Class LoadBalancerBackendInfo (1.17.1)

LoadBalancerBackendInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

For display only. Metadata associated with the load balancer backend.


name str
Display name of the backend. For example, it might be an instance name for the instance group backends, or an IP address and port for zonal network endpoint group backends.
instance_uri str
URI of the backend instance (if applicable). Populated for instance group backends, and zonal NEG backends.
backend_service_uri str
URI of the backend service this backend belongs to (if applicable).
instance_group_uri str
URI of the instance group this backend belongs to (if applicable).
network_endpoint_group_uri str
URI of the network endpoint group this backend belongs to (if applicable).
backend_bucket_uri str
URI of the backend bucket this backend targets (if applicable).
psc_service_attachment_uri str
URI of the PSC service attachment this PSC NEG backend targets (if applicable).
psc_google_api_target str
PSC Google API target this PSC NEG backend targets (if applicable).
health_check_uri str
URI of the health check attached to this backend (if applicable).
Output only. Health check firewalls configuration state for the backend. This is a result of the static firewall analysis (verifying that health check traffic from required IP ranges to the backend is allowed or not). The backend might still be unhealthy even if these firewalls are configured. Please refer to the documentation for more information:




Health check firewalls configuration state enum.

Values: HEALTH_CHECK_FIREWALLS_CONFIG_STATE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Configuration state unspecified. It usually means that the backend has no health check attached, or there was an unexpected configuration error preventing Connectivity tests from verifying health check configuration. FIREWALLS_CONFIGURED (1): Firewall rules (policies) allowing health check traffic from all required IP ranges to the backend are configured. FIREWALLS_PARTIALLY_CONFIGURED (2): Firewall rules (policies) allow health check traffic only from a part of required IP ranges. FIREWALLS_NOT_CONFIGURED (3): Firewall rules (policies) deny health check traffic from all required IP ranges to the backend. FIREWALLS_UNSUPPORTED (4): The network contains firewall rules of unsupported types, so Connectivity tests were not able to verify health check configuration status. Please refer to the documentation for the list of unsupported configurations: