Class Execution (0.1.0)

Execution(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

A running instance of a Workflow.


name str
Output only. The resource name of the execution. Format: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/workflows/{workflow}/executions/{execution}
start_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. Marks the beginning of execution.
end_time .timestamp.Timestamp
Output only. Marks the end of execution, successful or not.
state .gcwe_executions.Execution.State
Output only. Current state of the execution.
argument str
Input parameters of the execution represented as a JSON string. The size limit is 32KB.
result str
Output only. Output of the execution represented as a JSON string. The value can only be present if the execution's state is SUCCEEDED.
error .gcwe_executions.Execution.Error
Output only. The error which caused the execution to finish prematurely. The value is only present if the execution's state is FAILED or CANCELLED.
workflow_revision_id str
Output only. Revision of the workflow this execution is using.



Error(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Error describes why the execution was abnormally terminated.



Describes the current state of the execution. More states may be added in the future.