Module Google::Cloud::Compute::V1::AutoscalerStatusDetails::Type (v1.0.0)

The type of error, warning, or notice returned. Current set of possible values: - ALL_INSTANCES_UNHEALTHY (WARNING): All instances in the instance group are unhealthy (not in RUNNING state). - BACKEND_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST (ERROR): There is no backend service attached to the instance group. - CAPPED_AT_MAX_NUM_REPLICAS (WARNING): Autoscaler recommends a size greater than maxNumReplicas. - CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS_TOO_SPARSE (WARNING): The custom metric samples are not exported often enough to be a credible base for autoscaling. - CUSTOM_METRIC_INVALID (ERROR): The custom metric that was specified does not exist or does not have the necessary labels. - MIN_EQUALS_MAX (WARNING): The minNumReplicas is equal to maxNumReplicas. This means the autoscaler cannot add or remove instances from the instance group. - MISSING_CUSTOM_METRIC_DATA_POINTS (WARNING): The autoscaler did not receive any data from the custom metric configured for autoscaling. - MISSING_LOAD_BALANCING_DATA_POINTS (WARNING): The autoscaler is configured to scale based on a load balancing signal but the instance group has not received any requests from the load balancer. - MODE_OFF (WARNING): Autoscaling is turned off. The number of instances in the group won't change automatically. The autoscaling configuration is preserved. - MODE_ONLY_UP (WARNING): Autoscaling is in the "Autoscale only out" mode. The autoscaler can add instances but not remove any. - MORE_THAN_ONE_BACKEND_SERVICE (ERROR): The instance group cannot be autoscaled because it has more than one backend service attached to it. - NOT_ENOUGH_QUOTA_AVAILABLE (ERROR): There is insufficient quota for the necessary resources, such as CPU or number of instances. - REGION_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT (ERROR): Shown only for regional autoscalers: there is a resource stockout in the chosen region. - SCALING_TARGET_DOES_NOT_EXIST (ERROR): The target to be scaled does not exist. - UNSUPPORTED_MAX_RATE_LOAD_BALANCING_CONFIGURATION (ERROR): Autoscaling does not work with an HTTP/S load balancer that has been configured for maxRate. - ZONE_RESOURCE_STOCKOUT (ERROR): For zonal autoscalers: there is a resource stockout in the chosen zone. For regional autoscalers: in at least one of the zones you're using there is a resource stockout. New values might be added in the future. Some of the values might not be available in all API versions.



value: 0
A value indicating that the enum field is not set.


value: 404965477
All instances in the instance group are unhealthy (not in RUNNING state).


value: 191417626
There is no backend service attached to the instance group.


value: 518617
Autoscaler recommends a size greater than maxNumReplicas.


value: 328964659
The custom metric samples are not exported often enough to be a credible base for autoscaling.


value: 204430550
The custom metric that was specified does not exist or does not have the necessary labels.


value: 2821361
The minNumReplicas is equal to maxNumReplicas. This means the autoscaler cannot add or remove instances from the instance group.


value: 94885086
The autoscaler did not receive any data from the custom metric configured for autoscaling.


value: 509858898
The autoscaler is configured to scale based on a load balancing signal but the instance group has not received any requests from the load balancer.


value: 164169907
Autoscaling is turned off. The number of instances in the group won't change automatically. The autoscaling configuration is preserved.


value: 3840994
Autoscaling is in the "Autoscale only scale out" mode. Instances in the group will be only added.


value: 100969842
Autoscaling is in the "Autoscale only out" mode. Instances in the group will be only added.


value: 151922141
The instance group cannot be autoscaled because it has more than one backend service attached to it.


value: 403101631
There is insufficient quota for the necessary resources, such as CPU or number of instances.


value: 528622846
Showed only for regional autoscalers: there is a resource stockout in the chosen region.


value: 122636699
The target to be scaled does not exist.


value: 29275586
For some scaling schedules minRequiredReplicas is greater than maxNumReplicas. Autoscaler always recommends at most maxNumReplicas instances.


value: 398287669
For some scaling schedules minRequiredReplicas is less than minNumReplicas. Autoscaler always recommends at least minNumReplicas instances.


value: 433141802


value: 330845009
Autoscaling does not work with an HTTP/S load balancer that has been configured for maxRate.


value: 210200502
For zonal autoscalers: there is a resource stockout in the chosen zone. For regional autoscalers: in at least one of the zones you're using there is a resource stockout.