Questa pagina mostra come esaminare i risultati di Event Threat Detection nella console Google Cloud e include esempi di risultati di Event Threat Detection.
Event Threat Detection è un servizio integrato per il livello Premium di Security Command Center che monitora i flussi di logging di Cloud Logging per la tua organizzazione o i tuoi progetti e rileva le minacce quasi in tempo reale. Se attivi il livello Premium di Security Command Center a livello di organizzazione, Event Threat Detection può monitorare anche gli stream di log di Google Workspace della tua organizzazione. Per saperne di più, consulta la panoramica di Event Threat Detection.
Esaminare i risultati
Per visualizzare i risultati di Event Threat Detection, il servizio deve essere abilitato nelle impostazioni Servizi di Security Command Center. Dopo aver attivato Event Threat Detection, questo strumento genera risultati analizzando log specifici. Alcuni dei log che Event Threat Detection può analizzare sono disattivati per impostazione predefinita, quindi potresti doverli attivare.
Per ulteriori informazioni sulle regole di rilevamento predefinite utilizzate da Event Threat Detection e sui log analizzati da Event Threat Detection, consulta i seguenti argomenti:
Puoi visualizzare i risultati di Event Threat Detection in Security Command Center. Se hai configurato le esportazioni continue per scrivere i log, puoi anche visualizzare i risultati in Cloud Logging. Le esportazioni continue in Cloud Logging sono disponibili solo se attivi il livello Security Command Center Premium a livello di organizzazione. Per generare un risultato e verificare la configurazione, puoi attivare intenzionalmente un rilevatore e testare Event Threat Detection.
L'attivazione di Event Threat Detection avviene in pochi secondi. Le latenze di rilevamento sono generalmente inferiori a 15 minuti dal momento in cui viene scritto un log a quando un risultato è disponibile in Security Command Center. Per ulteriori informazioni sulla latenza, consulta la panoramica della latenza di Security Command Center.
Esamina i risultati in Security Command Center
I ruoli IAM per Security Command Center possono essere concessi a livello di organizzazione, cartella o progetto. La possibilità di visualizzare, modificare, creare o aggiornare risultati, asset e origini di sicurezza dipende dal livello per cui ti è stato concesso l'accesso. Per scoprire di più sui ruoli di Security Command Center, consulta Controllo degli accessi.
Per esaminare i risultati nella console Google Cloud, segui la procedura riportata di seguito:
Nella console Google Cloud, vai alla pagina Risultati di Security Command Center.
Se necessario, seleziona il tuo Google Cloud progetto o la tua organizzazione.
Nella sezione Filtri rapidi, nella sottosezione Nome visualizzato dell'origine, seleziona una o entrambe le seguenti opzioni:
- Event Threat Detection: per filtrare i risultati generati dai rivelatori di Event Threat Detection integrati
- Moduli personalizzati per Event Threat Detection: per filtrare i risultati generati dai moduli personalizzati per Event Threat Detection
La tabella viene compilata con i risultati di Event Threat Detection.
Per visualizzare i dettagli di un determinato rilevamento, fai clic sul nome del rilevamento in
. Il riquadro dei dettagli del rilevamento si espande per visualizzare informazioni tra cui:- Quando si è verificato l'evento
- L'origine dei dati del rilevamento
- La gravità del rilevamento, ad esempio Alta
- Le azioni intraprese, ad esempio l'aggiunta di un ruolo IAM (Identity and Access Management) a un utente Gmail
- L'utente che ha eseguito l'azione, indicato accanto a Email principale
Per visualizzare tutti i risultati causati dalle azioni dello stesso utente:
- Nel riquadro dei dettagli del risultato, copia l'indirizzo email accanto a Email principale.
- Chiudi il riquadro.
Nell'editor di query, inserisci la seguente query:
USER_EMAIL "Sostituisci USER_EMAIL con l'indirizzo email che hai copiato in precedenza.
Security Command Center mostra tutti i risultati associati alle azioni intraprese dall'utente specificato.
Visualizzazione dei risultati in Cloud Logging
Se configuri Esportazioni continue per scrivere i log, puoi visualizzare i risultati di Event Threat Detection in Cloud Logging. Questa funzionalità è disponibile solo se attivi il livello Security Command Center Premium a livello di organizzazione.
Per visualizzare i risultati di Event Threat Detection in Cloud Logging:
Vai a Esplora log nella console Google Cloud.
Seleziona il Google Cloud progetto o un'altra Google Cloud risorsa in cui memorizzi i log di rilevamento delle minacce correlate agli eventi.
Utilizza il riquadro Query per creare la query in uno dei seguenti modi:
- Nell'elenco Tutte le risorse:
- Seleziona Rilevatore di minacce per visualizzare un elenco di tutti i rilevatori.
- Per visualizzare i risultati di tutti i rilevatori, seleziona all detector_name. Per visualizzare i risultati di un determinato rilevatore, selezionane il nome.
- Fai clic su Applica. La tabella Risultati delle query viene aggiornata con i log selezionati.
Inserisci la seguente query nell'editor di query e fai clic su Esegui query:
La tabella Risultati delle query viene aggiornata con i log selezionati.
- Nell'elenco Tutte le risorse:
Per visualizzare un log, seleziona una riga della tabella e fai clic su Espandi campi nidificati.
Puoi creare query sui log avanzate per specificare un insieme di voci di log da un numero qualsiasi di log.
Formati di risultati di esempio
Questa sezione include i formati di output JSON per i risultati di Event Threat Detection come vengono visualizzati quando crei esportazioni dalla console Google Cloud o esegui metodi di elenco nell'API Security Command Center.
Gli esempi di output contengono i campi più comuni a tutti i risultati. Tuttavia, tutti i campi potrebbero non essere visualizzati in ogni risultato. L'output effettivo visualizzato dipende dalla configurazione di una risorsa, nonché dal tipo e dallo stato dei risultati.
Per visualizzare esempi di risultati, espandi uno o più dei seguenti nodi.
