Class RouteInfo (1.8.2)

RouteInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

For display only. Metadata associated with a Compute Engine route.


Type of route.
Type of next hop.
display_name str
Name of a Compute Engine route.
uri str
URI of a Compute Engine route. Dynamic route from cloud router does not have a URI. Advertised route from Google Cloud VPC to on-premises network also does not have a URI.
dest_ip_range str
Destination IP range of the route.
next_hop str
Next hop of the route.
network_uri str
URI of a Compute Engine network.
priority int
Priority of the route.
instance_tags MutableSequence[str]
Instance tags of the route.




Type of next hop:

Values: NEXT_HOP_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified type. Default value. NEXT_HOP_IP (1): Next hop is an IP address. NEXT_HOP_INSTANCE (2): Next hop is a Compute Engine instance. NEXT_HOP_NETWORK (3): Next hop is a VPC network gateway. NEXT_HOP_PEERING (4): Next hop is a peering VPC. NEXT_HOP_INTERCONNECT (5): Next hop is an interconnect. NEXT_HOP_VPN_TUNNEL (6): Next hop is a VPN tunnel. NEXT_HOP_VPN_GATEWAY (7): Next hop is a VPN gateway. This scenario only happens when tracing connectivity from an on-premises network to Google Cloud through a VPN. The analysis simulates a packet departing from the on-premises network through a VPN tunnel and arriving at a Cloud VPN gateway. NEXT_HOP_INTERNET_GATEWAY (8): Next hop is an internet gateway. NEXT_HOP_BLACKHOLE (9): Next hop is blackhole; that is, the next hop either does not exist or is not running. NEXT_HOP_ILB (10): Next hop is the forwarding rule of an Internal Load Balancer. NEXT_HOP_ROUTER_APPLIANCE (11): Next hop is a router appliance instance <>__.



Type of route:

Values: ROUTE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Unspecified type. Default value. SUBNET (1): Route is a subnet route automatically created by the system. STATIC (2): Static route created by the user, including the default route to the internet. DYNAMIC (3): Dynamic route exchanged between BGP peers. PEERING_SUBNET (4): A subnet route received from peering network. PEERING_STATIC (5): A static route received from peering network. PEERING_DYNAMIC (6): A dynamic route received from peering network.