Activate Security Command Center for a project

This page explains how to activate the Security Command Center Standard tier or Premium tier for a Google Cloud project.

To activate Security Command Center for an entire organization, see one of the following:


To activate Security Command Center on a project, you need the following prerequisites, which are explained in the following subsections:

  • Read the prerequisite information to understand how a project-level activation of Security Command Center differs from an organization-level activation.
  • You need to have a Google Cloud project that is associated with an organization.
  • Your user account needs to be granted Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles that contain the required permissions.
  • If your project inherits organization policies that are set to restrict identities by domain, your user and service accounts must be in an allowed domain.
  • If you will use Container Threat Detection, your Google Kubernetes Engine clusters must support Container Threat Detection.

Prerequisite information

To understand how a project-level activation of Security Command Center differs from an organization-level activation, see Overview of project-level enablement of Security Command Center.

To learn about the services and Security Command Center findings are not supported with project-level activations, see Project-level activation service limitations.

Project requirements

To activate Security Command Center for a project, the project must be associated with an organization. If you need to create a project, see Creating and managing projects.

IAM roles that you need for this task

To set up Security Command Center, you need the following IAM roles granted to your user account in the project in which you are enabling Security Command Center:

  • Security Center Admin roles/securitycenter.admin
  • Security Admin roles/iam.securityAdmin
  • Unless the required Security Command Center service accounts already exist from an organization-level activation, Create Service Accounts roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator

Learn more about Security Command Center roles.

Verify organization policies

If your project inherits organization policies that are set to restrict identities by domain, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • You must be signed in to the Google Cloud console on an account that's in an allowed domain.
  • Your service accounts must be in an allowed domain, or members of a group within your domain. This requirement lets you allow @* services access to resources when domain restricted sharing is enabled.

Confirm software versions for Container Threat Detection

If you plan to use Container Threat Detection with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), make sure that your clusters are on a supported version of GKE and that the clusters are properly configured. For more information, see Using Container Threat Detection.

Activation scenarios for a project

This page covers the following activation scenarios:

  • In an organization that has never activated Security Command Center, activate either the Premium or Standard Tier of Security Command Center for a project.
  • In an organization that uses the Standard Tier, activate the Security Command Center Premium tier for a project.
  • In an organization that uses an expiring Premium tier subscription, activate the Premium tier of Security Command Center for a project.

Depending on whether your organization is using Security Command Center, you activate Security Command Center for a project by using different methods.

If your organization is not using Security Command Center, the Google Cloud console guides you through a series of setup pages.

If your organization is using Security Command Center, you activate Security Command Center Premium for a project by using the Tier details tab of the Settings page.

Determine if Security Command Center is already active in your organization

How you activate Security Command Center for a project is different depending on whether Security Command Center is already active in your organization.

To check if Security Command Center is already active in your organization, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Security Command Center Overview page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Security Command Center

  2. Select the name of the project for which you need to activate Security Command Center.

    After you select the project, one of the following pages opens:

    • If Security Command Center is active in your organization, the Risk overview page opens.
    • If Security Command Center has not been activated in the organization, the Get Security Command Center page opens from which you can start the activation process for your project.
  3. If Security Command Center is already active in your organization, check the service tier that is currently active.

    1. Open the Security Command Center Settings page:

      Go to Settings

    2. On the Settings page, click Tier details. The Tier page opens.

    3. On the Tier row, the service tier that the project is inheriting is listed.

  4. To activate Security Command Center for a project, follow the procedure for the activation state of Security Command Center in the parent organization:

Activate for a project when Security Command Center is active in the organization

If Security Command Center is already active in an organization, the only service tier you would need to activate at the project level is the Premium tier, because, at a minimum, the project will inherit the use of the Standard tier.

To review the features that are included with each tier, see Service tiers.

When Security Command Center is active in an organization, you start the project-level activation process by selecting your project in the Google Cloud console and then selecting the Premium tier on the Security Command Center Settings page.

  1. Open the Tier detail tab on the Settings page:

    Go to Tier detail

    A project-selection page opens before you are taken to the Tier detail page.

  2. Select your project. The Tier detail page opens.

  3. On the Tier detail page, click either of the following options:

    • Manage project tier
    • Get Premium

    The Manage your tier page opens.