Scansione attiva: Log4j vulnerabile a RCE
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Active Scan: Log4j Vulnerable to RCE", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "log4j_scan_success" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1639701222", "nanos": 7.22988344E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "scannerDomain": "SCANNER_DOMAIN ", "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "vpcName": "default" }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-12-17T00:33:42.722988344Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-12-17T00:33:42.722Z", "createTime": "2021-12-17T00:33:44.633Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "google.compute.Instance", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_ID " } }
Forza bruta: SSH
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Brute Force: SSH", "sourceProperties": { "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "65" }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "zone": "us-west1-a", "instanceId": "INSTANCE_ID ", "attempts": [ { "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "username": "PROJECT_ID ", "vmName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "authResult": "SUCCESS" }, { "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "username": "PROJECT_ID ", "vmName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "authResult": "FAIL" }, { "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "username": "PROJECT_ID ", "vmName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "authResult": "FAIL" } ] }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "brute_force", "indicator": "flow_log", "ruleName": "ssh_brute_force" }, "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ] }, "severity": "HIGH", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Accesso con credenziali: membro esterno aggiunto al gruppo con privilegi
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Credential Access: External Member Added To Privileged Group", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "external_member_added_to_privileged_group" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// @ORGANIZATION_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1633622881", "nanos": 6.73869E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "externalMemberAddedToPrivilegedGroup": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "groupName": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "externalMember": "user:EXTERNAL_EMAIL ", "sensitiveRoles": [{ "resource": "// ", "roleName": ["ROLES "] }] } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-07T16:08:01.673869Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-07T16:08:03.888Z", "createTime": "2021-10-07T16:08:04.516Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// @ORGANIZATION_NAME " } }
Accesso alle credenziali: gruppo con privilegi aperto al pubblico
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /groupSettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Credential Access: Privileged Group Opened To Public", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "privileged_group_opened_to_public" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /groupSettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1634774534", "nanos": 7.12E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "privilegedGroupOpenedToPublic": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "groupName": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "sensitiveRoles": [{ "resource": "// ", "roleName": ["ROLES "] }], "whoCanJoin": "ALLOW_EXTERNAL_MEMBERS" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-21T00:02:14.712Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-21T00:02:19.173Z", "createTime": "2021-10-21T00:02:20.099Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /groupSettings" } }
Accesso con credenziali: ruolo sensibile concesso a un gruppo ibrido
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "SetIamPolicy", }, "assetDisplayName": "PROJECT_NAME ", "assetId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /assets/ASSET_ID ", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Credential Access: Sensitive Role Granted To Hybrid Group", "contacts": { "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] } }, "createTime": "2022-12-22T00:31:58.242Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2022-12-22T00:31:58.151Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "iamBindings": [ { "action": "ADD", "role": "roles/iam.securityAdmin", "member": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", } ], "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "INITIAL_ACCESS", "primaryTechniques": [ "VALID_ACCOUNTS", "CLOUD_ACCOUNTS" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "sourceDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_NAME ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_NAME ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_ID ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "sensitive_role_to_group_with_external_member" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1671669114", "nanos": 715318000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "sensitiveRoleToHybridGroup": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "groupName": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "bindingDeltas": [ { "action": "ADD", "role": "roles/iam.securityAdmin", "member": "group:GROUP_NAME @ORGANIZATION_NAME ", } ], "resourceName": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } } } }
Evasione della difesa: deployment di emergenza del workload creato
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "io.k8s.core.v1.pods.create" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Defense Evasion: Breakglass Workload Deployment Created", "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "containers": [ { "name": "test-container", "uri": "test-image" } ], "createTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.756Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.709Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd, "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": { "pods": [ { "ns": "NAMESPACE ", "name": "POD_NAME ", "labels": [ { "name": "", "value": "true" } ], "containers": [ { "name": "CONTAINER_NAME ", "uri": "CONTAINER_URI " } ] } ] }, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "DEFENSE_EVASION", "primaryTechniques": [ "ABUSE_ELEVATION_CONTROL_MECHANISM" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "display_name": "default", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "parent_display_name": "CLUSTER_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222022-10-07T07:42:06.044146Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%225d80de5c-84b8-4f42-84c7-6b597162e00a%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "binary_authorization_breakglass_workload", "subRuleName": "create" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1679679521", "nanos": 141571000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ] } }
Evasione della difesa: deployment di emergenza del workload aggiornato
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "io.k8s.core.v1.pods.update" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Defense Evasion: Breakglass Workload Deployment Updated", "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "containers": [ { "name": "test-container", "uri": "test-image" } ], "createTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.756Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-03-24T17:38:45.709Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd, "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": { "pods": [ { "ns": "NAMESPACE ", "name": "POD_NAME ", "labels": [ { "name": "", "value": "true" } ], "containers": [ { "name": "CONTAINER_NAME ", "uri": "CONTAINER_URI " } ] } ] }, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "DEFENSE_EVASION", "primaryTechniques": [ "ABUSE_ELEVATION_CONTROL_MECHANISM" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE ", "display_name": "default", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "parent_display_name": "CLUSTER_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222022-10-07T07:42:06.044146Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%225d80de5c-84b8-4f42-84c7-6b597162e00a%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "binary_authorization_breakglass_workload", "subRuleName": "update" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME /k8s/namespaces/NAMESPACE " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1679679521", "nanos": 141571000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ] } }
Evasione della difesa: modifica del Controllo di servizio VPC
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /servicePerimeters/SERVICE_PERIMETER ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Defense Evasion: Modify VPC Service Control", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "modify_auth_process", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "vpcsc_changes", "subRuleName": "reduce_perimeter_protection" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /servicePerimeters/SERVICE_PERIMETER " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1633625631", "nanos": 1.78978E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "name": "accessPolicies/ACCESS_POLICY_ID /servicePerimeters/SERVICE_PERIMETER ", "policyLink": "LINK_TO_VPC_SERVICE_CONTROLS ", "delta": { "restrictedResources": [{ "resourceName": "PROJECT_NAME ", "action": "REMOVE" }], "restrictedServices": [{ "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "action": "REMOVE" }], "allowedServices": [{ "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "action": "ADD" }], "accessLevels": [{ "policyName": "ACCESS_LEVEL_POLICY ", "action": "ADD" }] } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": """ }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-07T16:53:51.178978Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22-INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-07T16:53:53.875Z", "createTime": "2021-10-07T16:53:54.411Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.identity.accesscontextmanager.v1.AccessContextManager.UpdateServicePerimeter" } }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "type": "", "displayName": "RESOURCE_DISPLAY_NAME " } }
