Class Endpoint (1.12.0)

Endpoint(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


ip_address str
The IP address of the endpoint, which can be an external or internal IP. An IPv6 address is only allowed when the test's destination is a `global load balancer VIP
port int
The IP protocol port of the endpoint. Only applicable when protocol is TCP or UDP.
instance str
A Compute Engine instance URI.
forwarding_rule str
A forwarding rule and its corresponding IP address represent the frontend configuration of a Google Cloud load balancer. Forwarding rules are also used for protocol forwarding, Private Service Connect and other network services to provide forwarding information in the control plane. Format: projects/{project}/global/forwardingRules/{id} or projects/{project}/regions/{region}/forwardingRules/{id}
Output only. Specifies the type of the target of the forwarding rule. This field is a member of oneof_ _forwarding_rule_target.
load_balancer_id str
Output only. ID of the load balancer the forwarding rule points to. Empty for forwarding rules not related to load balancers. This field is a member of oneof_ _load_balancer_id.
Output only. Type of the load balancer the forwarding rule points to. This field is a member of oneof_ _load_balancer_type.
gke_master_cluster str
A cluster URI for `Google Kubernetes Engine master
cloud_sql_instance str
A Cloud SQL __ instance URI.
A Cloud Function __.
An App Engine __ `service version
A Cloud Run __ revision __
network str
A Compute Engine network URI.
Type of the network where the endpoint is located. Applicable only to source endpoint, as destination network type can be inferred from the source.
project_id str
Project ID where the endpoint is located. The Project ID can be derived from the URI if you provide a VM instance or network URI. The following are two cases where you must provide the project ID: 1. Only the IP address is specified, and the IP address is within a Google Cloud project. 2. When you are using Shared VPC and the IP address that you provide is from the service project. In this case, the network that the IP address resides in is defined in the host project.



AppEngineVersionEndpoint(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Wrapper for the App Engine service version attributes.


CloudFunctionEndpoint(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Wrapper for Cloud Function attributes.


CloudRunRevisionEndpoint(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Wrapper for Cloud Run revision attributes.



Type of the target of a forwarding rule.

Values: FORWARDING_RULE_TARGET_UNSPECIFIED (0): Forwarding rule target is unknown. INSTANCE (1): Compute Engine instance for protocol forwarding. LOAD_BALANCER (2): Load Balancer. The specific type can be found from [load_balancer_type] []. VPN_GATEWAY (3): Classic Cloud VPN Gateway. PSC (4): Forwarding Rule is a Private Service Connect endpoint.



The type definition of an endpoint's network. Use one of the following choices:

Values: NETWORK_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED (0): Default type if unspecified. GCP_NETWORK (1): A network hosted within Google Cloud. To receive more detailed output, specify the URI for the source or destination network. NON_GCP_NETWORK (2): A network hosted outside of Google Cloud. This can be an on-premises network, or a network hosted by another cloud provider.