Class InstanceFilter (1.8.0)

InstanceFilter(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Message to represent the filters to select VMs for an assignment


all_ bool
Target all VMs in the project. If true, no other criteria is permitted.
os_short_names Sequence[str]
A VM is included if it's OS short name matches with any of the values provided in this list.
inclusion_labels Sequence[]
List of label sets used for VM inclusion. If the list has more than one LabelSet, the VM is included if any of the label sets are applicable for the VM.
exclusion_labels Sequence[]
List of label sets used for VM exclusion. If the list has more than one label set, the VM is excluded if any of the label sets are applicable for the VM. This filter is applied last in the filtering chain and therefore a VM is guaranteed to be excluded if it satisfies one of the below label sets.