Scoperta: può ottenere il controllo di oggetti Kubernetes sensibili
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "US" }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "io.k8s.authorization.v1.selfsubjectaccessreviews.create" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/03f466dc25a8496693b7482304fb2e7f", "category": "Discovery: Can get sensitive Kubernetes object check", "contacts": { "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] } }, "createTime": "2022-10-08T01:39:42.957Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2022-10-08T01:39:40.632Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kubernetes": { "accessReviews": [ { "name": "secrets-1665218000", "resource": "secrets", "verb": "get" } ] }, "mitreAttack": {}, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/03f466dc25a8496693b7482304fb2e7f", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "severity": "LOW", "sourceDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/us-west1-a/clusters/CLUSTER_NAME ", "display_name": "CLUSTER_NAME ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "google.container.Cluster", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "// " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "gke_control_plane", "subRuleName": "can_get_sensitive_object" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "//" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1665193180", "nanos": 632000000 }, "insertId": "84af497e-b00e-4cf2-8715-3ae7031880cf" } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "03f466dc25a8496693b7482304fb2e7f", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222022-10-08T01:39:40.632Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%2284af497e-b00e-4cf2-8715-3ae7031880cf%22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} } } }
Discovery: auto-indagine sull'account di servizio
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Discovery: Service Account Self-Investigation", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "discovery", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "iam_anomalous_behavior", "subRuleName": "service_account_gets_own_iam_policy" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1619200104", "nanos": 9.08E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceAccountGetsOwnIamPolicy": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL @PROJECT_ID", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerUserAgent": "CALLER_USER_AGENT ", "rawUserAgent": "RAW_USER_AGENT " } }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "Permission Groups Discovery: Cloud Groups", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-04-23T17:48:24.908Z", "createTime": "2021-04-23T17:48:26.922Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "type": "" } }
Evasione: accesso da proxy con anonimizzazione
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Evasion: Access from Anonymizing Proxy", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "proxy_access" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1633625631", "nanos": 1.78978E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "changeFromBadIp": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "ip": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS " } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-10-07T16:53:51.178978Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22-INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }] } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-07T16:53:53.875Z", "createTime": "2021-10-07T16:53:54.411Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PARENT_NAME ", "type": "", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Esfiltrazione: esfiltrazione dei dati di BigQuery
Questo rilevamento può includere una delle due possibili sottoregole:
, con una gravità diHIGH
, con una gravità diLOW
L'esempio seguente mostra il JSON per la sottoregola exfil_to_external_table
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "" }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Exfiltration: BigQuery Data Exfiltration", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "2023-05-30T15:49:59.709Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-05-30T15:49:59.432Z", "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID " } ], "targets": [ { "name": "// /datasets/TARGET_DATASET_ID /tables/TARGET_TABLE_ID " } ] }, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": [ "EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [ { "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "org_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "big_query_exfil", "subRuleName": "exfil_to_external_table" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1685461795", "nanos": 341527000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "dataExfiltrationAttempt": { "jobState": "SUCCEEDED", "jobLink": " :BIGQUERY_JOB_ID &project=PROJECT_ID &page=queryresults", "job": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "jobId": "BIGQUERY_JOB_ID ", "location": "BIGQUERY_JOB_LOCATION " }, "query": "QUERY ", "sourceTables": [ { "resourceUri": " &d=DATASET_ID &t=TABLE_ID &page=table", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "datasetId": "DATASET_ID ", "tableId": "TABLE_ID " } ], "destinationTables": [ { "resourceUri": " &d=TARGET_DATASET_ID &t=TARGET_TABLE_ID &page=table", "projectId": "TARGET_PROJECT_ID ", "datasetId": "TARGET_DATASET_ID ", "tableId": "TARGET_TABLE_ID " } ], "userEmail": "e2etest@PROJECT_ID" }, "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222023-05-30T15:49:55.341527Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project=PROJECT_ID " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} } } }
Esfiltrazione: estrazione di dati di BigQuery
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: BigQuery Data Extraction", "sourceProperties": { "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "detectionCategory": { "technique": "storage_bucket_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "big_query_exfil", "subRuleName": "exfil_to_cloud_storage" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related BigQuery Exfiltration Extraction findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } }, "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId":PROJECT_ID , "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "extractionAttempt": { "jobLink": " &project=SOURCE_PROJECT_ID &page=queryresults", "job": { "projectId": "SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "jobId": "JOB_ID ", "location": "US" }, "sourceTable": { "projectId": "DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID ", "datasetId": "DATASET_ID ", "tableId": "TABLE_ID ", "resourceUri": "FULL_URI " }, "destinations": [ { "originalUri": "gs://TARGET_GCS_BUCKET_NAME /TARGET_FILE_NAME ", "collectionType": "GCS_BUCKET", "collectionName": "TARGET_GCS_BUCKET_NAME ", "objectName": "TARGET_FILE_NAME " } ] }, "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID " }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2022-03-31T21:22:11.359Z", "createTime": "2022-03-31T21:22:12.689Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID " } ], "targets": [ { "name": "TARGET_GCS_URI " } ] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }], "displayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID .TABLE_ID " } }
Esfiltrazione: dati di BigQuery su Google Drive
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: BigQuery Data to Google Drive", "sourceProperties": { "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "detectionCategory": { "technique": "google_drive_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "big_query_exfil", "subRuleName": "exfil_to_google_drive" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related BigQuery Exfiltration to Google Drive findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } }, "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId":PROJECT_ID , "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "extractionAttempt": { "jobLink": " &project=SOURCE_PROJECT_ID &page=queryresults", "job": { "projectId": "SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "jobId": "JOB_ID ", "location": "US" }, "sourceTable": { "projectId": "DESTINATION_PROJECT_ID ", "datasetId": "DATASET_ID ", "tableId": "TABLE_ID ", "resourceUri": "FULL_URI " }, "destinations": [ { "originalUri": "gdrive://TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER /TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_NAME ", "collectionType": "GDRIVE", "collectionName": "TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FOLDER ", "objectName": "TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_FILE_NAME " } ] }, "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID " }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2022-03-31T21:20:18.408Z", "createTime": "2022-03-31T21:20:18.715Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID " } ], "targets": [ { "name": "TARGET_GOOGLE_DRIVE_URI " } ] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID /tables/TABLE_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// /datasets/DATASET_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }], "displayName": "PROJECT_ID :DATASET_ID .TABLE_ID " } }
Esfiltrazione: esfiltrazione di dati di CloudSQL
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: CloudSQL Data Exfiltration", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "storage_bucket_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "cloudsql_exfil", "subRuleName": "export_to_public_gcs" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId":PROJECT_ID , "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "exportToGcs": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "cloudsqlInstanceResource": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "gcsUri": "gs://TARGET_GCS_BUCKET_NAME /TARGET_FILE_NAME ", "bucketAccess": "PUBLICLY_ACCESSIBLE", "bucketResource": "// ", "exportScope": "WHOLE_INSTANCE" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related CloudSQL Exfiltration findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-10-11T16:32:59.828Z", "createTime": "2021-10-11T16:33:00.229Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "cloudsql.instances.export" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "components": [] } ], "targets": [ { "name": "// ", "components": [ "TARGET_FILE_NAME " ] } ] }, }, "resource": { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_NAME " } }
