Class State (2.11.0)


Represents Recommendation State.

Values: STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default state. Don't use directly. ACTIVE (1): Recommendation is active and can be applied. Recommendations content can be updated by Google. ACTIVE recommendations can be marked as CLAIMED, SUCCEEDED, or FAILED. CLAIMED (6): Recommendation is in claimed state. Recommendations content is immutable and cannot be updated by Google. CLAIMED recommendations can be marked as CLAIMED, SUCCEEDED, or FAILED. SUCCEEDED (3): Recommendation is in succeeded state. Recommendations content is immutable and cannot be updated by Google. SUCCEEDED recommendations can be marked as SUCCEEDED, or FAILED. FAILED (4): Recommendation is in failed state. Recommendations content is immutable and cannot be updated by Google. FAILED recommendations can be marked as SUCCEEDED, or FAILED. DISMISSED (5): Recommendation is in dismissed state. Recommendation content can be updated by Google. DISMISSED recommendations can be marked as ACTIVE.