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Google Cloud offers different support packages to meet different needs, such as 24/7 coverage, phone support, and access to a technical support manager. For more information, see Google Cloud Support.
Get support from the community
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File bugs or feature requests
To file a bug or a feature request, file a support ticket. To set your ticket to the correct component, select the following fields.
For recommendations:
- Category: Machine Learning
- Component: Vertex AI Search for commerce: recommendations
Subcomponent: Choose the subcomponent you are experiencing
the issue with
- Access & Permissions
- Account Administration & Billing
- API, SDK & Client Libraries
- Outage & latency
- Migration
- Placement
- Quality of Results
- Feature Request
- Quotas
- Other
For search:
- Category: Machine Learning
- Component: Vertex AI Search for commerce: search & browse
Subcomponent: Choose the subcomponent you are experiencing
the issue with
- Access & Permissions
- Account Administration & Billing
- API, SDK & Client Libraries
- Autocomplete
- Indexes
- Indexing & serving
- Dynamic Facets
- Events Ingestion
- Facets/Browsing
- merchant center integration
- Outage & latency
- Product Data
- Product Ingestion
- Quality/Modeling
- Feature Request
- Quotas
- Other
For more information on creating a support ticket, see Getting support.