Esfiltrazione: backup di ripristino Cloud SQL in un'organizzazione esterna
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /instances/SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME /backupRuns/BACKUP_ID ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: CloudSQL Restore Backup to External Organization", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "SOURCE_PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "backup_exfiltration", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "cloudsql_exfil", "subRuleName": "restore_to_external_instance" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME " }, ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "restoreToExternalInstance": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "sourceCloudsqlInstanceResource": "// /instances/SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "backupId": "BACKUP_ID ", "targetCloudsqlInstanceResource": "// /instances/TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME " } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related CloudSQL Exfiltration findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:07.901Z", "createTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:08.695Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/SOURCE_PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE", "EXFILTRATION_TO_CLOUD_STORAGE"] }, "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP ", "callerIpGeo": { }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "cloudsql.instances.restoreBackup" }, "exfiltration": { "sources": [ { "name": "// /instances/SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "targets": [ { "name": "// /instances/TARGET_INSTANCE_NAME " } ] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /instances/SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME /backupRuns/BACKUP_ID ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "SOURCE_PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// /instances/SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "parentDisplayName": "SOURCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_ID " }], "displayName": "mysql-backup-restore-instance" } }
Esfiltrazione: concessione di privilegi eccessivi CloudSQL
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Exfiltration: CloudSQL Over-Privileged Grant", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "cloudsql_exfil", "subRuleName": "user_granted_all_permissions" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related CloudSQL Exfiltration findings", "url": "RELATED_FINDINGS_LINK " } } }, "eventTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:07.901Z", "createTime": "2022-01-19T21:36:08.695Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "EXFILTRATION", "primaryTechniques": ["EXFILTRATION_OVER_WEB_SERVICE"] }, "database": { "displayName": "DATABASE_NAME ", "userName": "USER_NAME ", "query":QUERY ", "grantees": [GRANTEE ], }, "access": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "cloudsql.instances.query" } }, "resource": { "name": "// /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_ID " }], "displayName": "INSTANCE_NAME " } }
Malware: dominio non valido
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Bad Domain", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER " }, "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "VirusTotal Domain Link", "url": " /detection" } ] }, "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "0" }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "domains": [ "DOMAIN " ], "network": { "location": "REGION ", "project": "PROJECT_ID " }, "dnsContexts": [ { "authAnswer": true, "sourceIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "queryName": "DOMAIN ", "queryType": "AAAA", "responseCode": "NOERROR", "responseData": [ { "domainName": "DOMAIN .", "ttl": 299, "responseClass": "IN", "responseType": "AAAA", "responseValue": "IP_ADDRESS " } ] } ] }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "detectionCategory": { "technique": "C2", "indicator": "domain", "subRuleName": "google_intel", "ruleName": "bad_domain" } }, "severity": "HIGH", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Malware: IP non valido
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Bad IP", "sourceProperties": { "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "0" }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "ips": [ "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS " ], "ipConnection": { "srcIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "srcPort":SOURCE_PORT , "destIp": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "destPort":DESTINATION_PORT , "protocol": 6 }, "network": { "project": "PROJECT_ID ", "location": "ZONE ", "subnetworkId": "SUBNETWORK_ID ", "subnetworkName": "default" }, "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID " }, "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "VirusTotal IP Link", "url": " /detection" }, { "displayName": "VirusTotal IP Link", "url": " /detection" } ] }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "C2", "indicator": "ip", "ruleName": "bad_ip", "subRuleName": "google_intel" }, "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ] }, "severity": "LOW", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Malware: dominio non valido per il cryptomining
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Cryptomining Bad Domain", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "cryptomining", "indicator": "domain", "ruleName": "bad_domain", "subRuleName": "cryptomining" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1636566099", "nanos": 5.41483849E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "domains": ["DOMAIN "], "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "network": { "project": "PROJECT_ID ", "location": "ZONE " }, "dnsContexts": [{ "authAnswer": true, "sourceIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "queryName": "DOMAIN ", "queryType": "A", "responseCode": "NXDOMAIN" }], "vpc": { "vpcName": "default" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "VirusTotal Domain Link", "url": " /detection" }], "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-11-10T17:41:39.541483849Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-11-10T17:41:41.594Z", "createTime": "2021-11-10T17:41:42.014Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { "domains": ["DOMAIN "] } }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PARENT_NAME ", "type": "", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Malware: IP non valido per il cryptomining
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Cryptomining Bad IP", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "cryptomining", "indicator": "ip", "ruleName": "bad_ip", "subRuleName": "cryptomining" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1636566005", "nanos": 9.74622832E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "ips": ["DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS "], "instanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "network": { "project": "PROJECT_ID ", "location": "ZONE ", "subnetworkId": "SUBNETWORK_ID ", "subnetworkName": "default" }, "ipConnection": { "srcIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "destIp": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "protocol": 1.0 }, "indicatorContext": [{ "ipAddress": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "countryCode": "FR", "reverseDnsDomain": "REVERSE_DNS_DOMAIN ", "carrierName": "CARRIER_NAME ", "organizationName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME ", "asn": "AUTONOMOUS_SYSTEM_NUMBERS " }], "srcVpc": { }, "destVpc": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "vpcName": "default", "subnetworkName": "default" } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "virustotalIndicatorQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "VirusTotal IP Link", "url": " /detection" }], "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-11-10T17:40:05.974622832Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-11-10T17:40:38.048Z", "createTime": "2021-11-10T17:40:38.472Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { "ipAddresses": ["DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS "] } }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PARENT_NAME ", "type": "", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Malware: DoS in uscita
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Malware: Outgoing DoS", "sourceProperties": { "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "timestamp": { "nanos": 0.0, "seconds": "0" }, "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "sourceInstanceDetails": "/projects/PROJECT_ID /zones/ZONE /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "ipConnection": { "srcIp": "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS ", "srcPort":SOURCE_PORT , "destIp": "DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS ", "destPort":DESTINATION_PORT , "protocol": 17 } }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "malware", "indicator": "flow_log", "ruleName": "outgoing_dos" } }, "severity": "HIGH", "eventTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", "createTime": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z" } }
Persistenza: concessione IAM anomala
Il rilevamento IAM Anomalous Grant
è unico in quanto include
regole secondarie che forniscono informazioni più specifiche su ogni istanza
di questo rilevamento. La classificazione della gravità di questo rilevamento dipende dalla regola secondaria e ogni regola secondaria potrebbe richiedere una risposta diversa.