  4. On the Manage your tier page, select Premium.

  5. Click Next. The Services page opens.

  6. On the Services page, enable or disable each built-in service as needed by selecting one of the following values from the menu to the left of the listed service:

    • Inherit (the default entry)
    • Enable
    • Disable

You have completed the activation of Security Command Center. Next, wait for the initial scans to complete.

Activate for a project when Security Command Center is not active in the organization

If your organization does not use Security Command Center, the Google Cloud console guides you through a series of setup pages when you activate Security Command Center for a project.

Step 1: Select your tier

When Security Command Center is not active in your organization, when you open the Security Command Center in the Google Cloud console, the Get Security Command Center page displays. You start the activation process by selecting a tier.

Security Command Center has three tiers: Standard, Premium, and Enterprise. The tier that you select determines the features that are available to you and the cost of using Security Command Center. You can only activate Enterprise tier at the organization level. For more information, see Activate the Security Command Center Enterprise tier.

To review the features that are included with each tier, see Service tiers.

To select your tier and start the Security Command Center activation process, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Security Command Center overview page in the Google Cloud console.

    Go to Security Command Center

  2. Select the name of the project for which you need to activate Security Command Center.

    After you select the project, Security Command Center opens to the Get Security Command Center page where you start the activation process by selecting a tier. If the Security Command Center console opens, Security Command Center is already active in your organization or project.

  3. Select either the Premium or Standard tier, depending on the services you need.

  4. Click Next. The Select services page opens.

In the next section, you select the built-in services that you want to enable for your project.

Step 2: Select services

On the Select services page, all of the built-in services of Security Command Center are displayed.

  1. On the Services page, enable or disable each built-in service as needed by selecting one of the following values from the menu to the left of the listed service:

    • Inherit
    • Enable
    • Disable

    After you complete the activation process, for each service that you enable, check the documentation for that service for any additional steps that might be required for each service.

  2. Click Next. The Grant roles page opens.

Step 3: Configure the service agents

When you activate Security Command Center for the first time, Google Cloud automatically creates IAM service agents for Security Command Center and its detection services.

As described in the following procedure, you grant IAM roles to these service agents that provide the permissions that Security Command Center and its detection services need to perform their functions.

When you activate Security Command Center at the project level and Security Command Center is not already active in your organization, the following project-level service agents are created:

  • You grant the securitycenter.serviceAgent IAM role to this service account.

  • You grant the roles/containerthreatdetection.serviceAgent IAM role to this service account.

In place of PROJECT_NUMBER, the service account contains the number of your project.

To grant the IAM roles to the service agents, follow these steps:

  1. Optionally, on the Grant roles page, review the role and permissions that you are about to grant by clicking Review permissions.

  2. Grant the required roles automatically by clicking Grant roles.

    Alternatively, you can grant the role manually, by completing the following steps:

    1. Click Alternately: grant roles manually (gcloud).
    2. Copy the gcloud CLI commands.
    3. On the Google Cloud console toolbar, click Activate Cloud Shell.
    4. In the terminal window that appears, paste the gcloud CLI commands you copied, and then press Enter.
  3. Click Next. The Complete setup page opens.

Step 4: Confirm activation

Complete Security Command Center activation by following these steps:

  1. On the Complete setup page, click Finish.

When you finish setup, Security Command Center starts an initial asset scan, after which you can use the console to review and remediate Google Cloud security and data risks across your project.

There might be a delay before scans are started for some services. As you might expect, the delay, or scan latency, for services in an individual project is typically shorter than it is for an organization, but most of the reasons for latency still apply. For more information about latencies as they apply to organizations, see Security Command Center latency overview to learn more about the activation process.

For all activation scenarios, optimize and test the built-in services

After you activate Security Command Center, check the documentation for each service to see if you can test or optimize the service further.

For example, Event Threat Detection relies on logs generated by Google Cloud. Some logs are always on, so Event Threat Detection can start scanning them as soon as it is enabled. Other logs, such as most data access audit logs, you must activate before Event Threat Detection can scan them. For more information, see Log types and activation requirements.

For more information about testing and using each of the built-in services, see the following pages:

What's next

Learn more about Security Command Center and its built-in services.