail with a 400 Bad Request response. writable
autoclass object The bucket's Autoclass configuration, which, when enabled, controls the storage class of objects based on how and when the objects are accessed. writable
autoclass.enabled boolean Whether or not Autoclass is enabled. By default, this boolean is not set, and Autoclass is disabled. writable
autoclass.terminalStorageClass string The coldest storage class that an object in an Autoclass-enabled bucket transitions to if it is not accessed. Valid values are NEARLINE and ARCHIVE. The default value is NEARLINE. writable
autoclass.terminalStorageClassUpdateTime datetime1 The time at which the terminal storage class was last updated for this bucket, in RFC 3339 format.
autoclass.toggleTime datetime1 The time at which Autoclass was last enabled or disabled for this bucket, in RFC 3339 format.
billing object The bucket's billing configuration. writable
billing.requesterPays boolean When set to true, Requester Pays is enabled for this bucket. writable
cors[] list The bucket's Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) configuration. writable
cors[].maxAgeSeconds integer The value, in seconds, to return in the Access-Control-Max-Age header used in preflight responses. writable
cors[].method[] list The list of HTTP methods on which to include CORS response headers, such as "GET", "OPTIONS", and "POST".

Note: "*" is permitted in the list of methods, and means "any method".

cors[].origin[] list The list of Origins eligible to receive CORS response headers.

Note: "*" is permitted in the list of origins, and means "any Origin".

cors[].responseHeader[] list The list of HTTP headers other than the simple response headers to give permission for the user-agent to share across domains. writable
customPlacementConfig object Applicable only if a bucket is located in a configurable dual-region. The bucket's custom location configuration. writable for insert requests
customPlacementConfig.dataLocations[] list The list of individual regions that comprise a configurable dual-region bucket. See Cloud Storage bucket locations for a list of acceptable regions. writable for insert requests
defaultEventBasedHold boolean Whether or not to automatically apply an eventBasedHold to new objects added to the bucket. writable
defaultObjectAcl[] list Default access controls to apply to new objects when no ACL is provided. This list contains one or more defaultObjectAccessControls Resources. If iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled is set to true, this field is omitted in responses, and requests that specify this field fail. writable
encryption object Encryption configuration for a bucket. writable
encryption.defaultKmsKeyName string A Cloud KMS key that will be used to encrypt objects written to this bucket if no encryption method is specified as part of the object write request. writable
etag string HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the bucket.
hierarchicalNamespace.enabled (preview) boolean Whether or not hierarchical namespace is enabled for this bucket. writeable for insert requests
iamConfiguration object The IAM configuration for a bucket. writable
iamConfiguration.publicAccessPrevention string The bucket's public access prevention status, which is either "inherited" or "enforced". If "inherited", the bucket uses public access prevention only if the bucket is subject to the public access prevention organization policy constraint. Defaults to "inherited". writable
iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess object The bucket's uniform bucket-level access configuration.

Note: iamConfiguration also includes the bucketPolicyOnly field, which uses a legacy name but has the same functionality as the uniformBucketLevelAccess field. We recommend only using uniformBucketLevelAccess, as specifying both fields may result in unreliable behavior.
iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled boolean Whether or not the bucket uses uniform bucket-level access. If set, access checks only use bucket-level IAM policies or above. writable
iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.lockedTime datetime1 The deadline time for changing iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled from true to false, in RFC 3339 format.

iamConfiguration.uniformBucketLevelAccess.enabled may be changed from true to false until the locked time, after which the field is immutable.