L'elenco seguente mostra tutte le possibili sottoregole e le relative gravità:
, se è stato concesso un ruolo con elevata sensibilità o se è stato concesso un ruolo con sensibilità media a livello di organizzazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Ruoli ad alta sensibilità.MEDIUM
, se è stato concesso un ruolo con sensibilità media. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Ruoli con livello di sensibilità medio.external_member_invited_to_policy
, se è stato concesso un ruolo con elevata sensibilità o se è stato concesso un ruolo con sensibilità media a livello di organizzazione. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Ruoli altamente sensibili.MEDIUM
, se è stato concesso un ruolo con sensibilità media. Per maggiori informazioni, consulta Ruoli con livello di sensibilità medio.
I campi JSON inclusi in un rilevamento possono variare da una categoria di rilevamento all'altra. Ad esempio, il seguente JSON include i campi per un account di sicurezza. Se una categoria di risultati non è correlata a un account di servizio, questi campi non sono inclusi nel file JSON.
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "methodName": "METHOD_NAME ", "principalSubject": "PRINCIPAL_SUBJECT ", "serviceAccountKeyName": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME " }, "assetDisplayName": "ASSET_DISPLAY_NAME ", "assetId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /assets/ASSET_ID ", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Persistence: IAM Anomalous Grant", "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "contacts": { "security": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_1 " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_2 " } ] }, "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_3 " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_4 } ] } }, "createTime": "CREATE_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "iamBindings": [ { "action": "ADD", "role": "IAM_ROLE ", "member": "serviceAccount:ACCOUNT_NAME " } ], "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "INITIAL_ACCESS", "primaryTechniques": [ "VALID_ACCOUNTS", "CLOUD_ACCOUNTS" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "RESOURCE_FULL_NAME ", "severity": "SEVERITY_CLASSIFICATION ", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "RESOURCE_FULL_NAME ", "display_name": "RESOURCE_DISPLAY_NAME ", "project_name": "//RESOURCE /projects/PROJECT_NUMBER ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "RESOURCE_PARENT_NAME ", "parent_display_name": "PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME ", "type": "RESOURCE_TYPE ", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "RESOURCE_FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME ", "resourceFolder": "RESOURCE_FOLDER_ID " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "iam_anomalous_grant", "subRuleName": "TYPE_OF_ANOMALOUS_GRANT " }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "GOOGLE_CLOUD_RESOURCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1678897327", "nanos": 26483000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "sensitiveRoleGrant": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "bindingDeltas": [ { "action": "ADD", "role": "roles/GRANTED_ROLE ", "member": "serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME ", } ], "members": [ "serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME " ] } }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": { "displayName": "Related Anomalous Grant Findings", "url": "LINK_TO_RELATED_FINDING " } } } }
Persistenza: ruolo per furto d'identità concesso per service account inattivo
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Persistenza: nuovo metodo API
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Persistenza: nuova geografia
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
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Persistenza: nuovo user agent
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
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Riassegnazione dei privilegi: ruolo sensibile concesso a un account di servizio inattivo
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Escalation dei privilegi: modifiche agli oggetti RBAC Kubernetes sensibili
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Escalation dei privilegi: crea una richiesta CSR Kubernetes per il certificato principale
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Escalation dei privilegi: creazione di associazioni Kubernetes sensibili
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Escalation dei privilegi: recupera informazioni su CSR Kubernetes con credenziali bootstrap compromesse
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Escalation dei privilegi: avvia un container Kubernetes con privilegi
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Riassegnazione dei privilegi: simulazione anomala dell'identità del service account per l'attività di amministrazione
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Riassegnazione dei privilegi: delega anomala del service account con più passaggi per l'attività di amministrazione
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Riassegnazione dei privilegi: delega anomala del service account con più passaggi per l'accesso ai dati
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Riassegnazione dei privilegi: simulatore anomalo dell'identità del service account per l'attività di amministrazione
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Riassegnazione dei privilegi: simulatore anomalo dell'identità di un service account per l'accesso ai dati
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Blocco recupero sistema: host di Google Cloud Backup e DR eliminato
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Distruzione dei dati: immagine di scadenza di Google Cloud Backup e DR
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Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR remove plan
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteSla", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "applications": [ "HOST_NAME " ], "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR remove plan", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A backup plan with multiple policies for an application was deleted from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of a backup plan can prevent future backups.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_remove_plan" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A backup plan with multiple policies for an application was deleted from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of a backup plan can prevent future backups.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "applications": [ "HOST_NAME " ] } } }
Distruzione dei dati: tutte le immagini di Google Cloud Backup e DR scadono
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "expireBackups", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Data Destruction: Google Cloud Backup and DR expire all images", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A user requested the deletion of all backup images for a protected application from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of backup images does not prevent future backups.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "DATA_DESTRUCTION" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_expire_images_all" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A user requested the deletion of all backup images for a protected application from the Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. The deletion of backup images does not prevent future backups." } }
Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete template
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteSlt", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "backupTemplate": "TEMPLATE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete template", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A predefined backup template, which is used to set up backups for multiple applications, was deleted. The ability to set up backups in the future might be impacted.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_template_delete_template" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A predefined backup template, which is used to set up backups for multiple applications, was deleted. The ability to set up backups in the future might be impacted.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "backupTemplate": "TEMPLATE_NAME " } } }
Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete policy
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deletePolicy", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "policies": [ "DeleteMe" ], "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete policy", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service policy, which defines how a backup is taken and where it is stored, was deleted. Future backups that use the policy might fail.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_template_delete_policy" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service policy, which defines how a backup is taken and where it is stored, was deleted. Future backups that use the policy might fail.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "policies": [ "POLICY_NAME " ] } } }
