Class OutputResource (0.1.7)

OutputResource(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Message of output resource used in one application instance.


Name Description
output_resource str
The output resource name for the current application instance.
producer_node str
The name of graph node who produces the output resource name. For example: output_resource: /projects/123/locations/us-central1/clusters/456/streams/output-application-789-stream-a-occupancy-counting producer_node: occupancy-counting
output_resource_binding str
The specific output resource binding which produces the current OutputResource.
is_temporary bool
Output only. Whether the output resource is temporary which means the resource is generated during the deployment of the application. Temporary resource will be deleted during the undeployment of the application.
autogen bool
Output only. Whether the output resource is created automatically by the Vision AI App Platform.