Security posture YAML file

This page provides an overview of the key-value pairs in the posture.yaml file that you create to define the policies for your security posture. To create a posture YAML file and deploy it in your environment, see Manage a security posture.

Posture YAML file structure

Postures are YAML files that have the following structure:

name: posture_name
state: posture_state
description: posture_description
- policy_set_id: policy_set_ID
  - description: policy_set_description
  - policy_id: policy_id
      - standard: policy_standards
      - control: policy_control
          - description: policy_description
    # Definition for a organization policy
        canned_constraint_id: constraint_ID
          - org_policy_kind: org_policy_kind_value
          - condition:
              expression: org_policy_expression
              title: org_policy_title
              description: org_policy_description
              location: org_policy_location
    # Definition for a custom organization policy constraint
          name: custom_org_constraint_name
          resource_types: custom_org_resource_type
          method_types: custom_org_method_type
          condition: custom_org_condition
          action_type: custom_org_action_type
          display_name: custom_org_constraint_display_name
          description: custom_org_constraint_description
          - org_policy_kind: org_policy_kind_value
          - condition:
              expression: org_policy_expression
              title: org_policy_title
              description: org_policy_description
              location: org_policy_location
      # Definition for a Security Health Analytics detector
            module_name: sha_detector_name
            module_enablement_state: sha_detector_enabled
      # Definition for a custom Security Health Analytics detector
            display_name: sha_custom_detector_name
                    expression: sha_custom_detector_expression
                    title: sha_custom_detector_predicate_title
                    description: sha_custom_detector_predicate_description
                    location: sha_custom_detector_predicate_location
                - custom_output:
                    - property:
                        name: sha_custom_detector_output_name
                            expression: sha_custom_detector_output_expression
                            title: sha_custom_detector_output_title
                            description: sha_custom_detector_output_description
                            location: sha_custom_detector_output_location
                    - resource_types: sha_custom_detector_resource
            severity: sha_custom_severity_level
              description: sha_custom_detector_description
              recommendation: sha_custom_detector_recommendation
            module_enablement_state: sha_detector_enabled

Description of key-value pairs

The following table provides a description of the key-value pairs in the posture.yaml file.

Key-value pair Description
name: posture_name The posture name, starting with a letter. This value is optional because you specify the posture name when you run the gcloud scc postures create command.
state: posture_state An ENUM that you can set to ACTIVE, DRAFT, or DEPRECATED. For more information about posture states, see Change the state of a posture.
description: posture_description A description of the policy. This value is optional.
policy_set_id: policy_set_ID A unique identifier for the policy set within the posture file. A posture file can include multiple policy sets.
description: policy_set_description A description of the policy set. This value is optional.
policy_id: policy_id A unique identifier for the policy within the policy set. A policy set can include multiple policies.
standard: policy_compliance_standard The name of the compliance standard that this policy supports.
control: policy_compliance_control The particular controls within the compliance standard that this policy supports.
description: policy_compliance_description A description of the compliance standard that this policy supports.
canned_constraint_id: constraint_ID The name of the organization policy constraint. For example, cloudbuild.allowedWorkerPools. Don't include the constraints/ prefix in constraint_ID.
org_policy_kind Values for list organization policies are allow_all, deny_all, allowed_values, denied_values. Value for boolean organization policies is enforce.
org_policy_kind_value Values for the allow_all, deny_all, enforce kind are true or false. The value for allowed_values and denied_values kinds is a list of allowed or denied values respectively.
condition: A condition which determines whether this rule is used in the evaluation of the policy. When set, the expression field in the Expr must include from 1 to 10 subexpressions, joined by the || or && operators. Each subexpression must be of the form resource.matchTag('ORG_ID/tag_key_short_name, 'tag_value_short_name') or resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/key_id', 'tagValues/value_id') where key_name and value_name are the resource names for Label Keys and Values. These names are available from the tag manager service. An example expression is: resource.matchTag('123456789/environment, 'prod') or resource.matchTagId('tagKeys/123', 'tagValues/456').
expression: org_policy_expression The textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. This value is optional.
title: org_policy_title The description of the purpose for the expression. This value is optional.
description: org_policy_description The description of the expression. This value is optional.
location: org_policy_location A string that indicates the location of the expression for reporting errors. For example a filename and a position in the file. This value is optional.
name: custom_org_constraint_name The name of the custom constraint, in the format organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID/customConstraints/CONSTRAINT_NAME. For example, organizations/3589215982/customConstraints/custom.disableGkeAutoUpgrade. The CONSTRAINT_NAME cannot be longer than 62 characters. The prefix organizations/{organization_id}/customConstraints/custom is not counted. Defining a custom constraint in the posture file creates a new custom constraint.
resource_types: custom_org_resource_type The fully qualified name of the Google Cloud REST resource that contains the object and field that you want to restrict. There is a maximum of 20 custom constraints per resource type.
method_types: custom_org_method_type The list of RESTful methods for which to enforce the constraint.
condition: custom_org_condition The CEL condition that refers to the supported service resource. This field has a maximum length of 1000 characters.
action_type: custom_org_action_type The action to take if the condition is met.
display_name: custom_org_constraint_display_name A human-friendly name for the constraint. This field has a maximum length of 200 characters.
description: custom_org_constraint_description The description of the constraint to display as an error message when the policy is violated. This field has a maximum length of 2000 characters.
module_name: sha_detector_name The name of a Security Health Analytics detector. For example, BIGQUERY_TABLE_CMEK_DISABLED.
module_enablement_state: sha_detector_enabled Whether the Security Health Analytics detector is enabled. Either ENABLED or DISABLED.
display_name: sha_custom_detector_name The name for the custom module for Security Health Analytics. The name must be between 1 and 128 characters, start with a lowercase letter, and contain alphanumeric characters or underscores only.
expression: sha_custom_detector_expression The CEL expressions that check the properties of the resource types to be scanned.
title: sha_custom_detector_predicate_title The name of the predicate property for the custom module for Security Health Analytics.
description: sha_custom_detector_predicate_description The description of the predicate property for the custom module for Security Health Analytics.
location: sha_custom_detector_predicate_location The location that the predicate property applies to.
name: sha_custom_detector_output_name The name of the custom_output property.
expression: sha_custom_detector_output_expression What expression to return in the output.
title: sha_custom_detector_output_title The title for the output.
description: sha_custom_detector_output_description The description of the output for the custom module for Security Health Analytics.
location: sha_custom_detector_output_location The location that the output applies to.
resource_types: sha_custom_detector_resource The resource types that the custom module scans.
severity: sha_custom_severity_level The severity for the findings that are created by this module.
description: sha_custom_detector_description The vulnerability or misconfiguration that the custom module detects.
recommendation: sha_custom_detector_recommendation A description of how to fix the detected issue.