Blocco recupero sistema: profilo di eliminazione di Google Cloud Backup e DR
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteSlp", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "profile": "PROFILE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete profile", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service profile, which defines which storage pools should be used to store backups, was deleted. Future backups that use the profile might fail.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_template_delete_profile" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A Google Cloud Backup and DR Service profile, which defines which storage pools should be used to store backups, was deleted. Future backups that use the profile might fail.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "profile": "PROFILE_NAME " } } }
Distruzione dei dati: rimozione dell'appliance Google Cloud Backup e DR
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteCluster", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "appliance": "APPLIANCE_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Data Destruction: Google Cloud Backup and DR remove appliance", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A backup appliance was deleted from Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. Applications that are associated with the deleted backup appliance might not be protected.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "DATA_DESTRUCTION" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "HIGH", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_appliances_remove_appliance" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A backup appliance was deleted from Google Cloud Backup and DR Service. Applications that are associated with the deleted backup appliance might not be protected.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "appliance": "APPLIANCE_NAME" } } }
Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete storage pool
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "deleteDiskPool", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "backupDisasterRecovery": { "storagePool": "STORAGE_POOL_NAME ", "backupCreateTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP " }, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Inhibit System Recovery: Google Cloud Backup and DR delete storage pool", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "A storage pool, which associates a Cloud Storage bucket with Google Cloud Backup and DR, has been removed from Backup and DR. Future backups to this storage target will fail.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "MEDIUM", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_storage_pools_delete" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "A storage pool, which associates a Cloud Storage bucket with Google Cloud Backup and DR, has been removed from Backup and DR. Future backups to this storage target will fail.", "backupDisasterRecovery": { "storagePool": "STORAGE_POOL_NAME" } } }
Impatto: frequenza dei backup ridotta in Google Cloud Backup e DR
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "updatePolicy", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Impact: Google Cloud Backup and DR reduced backup frequency", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "The backup schedule has been modified to reduce backup frequency.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_reduce_backup_frequency" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "The backup schedule has been modified to reduce backup frequency.", } }
Impatto: riduzione della scadenza dei backup di Google Cloud Backup e DR
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "USER_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "CALLER_IP ", "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "REGION_CODE " }, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "updateBackup", "principalSubject": "user:USER_EMAIL " }, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/FINDING_LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Impact: Google Cloud Backup and DR reduced backup expiration", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "The expiration date for a backup has been reduced.", "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "IMPACT", "primaryTechniques": [ "INHIBIT_SYSTEM_RECOVERY" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "MEDIUM", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME ", "folders": [] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "backup_reduce_backup_expiration" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LINK_TO_LOG_QUERY " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "The expiration date for a backup has been reduced." } }
Accesso iniziale: account compromesso e disattivato
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Account Disabled Hijacked", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "account_disabled_hijacked" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1624034293", "nanos": 6.78E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.accountDisabledHijacked", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-18T16:38:13.678Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-18T16:38:13.678Z", "createTime": "2021-06-18T16:38:16.508Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Accesso iniziale: fuga di password disattivata
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Disabled Password Leak", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "disabled_password_leak" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1626462896", "nanos": 6.81E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.accountDisabledPasswordLeak", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-07-16T19:14:56.681Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-07-16T19:14:56.681Z", "createTime": "2021-07-16T19:15:00.430Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { } }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Accesso iniziale: attacco supportato da un governo
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Government Based Attack", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "government_based_attack" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1624061458", "nanos": 7.4E7 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.govAttackWarning", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-19T00:10:58.074Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-19T00:10:58.074Z", "createTime": "2021-06-19T00:11:01.760Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Accesso iniziale: tentativo di compromissione di Log4j
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Log4j Compromise Attempt", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "log4j_compromise_attempt" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1639690492", "nanos": 9.13836E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "loadBalancerName": "LOAD_BALANCER_NAME ", "requestUrl": "REQUEST_URL ?${jndi:ldap://}" }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-12-16T21:34:52.913836Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22PROJECT_ID %22?project\u003dPROJECT_ID " }], "relatedFindingUri": { } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-12-16T21:34:52.913Z", "createTime": "2021-12-16T21:34:55.022Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "projectName": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parentName": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME ", "type": "", "folders": [{ "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME " }], "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " } }
Accesso iniziale: accesso sospetto bloccato
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Initial Access: Suspicious Login Blocked", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "valid_accounts", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "suspicious_login" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621637767", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.suspiciousLogin", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T22:56:07Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-05-21T22:56:07Z", "createTime": "2021-05-27T02:36:07.382Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Accesso iniziale: il super user del database esegue scritture nelle tabelle utente
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Accesso iniziale: azioni negate per autorizzazioni eccessive
