Class TransferJob (1.5.2)

TransferJob(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

This resource represents the configuration of a transfer job that runs periodically.


name str
A unique name (within the transfer project) assigned when the job is created. If this field is empty in a CreateTransferJobRequest, Storage Transfer Service assigns a unique name. Otherwise, the specified name is used as the unique name for this job. If the specified name is in use by a job, the creation request fails with an ALREADY_EXISTS][google.rpc.Code.ALREADY_EXISTS] error. This name must start with "transferJobs/" prefix and end with a letter or a number, and should be no more than 128 characters. For transfers involving PosixFilesystem, this name must start with transferJobs/OPI specifically. For all other transfer types, this name must not start with transferJobs/OPI. Non-PosixFilesystem example: "transferJobs/^(?!OPI)[A-Za-z0-9-._]*[A-Za-z0-9]$"` PosixFilesystem example: "transferJobs/OPI^[A-Za-z0-9-._]*[A-Za-z0-9]$"` Applications must not rely on the enforcement of naming requirements involving OPI. Invalid job names fail with an INVALID_ARGUMENT][google.rpc.Code.INVALID_ARGUMENT] error.
description str
A description provided by the user for the job. Its max length is 1024 bytes when Unicode-encoded.
project_id str
The ID of the Google Cloud project that owns the job.
Transfer specification.
Notification configuration. This is not supported for transfers involving PosixFilesystem.
Logging configuration.
Specifies schedule for the transfer job. This is an optional field. When the field is not set, the job never executes a transfer, unless you invoke RunTransferJob or update the job to have a non-empty schedule.
Status of the job. This value MUST be specified for CreateTransferJobRequests. **Note:** The effect of the new job status takes place during a subsequent job run. For example, if you change the job status from ENABLED][google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferJob.Status.ENABLED] to DISABLED][google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferJob.Status.DISABLED], and an operation spawned by the transfer is running, the status change would not affect the current operation.
creation_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time that the transfer job was created.
last_modification_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time that the transfer job was last modified.
deletion_time google.protobuf.timestamp_pb2.Timestamp
Output only. The time that the transfer job was deleted.
latest_operation_name str
The name of the most recently started TransferOperation of this JobConfig. Present if a TransferOperation has been created for this JobConfig.




The status of the transfer job.