Sample posture.yaml

createTime: '2024-04-01T15:27:27.188366349Z'
etag: h5ulCqzUqOcaIjKjxHFrOrrZpmneG8A0K1mdO-uHsLM
name: organizations/123/locations/global/postures/mixedcasposture
- policies:
  - constraint:
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
    description: enable BIGQUERY_TABLE_CMEK_DISABLED
  - constraint:
        cannedConstraintId: iam.allowServiceAccountCredentialLifetimeExtension
        - allowAll: true
        - condition:
            expression: resource.matchTag("123/location", "us-east3")
            title: policy for us-east3
            description: apply policy to us-east3
    policyId: test/123/policies/iam.allowServiceAccountCredentialLifetimeExtension
  - constraint:
          actionType: ALLOW
          condition: == false
          description: Only allow GKE NodePool resource to be created or updated if
            AutoUpgrade is not enabled where this custom constraint is enforced.
          displayName: Disable GKE auto upgrade
          - CREATE
          name: organizations/123/customConstraints/custom.gke123
        - enforce: true
    policyId: orgPolicycustomconstraint
  - constraint:
        moduleEnablementState: DISABLED
        moduleName: PUBLIC_BUCKET_ACL
    description: PUBLIC_BUCKET_ACL disabled
    policyId: sha module PUBLIC_BUCKET_ACL
  - constraint:
          customOutput: {}
          description: Test Custom Module
            expression: resource.rotationPeriod > duration('2592000s')
          recommendation: Testing custom modules
          severity: CRITICAL
        displayName: customSHA
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
    policyId: sha_custom_module
  - constraint:
          customOutput: {}
          description: Test Custom Module
            expression: resource.rotationPeriod > duration('2592000s')
          recommendation: Testing custom modules
          severity: CRITICAL
        displayName: customSHA2
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
    policyId: sha_custom_module_2
  policySetId: PolicySetmix
- policy_set_id: BigQuery detective policy set
  description: SHA module that new customers can automatically enable.
  - policy_id: Public dataset
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
        moduleName: PUBLIC_DATASET
state: ACTIVE


For examples, see the predefined posture templates.

The following is a posture file that includes Security Health Analytics detectors for AWS and Google Cloud:

description: Posture to help make storage workloads more secure across Google Cloud and AWS.
state: ACTIVE
- policy_set_id: Google Cloud policy set
  description: Policy set containing organization policies and Security Health Analytics modules for securing Cloud Storage.
  - policy_id: Enforce Public Access Prevention
    - standard: NIST SP 800-53
      control: AC-3
    - standard: NIST SP 800-53
      control: AC-17
    - standard: NIST SP 800-53
      control: AC-20
        canned_constraint_id: storage.publicAccessPrevention
        - enforce: true
    description: This policy prevents access to existing and future resources via the public internet by disabling and blocking access control lists (ACLs) and IAM permissions that grant access to allUsers and allAuthenticatedUsers.
  - policy_id: Bucket IAM not monitored
    - standard: NIST 800-53 R5
      control: AC-12
    - standard: NIST 800-53 R5
      control: AC-2
    - standard: NIST 800-53 R5
      control: AC-7
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
        moduleName: BUCKET_IAM_NOT_MONITORED
    description: This detector logs metric filter and creates alerts for Cloud Storage IAM permission changes. By monitoring changes to Cloud Storage bucket permissions, this detector can help you identify over-privileged users or suspicious activity at early stages.

- policy_set_id: AWS policy set
  description:  Policy set containing AWS built-in Security Health Analytics modules for securing S3 buckets.
  - policy_id: S3 bucket replication enabled
    - standard: NIST 800-53 R5
      control: SI-13(5)
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
    description: This control checks whether an Amazon S3 bucket has cross-region replication enabled. The control fails if the bucket doesn't have cross-region replication enabled or if same-region replication is also enabled.

  - policy_id: S3 bucket logging enabled
    - standard: NIST 800-53 R5
      control: SI-13(5)
    - standard: PCI DSS 3.2.1
      control: 10.3.1
        moduleEnablementState: ENABLED
        moduleName: S3_BUCKET_LOGGING_ENABLED
    description: AWS S3 Server Access Logging feature records access requests to storage buckets which is useful for security audits. By default, server access logging is not enabled for S3 buckets.

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