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS , "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "US" }, "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "methodName": "METHOD_NAME ", "principalSubject": "PRINCIPAL_SUBJECT ", "serviceAccountKeyName": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY_NAME " }, "assetDisplayName": "ASSET_DISPLAY_NAME ", "assetId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /assets/ASSET_ID ", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Initial Access: Excessive Permission Denied Actions", "contacts": { "security": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] }, "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " }, { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] } }, "createTime": "2023-01-12T10:35:47.381Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-01-12T10:35:47.270Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": {}, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "sourceDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "RESOURCE_NAME ", "display_name": "RESOURCE_DISPLAY_NAME ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent_name": "//", "parent_display_name": "FOLDER_NAME", "type": "RESOURCE_TYPE ", "folders": [ { "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NAME", "resourceFolder": "//" } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "anomalous_behavior", "subRuleName": "new_api_method" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1673519681", "nanos": 728289000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": { "failedActions": [ { "methodName": "SetIamPolicy", "serviceName": "", "attemptTimes": "7", "lastOccurredTime": "2023-03-15T17:35:18.771219Z" }, { "methodName": "", "serviceName": "google.iam.admin.v1.CreateServiceAccountKey", "attemptTimes": "3", "lastOccurredTime": "2023-03-15T05:36:14.954701Z" } ] }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } } } }
Accesso iniziale: azione account di servizio inattivo
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Accesso iniziale: chiave dell'account di servizio inattivo creata
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Accesso iniziale: chiave dell'account di servizio divulgata utilizzata
{ "findings": { "access": { "principalEmail": "SERVICE_ACCOUNT ", "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS , "callerIpGeo": { "regionCode": "US" }, "serviceName": "SERVICE_NAME ", "methodName": "METHOD_NAME " "serviceAccountKeyName": "LEAKED_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY " }, "assetDisplayName": "ASSET_DISPLAY_NAME ", "assetId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /assets/ASSET_ID ", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Initial Access: Leaked Service Account Key Used", "contacts": { "security": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] }, "technical": { "contacts": [ { "email": "EMAIL_ADDRESS " } ] } }, "createTime": "2023-07-18T10:35:47.381Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2023-07-18T10:35:47.270Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "INITIAL_ACCESS", "primaryTechniques": [ "VALID_ACCOUNTS", "CLOUD_ACCOUNTS" ] }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "AFFECTED_RESOURCE ", "severity": "HIGH", "sourceDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "workflowState": "NEW" }, "resource": { "name": "RESOURCE_NAME ", "display_name": "RESOURCE_DISPLAY_NAME ", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "PROJECT_ID ", }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "leaked_sa_key_used" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "GOOGLE_RESOURCE " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1673519681", "nanos": 728289000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" } } }, "description": "A leaked service account key is used, the key is leaked atLEAKED_SOURCE_URL " }
Indebolimento difese: autenticazione avanzata disattivata
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /securitySettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Impair Defenses: Strong Authentication Disabled", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "impair_defenses", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "enforce_strong_authentication" }, "detectionPriority": "MEDIUM", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /securitySettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1623952110", "nanos": 6.51337E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.admin.AdminService.enforceStrongAuthentication", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-17T17:48:30.651337Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-17T17:48:30.651Z", "createTime": "2021-06-17T17:48:33.574Z", "severity": "MEDIUM", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /securitySettings" } }
Indebolimento delle difese: verifica in due passaggi disattivata
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Impair Defenses: Two Step Verification Disabled", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "impair_defenses", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "two_step_verification_disabled" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1626391356", "nanos": 5.96E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.login.LoginService.2svDisable", "ssoState": "UNKNOWN", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-07-15T23:22:36.596Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%22%22?project\u003d" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-07-15T23:22:36.596Z", "createTime": "2021-07-15T23:22:40.079Z", "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT", "indicator": { } }, "resource": { "name": "// " } }
Persistenza: pulsante di attivazione/disattivazione SSO
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /domainSettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Persistence: SSO Enablement Toggle", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "account_manipulation", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "sso_enablement_toggle" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /domainSettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1622829313", "nanos": 3.42104E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.admin.AdminService.toggleSsoEnabled", "ssoState": "ENABLED", "domainName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-06-04T17:55:13.342104Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-06-04T17:55:13.342Z", "createTime": "2021-06-04T17:55:15.900Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /domainSettings" } }
Persistenza: script di avvio aggiunto dall'amministratore GCE
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "category": "Persistence: GCE Admin Added Startup Script", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "gce_admin" "subRuleName": "instance_add_startup_script" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621624109", "nanos": 3.73721E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "gceInstanceId": "GCE_INSTANCE_ID ", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "metadataKeyOperation": "ADDED", "callerUserAgent": "USER_AGENT ", }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T19:08:29.373721Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", } }
Persistenza: chiave SSH aggiunta dall'amministratore GCE
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", "category": "Persistence: GCE Admin Added SSH Key", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "persistence", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "gce_admin" "subRuleName": "instance_add_ssh_key" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [{ "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621624109", "nanos": 3.73721E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "callerIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "gceInstanceId": "GCE_INSTANCE_ID ", "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "metadataKeyOperation": "ADDED", "callerUserAgent": "USER_AGENT ", }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T19:08:29.373721Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }] } }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE /instances/GCE_INSTANCE_NAME ", } }
Persistenza: impostazioni SSO modificate
Questo risultato non è disponibile per le attivazioni a livello di progetto.
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resourceName": "// /domainSettings", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Persistence: SSO Settings Changed", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "organizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "technique": "account_manipulation", "indicator": "audit_log", "ruleName": "sso_settings_changed" }, "detectionPriority": "HIGH", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /domainSettings" }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "0", "resourceContainer": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1621624109", "nanos": 3.73721E8 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "properties": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "google.admin.AdminService.changeSsoSettings", "domainName": "ORGANIZATION_NAME " }, "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query\u003dtimestamp%3D%222021-05-21T19:08:29.373721Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID %22%0Aresource.labels.project_id%3D%220%22?project\u003d0" }], "workspacesUri": { "displayName": "Workspaces Link", "url": "" } } }, "securityMarks": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID /securityMarks" }, "eventTime": "2021-05-21T19:08:29.373Z", "createTime": "2021-05-27T11:36:24.429Z", "severity": "HIGH", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "findingClass": "THREAT" }, "resource": { "name": "// /domainSettings" } }
Cloud IDS
