Class DeliverInfo (1.15.1)

DeliverInfo(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Details of the final state "deliver" and associated resource.


Target type where the packet is delivered to.
resource_uri str
URI of the resource that the packet is delivered to.
ip_address str
IP address of the target (if applicable).




Deliver target types:

Values: TARGET_UNSPECIFIED (0): Target not specified. INSTANCE (1): Target is a Compute Engine instance. INTERNET (2): Target is the internet. GOOGLE_API (3): Target is a Google API. GKE_MASTER (4): Target is a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster master. CLOUD_SQL_INSTANCE (5): Target is a Cloud SQL instance. PSC_PUBLISHED_SERVICE (6): Target is a published service that uses Private Service Connect <>. PSC_GOOGLE_API (7): Target is all Google APIs that use Private Service Connect <>. PSC_VPC_SC (8): Target is a VPC-SC that uses Private Service Connect <>__. SERVERLESS_NEG (9): Target is a serverless network endpoint group. STORAGE_BUCKET (10): Target is a Cloud Storage bucket. PRIVATE_NETWORK (11): Target is a private network. Used only for return traces. CLOUD_FUNCTION (12): Target is a Cloud Function. Used only for return traces. APP_ENGINE_VERSION (13): Target is a App Engine service version. Used only for return traces. CLOUD_RUN_REVISION (14): Target is a Cloud Run revision. Used only for return traces.