Class ListQuotaPreferencesRequest (0.1.7)

ListQuotaPreferencesRequest(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Message for requesting list of QuotaPreferences


parent str
Required. Parent value of QuotaPreference resources. Listing across different resource containers (such as 'projects/-') is not allowed. When the value starts with 'folders' or 'organizations', it lists the QuotaPreferences for org quotas in the container. It does not list the QuotaPreferences in the descendant projects of the container. Example parents: projects/123/locations/global
page_size int
Optional. Requested page size. Server may return fewer items than requested. If unspecified, server will pick an appropriate default.
page_token str
Optional. A token identifying a page of results the server should return.
filter str
Optional. Filter result QuotaPreferences by their state, type, create/update time range. Example filters: reconciling=true AND request_type=CLOUD_CONSOLE, reconciling=true OR creation_time>2022-12-03T10:30:00
order_by str
Optional. How to order of the results. By default, the results are ordered by create time. Example orders: quota_id, service, create_time