{ "finding": { "access": {}, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/global/findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Cloud IDS:THREAT_ID ", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "connections": [ { "destinationIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "destinationPort":PORT , "sourceIp": "IP_ADDRESS ", "sourcePort":PORT , "protocol": "PROTOCOL " } ], "createTime": "TIMESTAMP ", "database": {}, "description": "This signature detects a payload in HTTP traffic which could possibly be malicious.", "eventTime": "TIMESTAMP ", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "mitreAttack": {}, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// ", "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// ", "display_name": "PROJECT_DISPLAY_NAME ", "type": "", "project_name": "// ", "project_display_name": "ctd-engprod-project", "parent_name": "// ", "parent_display_name": "PARENT_DISPLAY_NAME ", "folders": [ { "resource_folder": "// ", "resource_folder_display_name": "FOLDER_DISPLAY_NAME " } ] }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "cloud_ids_threat_activity" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "TIMESTAMP ", "nanos":TIMESTAMP }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } } ], "properties": {}, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_QUERY_URI " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} }, "description": "THREAT_DESCRIPTION " } }
Movimento laterale: disco di avvio modificato collegato all'istanza
{ "finding": { "access": { "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "callerIpGeo": {}, "serviceName": "", "methodName": "v1.compute.instances.attachDisk", }, "application": {}, "attackExposure": {}, "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/global/findings/FINDING_ID ", "category": "Lateral Movement: Modify Boot Disk Attaching to Instance", "cloudDlpDataProfile": {}, "cloudDlpInspection": {}, "createTime": "2024-02-01T23:55:17.589Z", "database": {}, "eventTime": "2024-02-01T23:55:17.396Z", "exfiltration": {}, "findingClass": "THREAT", "findingProviderId": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /firstPartyFindingProviders/etd", "indicator": {}, "kernelRootkit": {}, "kubernetes": {}, "logEntries": [ { "cloudLoggingEntry": { "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "logId": "", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER ", "timestamp": "2024-02-01T23:55:15.017887Z" } } ], "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "TACTIC_UNSPECIFIED" }, "mute": "UNDEFINED", "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/LOCATION /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /locations/LOCATION ", "parentDisplayName": "Event Threat Detection", "resourceName": "// /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "securityPosture": {}, "severity": "LOW", "state": "ACTIVE", "vulnerability": {}, "externalSystems": {} }, "resource": { "name": "// /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "displayName": "INSTANCE_ID ", "type": "google.compute.Instance", "gcpMetadata": { "project": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "parent": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_NUMBER , "folders": [ { "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName": "FOLDER_NUMBER " } ], "organization": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " } }, "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_NUMBER " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "modify_boot_disk", "subRuleName": "attach_to_instance" }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": " /zones/ZONE_ID /disks/INSTANCE_ID " }, { "gcpResourceName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID " } ], "evidence": [ { "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "resourceContainer": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "1706831715", "nanos": 17887000 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID ", "logId": "" } } ], "properties": { "diskId": " /zones/ZONE_ID /disks/DISK_ID ", "targetInstance": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "workerInstances": [ "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID " ], "bootDiskPayloads": [ { "instanceId": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "operation": "MODIFY_BOOT_DISK_ATTACH", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "eventTime": "2024-02-01T23:55:06.706640Z" }, { "instanceId": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /zones/ZONE_ID /instances/INSTANCE_ID ", "operation": "MODIFY_BOOT_DISK_DETACH", "principalEmail": "PRINCIPAL_EMAIL ", "eventTime": "2024-02-01T23:55:05.608631Z" } ] }, "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [ { "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": ";query=timestamp%3D%222024-02-01T23:55:15.017887Z%22%0AinsertId%3D%22INSERT_ID ?project=PROJECT_NUMBER " } ], "relatedFindingUri": {} } } }
Escalation dei privilegi: concessione con privilegi in eccesso per AlloyDB
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Privilege Escalation: AlloyDB Over-Privileged Grant", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "alloydb_user_granted_all_permissions", }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }] } }, "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ",, "createTime": "CREATE_TIMESTAMP ",, "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION", "primaryTechniques": [ "VALID_ACCOUNTS" ], "additionalTactics": [ "PERSISTENCE" ], "additionalTechniques": [ "ACCOUNT_MANIPULATION" ] }, "database": { "displayName": "DATABASE_NAME ", "userName": "USER_NAME ", "query":QUERY ", "grantees": [GRANTEE ], }, "access": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "alloydb.instances.query" } }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "displayName": "projects/PROJECT_ID /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "type": "google.alloydb.Instance", "cloudProvider": "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM", "service": "", "location": "REGION ", "gcpMetadata": { "project": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "folders": [ { "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName":FOLDER_NAME } ], "organization": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "resourcePath": { "nodes": [ { "nodeType": "GCP_PROJECT", "id": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER ", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " }, { "nodeType": "GCP_FOLDER", "id": "folders/FOLDER_NUMBER ", "displayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }, { "nodeType": "GCP_ORGANIZATION", "id": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID " } ] }, "resourcePathString": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /folders/FOLDER_NUMBER /projects/PROJECT_NUMBER " } }
Escalation dei privilegi: il super user del database AlloyDB scrive nelle tabelle utente
{ "finding": { "name": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID ", "parent": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /sources/SOURCE_ID ", "resource_name": "// /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "state": "ACTIVE", "category": "Privilege Escalation: AlloyDB Database Superuser Writes to User Tables", "sourceProperties": { "sourceId": { "projectNumber": "PROJECT_NUMBER ", "customerOrganizationNumber": "ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "detectionCategory": { "ruleName": "alloydb_user_granted_all_permissions", }, "detectionPriority": "LOW", "affectedResources": [ { "gcpResourceName": "// " }, { "gcpResourceName": "// /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME " } ], "evidence": [{ "sourceLogId": { "projectId": "PROJECT_ID ", "resourceContainer": "projects/PROJECT_ID ", "timestamp": { "seconds": "0", "nanos": 0.0 }, "insertId": "INSERT_ID " } }], "findingId": "FINDING_ID ", "contextUris": { "mitreUri": { "displayName": "MITRE Link", "url": "" }, "cloudLoggingQueryUri": [{ "displayName": "Cloud Logging Query Link", "url": "LOGGING_LINK " }] } }, "eventTime": "EVENT_TIMESTAMP ",, "createTime": "CREATE_TIMESTAMP ",, "severity": "LOW", "workflowState": "NEW", "canonicalName": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER /sources/SOURCE_ID /findings/FINDING_ID " "mute": "UNDEFINED", "findingClass": "THREAT", "mitreAttack": { "primaryTactic": "PRIVILEGE_ESCALATION", "primaryTechniques": [ "VALID_ACCOUNTS" ], "additionalTactics": [ "PERSISTENCE" ], "additionalTechniques": [ "ACCOUNT_MANIPULATION" ] }, "database": { "displayName": "DATABASE_NAME ", "userName": "USER_NAME ", "query":QUERY ", }, "access": { "serviceName": "", "methodName": "alloydb.instances.query" } }, "resource": { "name": "// /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "displayName": "projects/PROJECT_ID /locations/REGION /clusters/CLUSTER /instances/INSTANCE_NAME ", "type": "google.alloydb.Instance", "cloudProvider": "GOOGLE_CLOUD_PLATFORM", "service": "", "location": "REGION ", "gcpMetadata": { "project": "// ", "projectDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "parent": "// ", "parentDisplayName": "PROJECT_ID ", "folders": [ { "resourceFolder": "// ", "resourceFolderDisplayName":FOLDER_NAME } ], "organization": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID " }, "resourcePath": { "nodes": [ { "nodeType": "GCP_PROJECT", "id": "projects/PROJECT_NUMBER ", "displayName": "PROJECT_ID " }, { "nodeType": "GCP_FOLDER", "id": "folders/FOLDER_NUMBER ", "displayName": "FOLDER_NAME " }, { "nodeType": "GCP_ORGANIZATION", "id": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID " } ] }, "resourcePathString": "organizations/ORGANIZATION_ID /folders/FOLDER_NUMBER /projects/PROJECT_NUMBER " } }
Passaggi successivi
- Scopri di più su come funziona Event Threat Detection.
- Scopri come esaminare e sviluppare piani di risposta alle minacce.