Class EmploymentRecord (2.6.0)

EmploymentRecord(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Resource that represents an employment record of a candidate.


start_date google.type.date_pb2.Date
Start date of the employment.
end_date google.type.date_pb2.Date
End date of the employment.
employer_name str
The name of the employer company/organization. For example, "Google", "Alphabet", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 250.
division_name str
The division name of the employment. For example, division, department, client, and so on. Number of characters allowed is 100.
The physical address of the employer.
job_title str
The job title of the employment. For example, "Software Engineer", "Data Scientist", and so on. Number of characters allowed is 250.
job_description str
The description of job content. Number of characters allowed is 100,000.
is_supervisor google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue
If the jobs is a supervisor position.
is_self_employed google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue
If this employment is self-employed.
is_current google.protobuf.wrappers_pb2.BoolValue
If this employment is current.
job_title_snippet str
Output only. The job title snippet shows how the job_title is related to a search query. It's empty if the job_title isn't related to the search query.
job_description_snippet str
Output only. The job description snippet shows how the job_description is related to a search query. It's empty if the job_description isn't related to the search query.
employer_name_snippet str
Output only. The employer name snippet shows how the employer_name is related to a search query. It's empty if the employer_name isn't related to the search query.