Optimize channel guidance

This document helps you understand the channel guidance for a Citizens Broadband Radio Service Device (CBSD) in your network.

Channel quality and ranking vary based on a CBSD's frequency management group. Spectrum Access System (SAS) automatically assigns frequency management groups to all CBSDs unless the CBSD provides this information in the registration request. To optimize channel guidance information, you can use the Google SAS Portal to adjust frequency management groups.

SAS pre-populates values for your CBSDs every day:

To make sure that the pre-populated values match your network configuration, review the SFG and the FRG on the CBSD's Config tab.

To optimize channel guidance, assign frequency management groups as follows:

  • Assign an SFG to each CBSD that must use the same channel.
  • Assign an FRG to CBSDs that don't cause interference issues with each other when they share a channel.

After you confirm your frequency management groups, review the recommended channels on the CBSD's Config tab. You might have to wait up to four hours to view the updated results.

Update frequency management groups

To update frequency management groups, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the SAS Portal.
  2. Click View deployments.
  3. Select the deployment, and then click Open.
  4. To change group information, do the following:
  5. Select the CBSD. On the right, the CBSD page opens.
  6. On the Config tab, click the Frequency management drop-down.
  7. For the Same freq and Freq. reuse fields, enter the group. You can assign a maximum of one SFG to a CBSD at a time and multiple FRGs to the same CBSD.


Some CBSDs are configured to send SFG and FRG information to SAS. When the CBSD provides grouping parameters information like this, it overrides information saved in the SAS Portal.

You can change the frequency management group settings in the SAS Portal, but the CBSD might reset those values if it's programmed to do so. For more details, check with your CBSD vendor.

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