Class SearchAssetsRequest (0.1.8)

SearchAssetsRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)


Name Description
Sort by the value under the data schema key. This field is a member of oneof_ sort_spec.
corpus str
Required. The parent corpus to search. Format: \`projects/{project_id}/locations/{location_id}/corpora/{corpus_id}'
page_size int
The number of results to be returned in this page. If it's 0, the server will decide the appropriate page_size.
page_token str
The continuation token to fetch the next page. If empty, it means it is fetching the first page.
Time ranges that matching video content must fall within. If no ranges are provided, there will be no time restriction. This field is treated just like the criteria below, but defined separately for convenience as it is used frequently. Note that if the end_time is in the future, it will be clamped to the time the request was received.
criteria MutableSequence[]
Criteria applied to search results.
facet_selections MutableSequence[]
Stores most recent facet selection state. Only facet groups with user's selection will be presented here. Selection state is either selected or unselected. Only selected facet buckets will be used as search criteria.
result_annotation_keys MutableSequence[str]
A list of annotation keys to specify the annotations to be retrieved and returned with each search result. Annotation granularity must be GRANULARITY_ASSET_LEVEL and its search strategy must not be NO_SEARCH.
search_query str
Global search query. Allows user to search assets without needing to specify which field the value belongs to.