id string The ID of the bucket. For buckets, the id and name properties are the same.
kind string The kind of item this is. For buckets, this is always "storage#bucket".
labels object User-provided bucket labels, in key/value pairs. writable
labels.(key) string An individual label entry. writable
lifecycle object The bucket's lifecycle configuration. See lifecycle management for more information. writable
lifecycle.rule[] list A lifecycle management rule, which is made of an action to take and the condition(s) under which the action will be taken. writable
lifecycle.rule[].action object The lifecycle action to take. writable
lifecycle.rule[].action.storageClass string The new storage class when action.type is "SetStorageClass". See lifecycle actions for a table of supported storage class transitions. writable
lifecycle.rule[].action.type string Type of the action. Currently, "Delete", "SetStorageClass", and "AbortIncompleteMultipartUpload" are supported. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition object The condition(s) under which the action will be taken. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.age integer Age of an object (in days). This condition is satisfied when an object reaches the specified age. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.createdBefore date1 A date in the RFC 3339 format YYYY-MM-DD. This condition is satisfied when an object is created before midnight of the specified date in UTC. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.customTimeBefore date1 A date in the RFC 3339 format YYYY-MM-DD. This condition is satisfied when the customTime metadata for the object is set to an earlier date than the date used in this lifecycle condition. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.daysSinceCustomTime integer Days since the date set in the customTime metadata for the object. This condition is satisfied when the current date and time is at least the specified number of days after the customTime. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.daysSinceNoncurrentTime integer Relevant only for versioned objects. This condition is satisfied when an object has been noncurrent for more than the specified number of days. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.isLive boolean Relevant only for versioned objects. If the value is true, this condition matches the live version of objects; if the value is false, it matches noncurrent versions of objects. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.matchesPrefix[] list of strings The prefix of an object. This condition is satisfied when the beginning of an object's name is an exact case-sensitive match with the prefix. The prefix must meet object naming requirements. You can specify one or multiple strings as a list. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.matchesStorageClass[] list Objects having any of the storage classes specified by this condition will be matched. Values include "STANDARD", "NEARLINE", "COLDLINE", "ARCHIVE", "MULTI_REGIONAL", "REGIONAL", and "DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY". writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.matchesSuffix[] list of strings The suffix of an object. This condition is satisfied when the end of an object's name is an exact case-sensitive match with the suffix. The suffix must meet object naming requirements. You can specify one or multiple strings as a list. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.noncurrentTimeBefore date1 Relevant only for versioned objects. A date in the RFC 3339 format YYYY-MM-DD. This condition is satisfied for objects that became noncurrent on a date prior to the one specified in this condition. writable
lifecycle.rule[].condition.numNewerVersions integer Relevant only for versioned objects. If the value is N, this condition is satisfied when there are at least N versions (including the live version) newer than this version of the object. writable
location string The location of the bucket. Object data for objects in the bucket resides in physical storage within this location. Defaults to "US". See Cloud Storage bucket locations for the authoritative list. writable for insert requests
locationType string The type of location that the bucket resides in. Possible values include region, dual-region, and multi-region.
logging object The bucket's logging configuration, which defines the destination bucket and optional name prefix for the current bucket's usage logs and storage logs. writable
logging.logBucket string The destination bucket where the current bucket's logs should be placed. writable
logging.logObjectPrefix string A prefix for log object names. The default prefix is the bucket name. writable
metageneration long1 The metadata generation of this bucket.
name string The name of the bucket. writable for insert requests
objectRetention object The bucket's object retention configuration.
objectRetention.mode string When set to Enabled, retention configurations can be set on objects in the bucket.
owner object The owner of the bucket. This is always the project team's owner group.
owner.entity string The entity, in the form "project-owner-projectId".
owner.entityId string The ID for the entity.
projectNumber unsigned long1 The project number of the project the bucket belongs to.
retentionPolicy object The bucket's retention policy, which defines the minimum age an object in the bucket must reach before it can be deleted or replaced. writable
retentionPolicy.effectiveTime datetime1 The time from which the retentionPolicy was effective, in RFC 3339 format.
retentionPolicy.isLocked boolean Whether or not the retentionPolicy is locked. If true, the retentionPolicy cannot be removed and the retention period cannot be reduced.
retentionPolicy.retentionPeriod unsigned integer1 The period of time, in seconds, that objects in the bucket must be retained and cannot be deleted, replaced, or made noncurrent. The value must be greater than 0 seconds and less than 3,155,760,000 seconds. writable
rpo string The recovery point objective for cross-region replication of the bucket. Applicable only for dual- and multi-region buckets. "DEFAULT" uses default replication. "ASYNC_TURBO" enables turbo replication, valid for dual-region buckets only. If rpo is not specified when the bucket is created, it defaults to "DEFAULT". For more information, see redundancy across regions. writable
softDeletePolicy object The bucket's soft delete policy, which defines the period of time during which objects in the bucket are retained in a soft-deleted state after being deleted. Objects in a soft-deleted state cannot be permanently deleted, and are restorable until their hardDeleteTime. writeable
softDeletePolicy.effectiveTime datetime

The datetime at which the soft delete policy becomes effective, in RFC 3339 format.

softDeletePolicy.effectiveTime is updated whenever softDeletePolicy.retentionDurationSeconds is increased.

softDeletePolicy.retentionDurationSeconds long The period of time during which a soft-deleted object is retained and cannot be permanently deleted, in seconds. The value must be greater than or equal to 604800 (7 days) and less than 7776000 (90 days). The value can also be set to 0, which disables the soft delete policy. writeable
storageClass string The bucket's default storage class, used whenever no storageClass is specified for a newly-created object. If storageClass is not specified when the bucket is created, it defaults to "STANDARD". For available storage classes, see Storage classes. writable
timeCreated datetime1 The creation time of the bucket in RFC 3339 format.
updated datetime1 The time at which the bucket's metadata or IAM policy was last updated, in RFC 3339 format.
versioning object The bucket's versioning configuration. For more information, see Object Versioning. writable
versioning.enabled boolean While set to true, versioning is fully enabled for this bucket. writable
website object The bucket's website configuration, controlling how the service behaves when accessing bucket contents as a web site. See the Static Website Examples for more information. writable
website.mainPageSuffix string If the requested object path is missing, the service will ensure the path has a trailing '/', append this suffix, and attempt to retrieve the resulting object. This allows the creation of index.html objects to represent directory pages. writable
website.notFoundPage string If the requested object path is missing, and any mainPageSuffix object is missing, if applicable, the service will return the named object from this bucket as the content for a 404 Not Found result. writable
1 This property is a string formatted as the specified value type.


Available methods for Buckets resources are as follows:

Deletes a bucket.
Returns metadata for the specified bucket.
Returns an IAM policy for the specified bucket.
Creates a new bucket.
Retrieves a list of buckets for a given project.
Retrieves a list of active Object Change Notification channels for a bucket.
Irreversibly sets the retention policy on a bucket.
Updates a bucket. Changes to the bucket will be readable immediately after writing, but configuration changes may take time to propagate. This method supports patch semantics.
Updates an IAM policy for the specified bucket.
Tests a set of permissions on the given bucket to see which, if any, are held by the caller.
Updates a bucket. Changes to the bucket will be readable immediately after writing, but configuration changes may take time to propagate. This method sets the complete metadata of a bucket. If you want to change some of a bucket's metadata while leaving other parts unaffected, use the PATCH method instead.

For information about status and error codes returned by these APIs, see the reference page.

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