Package types (1.3.1)

API documentation for storage_transfer_v1.types package.



Represents an On-Premises Agent pool.


AWS access key (see AWS Security Credentials <>__).

For information on our data retention policy for user credentials, see User credentials </storage-transfer/docs/data-retention#user-credentials>__.


An AwsS3Data resource can be a data source, but not a data sink. In an AwsS3Data resource, an object's name is the S3 object's key name.


An AzureBlobStorageData resource can be a data source, but not a data sink. An AzureBlobStorageData resource represents one Azure container. The storage account determines the Azure endpoint <>. In an AzureBlobStorageData resource, a blobs's name is the Azure Blob Storage blob's key name <>.


Azure credentials

For information on our data retention policy for user credentials, see User credentials </storage-transfer/docs/data-retention#user-credentials>__.


Specifies the request passed to CreateAgentPool.


Request passed to CreateTransferJob.


Specifies the request passed to DeleteAgentPool.


An entry describing an error that has occurred.


A summary of errors by error code, plus a count and sample error log entries.


In a GcsData resource, an object's name is the Cloud Storage object's name and its "last modification time" refers to the object's updated property of Cloud Storage objects, which changes when the content or the metadata of the object is updated.


Specifies the request passed to GetAgentPool.


Request passed to GetGoogleServiceAccount.


Request passed to GetTransferJob.


Google service account


An HttpData resource specifies a list of objects on the web to be transferred over HTTP. The information of the objects to be transferred is contained in a file referenced by a URL. The first line in the file must be "TsvHttpData-1.0", which specifies the format of the file. Subsequent lines specify the information of the list of objects, one object per list entry. Each entry has the following tab-delimited fields:

  • HTTP URL — The location of the object.

  • Length — The size of the object in bytes.

  • MD5 — The base64-encoded MD5 hash of the object.

For an example of a valid TSV file, see Transferring data from URLs <>__.

When transferring data based on a URL list, keep the following in mind:

  • When an object located at http(s)://hostname:port/<URL-path> is transferred to a data sink, the name of the object at the data sink is <hostname>/<URL-path>.

  • If the specified size of an object does not match the actual size of the object fetched, the object is not transferred.

  • If the specified MD5 does not match the MD5 computed from the transferred bytes, the object transfer fails.

  • Ensure that each URL you specify is publicly accessible. For example, in Cloud Storage you can share an object publicly and get a link to it.

  • Storage Transfer Service obeys robots.txt rules and requires the source HTTP server to support Range requests and to return a Content-Length header in each response.

  • ObjectConditions][google.storagetransfer.v1.ObjectConditions] have no effect when filtering objects to transfer.


The request passed to ListAgentPools.


Response from ListAgentPools.


projectId, jobNames, and jobStatuses are query parameters that can be specified when listing transfer jobs.


Response from ListTransferJobs.


Specifies the logging behavior for transfer operations.

For cloud-to-cloud transfers, logs are sent to Cloud Logging. See Read transfer logs <>__ for details.

For transfers to or from a POSIX file system, logs are stored in the Cloud Storage bucket that is the source or sink of the transfer. See Managing Transfer for on-premises jobs for details.


Specifies the metadata options for running a transfer.


Specification to configure notifications published to Pub/Sub. Notifications are published to the customer-provided topic using the following PubsubMessage.attributes:

  • "eventType": one of the EventType][google.storagetransfer.v1.NotificationConfig.EventType] values
  • "payloadFormat": one of the PayloadFormat][google.storagetransfer.v1.NotificationConfig.PayloadFormat] values
  • "projectId": the project_id][google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.project_id] of the TransferOperation
  • "transferJobName": the transfer_job_name][google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation.transfer_job_name] of the TransferOperation
  • "transferOperationName": the name][] of the TransferOperation

The contains a TransferOperation][google.storagetransfer.v1.TransferOperation] resource formatted according to the specified PayloadFormat.


Conditions that determine which objects are transferred. Applies only to Cloud Data Sources such as S3, Azure, and Cloud Storage.

The "last modification time" refers to the time of the last change to the object's content or metadata — specifically, this is the updated property of Cloud Storage objects, the LastModified field of S3 objects, and the Last-Modified header of Azure blobs.

Transfers with a PosixFilesystem][google.storagetransfer.v1.PosixFilesystem] source or destination don't support ObjectConditions.


Request passed to PauseTransferOperation.


A POSIX filesystem resource.


Request passed to ResumeTransferOperation.


Request passed to RunTransferJob.


Transfers can be scheduled to recur or to run just once.


A collection of counters that report the progress of a transfer operation.


This resource represents the configuration of a transfer job that runs periodically.


Specifies where the manifest is located.


A description of the execution of a transfer.


TransferOptions define the actions to be performed on objects in a transfer.


Configuration for running a transfer.

This message has oneof_ fields (mutually exclusive fields). For each oneof, at most one member field can be set at the same time. Setting any member of the oneof automatically clears all other members.

.. _oneof:


Specifies the request passed to UpdateAgentPool.


Request passed to UpdateTransferJob.