Class ProductSearchParams (2.7.3)

ProductSearchParams(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Parameters for a product search request.


catalog_name str
The resource name of the catalog to search. Format is: productSearch/catalogs/CATALOG_NAME.
The category to search in. Optional. It is inferred by the system if it is not specified. [Deprecated] Use product_category.
product_category str
The product category to search in. Optional. It is inferred by the system if it is not specified. Supported values are bag, shoe, sunglasses, dress, outerwear, skirt, top, shorts, and pants.
The bounding polygon around the area of interest in the image. Optional. If it is not specified, system discretion will be applied. [Deprecated] Use bounding_poly.
The bounding polygon around the area of interest in the image. Optional. If it is not specified, system discretion will be applied.
Specifies the verbosity of the product search results. Optional. Defaults to BASIC.
product_set str
The resource name of a ProductSet to be searched for similar images. Format is: projects/PROJECT_ID/locations/LOC_ID/productSets/PRODUCT_SET_ID.
product_categories Sequence[str]
The list of product categories to search in. Currently, we only consider the first category, and either "homegoods" or "apparel" should be specified.
filter str
The filtering expression. This can be used to restrict search results based on Product labels. We currently support an AND of OR of key-value expressions, where each expression within an OR must have the same key. For example, "(color = red OR color = blue) AND brand = Google" is acceptable, but not "(color = red OR brand = Google)" or "color: red".