Class DlpServiceClient (3.9.1)

DlpServiceClient(*, credentials: Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None, transport: Optional[Union[str,]] = None, client_options: Optional[google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions] = None, client_info: google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = <google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo object>)

The Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API is a service that allows clients to detect the presence of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and other privacy-sensitive data in user-supplied, unstructured data streams, like text blocks or images. The service also includes methods for sensitive data redaction and scheduling of data scans on Google Cloud Platform based data sets. To learn more about concepts and find how-to guides see


builtins.object > DlpServiceClient



Returns the transport used by the client instance.

DlpServiceTransportThe transport used by the client instance.



DlpServiceClient(*, credentials: Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials] = None, transport: Optional[Union[str,]] = None, client_options: Optional[google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions] = None, client_info: google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo = <google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo object>)

Instantiates the dlp service client.

credentials Optional[google.auth.credentials.Credentials]

The authorization credentials to attach to requests. These credentials identify the application to the service; if none are specified, the client will attempt to ascertain the credentials from the environment.

transport Union[str, DlpServiceTransport]

The transport to use. If set to None, a transport is chosen automatically.

client_options google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions

Custom options for the client. It won't take effect if a transport instance is provided. (1) The api_endpoint property can be used to override the default endpoint provided by the client. GOOGLE_API_USE_MTLS_ENDPOINT environment variable can also be used to override the endpoint: "always" (always use the default mTLS endpoint), "never" (always use the default regular endpoint) and "auto" (auto switch to the default mTLS endpoint if client certificate is present, this is the default value). However, the api_endpoint property takes precedence if provided. (2) If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable is "true", then the client_cert_source property can be used to provide client certificate for mutual TLS transport. If not provided, the default SSL client certificate will be used if present. If GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is "false" or not set, no client certificate will be used.

client_info google.api_core.gapic_v1.client_info.ClientInfo

The client info used to send a user-agent string along with API requests. If None, then default info will be used. Generally, you only need to set this if you're developing your own client library.

google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelErrorIf mutual TLS transport creation failed for any reason.


__exit__(type, value, traceback)

Releases underlying transport's resources.


activate_job_trigger(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Activate a job trigger. Causes the immediate execute of a trigger instead of waiting on the trigger event to occur.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_activate_job_trigger():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ActivateJobTriggerRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.activate_job_trigger(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for ActivateJobTrigger.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription all of the information about a DLP job.


cancel_dlp_job(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Starts asynchronous cancellation on a long-running DlpJob. The server makes a best effort to cancel the DlpJob, but success is not guaranteed. See and to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_cancel_dlp_job():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.CancelDlpJobRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. The request message for canceling a DLP job.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


common_billing_account_path(billing_account: str)

Returns a fully-qualified billing_account string.


common_folder_path(folder: str)

Returns a fully-qualified folder string.


common_location_path(project: str, location: str)

Returns a fully-qualified location string.


common_organization_path(organization: str)

Returns a fully-qualified organization string.


common_project_path(project: str)

Returns a fully-qualified project string.


create_deidentify_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, deidentify_template: Optional[] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Creates a DeidentifyTemplate for reusing frequently used configuration for de-identifying content, images, and storage. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_create_deidentify_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.CreateDeidentifyTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_deidentify_template(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for CreateDeidentifyTemplate.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID - Organizations scope, location specified: organizations/\ ORG_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): organizations/\ ORG_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


Required. The DeidentifyTemplate to create. This corresponds to the deidentify_template field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription contains instructions on how to de-identify content. See to learn more.


create_dlp_job(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, inspect_job: Optional[] = None, risk_job: Optional[] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Creates a new job to inspect storage or calculate risk metrics. See and to learn more. When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in inspect jobs, the system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_create_dlp_job():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.CreateDlpJobRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_dlp_job(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for CreateDlpJobRequest. Used to initiate long running jobs such as calculating risk metrics or inspecting Google Cloud Storage.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


An inspection job scans a storage repository for InfoTypes. This corresponds to the inspect_job field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


A risk analysis job calculates re-identification risk metrics for a BigQuery table. This corresponds to the risk_job field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription all of the information about a DLP job.


create_inspect_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, inspect_template: Optional[] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Creates an InspectTemplate for reusing frequently used configuration for inspecting content, images, and storage. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_create_inspect_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.CreateInspectTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_inspect_template(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for CreateInspectTemplate.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID - Organizations scope, location specified: organizations/\ ORG_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): organizations/\ ORG_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


Required. The InspectTemplate to create. This corresponds to the inspect_template field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.


create_job_trigger(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, job_trigger: Optional[] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Creates a job trigger to run DLP actions such as scanning storage for sensitive information on a set schedule. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_create_job_trigger():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    job_trigger = dlp_v2.JobTrigger()
    job_trigger.status = "CANCELLED"

    request = dlp_v2.CreateJobTriggerRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_job_trigger(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for CreateJobTrigger.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


Required. The JobTrigger to create. This corresponds to the job_trigger field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription a configuration to make dlp api calls on a repeating basis. See to learn more.


create_stored_info_type(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Creates a pre-built stored infoType to be used for inspection. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_create_stored_info_type():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.CreateStoredInfoTypeRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_stored_info_type(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for CreateStoredInfoType.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID - Organizations scope, location specified: organizations/\ ORG_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): organizations/\ ORG_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


Required. Configuration of the storedInfoType to create. This corresponds to the config field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription resource message that contains information about the current version and any pending updates.


deidentify_content(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

De-identifies potentially sensitive info from a ContentItem. This method has limits on input size and output size. See to learn more.

When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in this request, the system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_deidentify_content():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.DeidentifyContentRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.deidentify_content(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request to de-identify a ContentItem.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription of de-identifying a ContentItem.


deidentify_template_path(organization: str, deidentify_template: str)

Returns a fully-qualified deidentify_template string.


delete_deidentify_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Deletes a DeidentifyTemplate. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_delete_deidentify_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.DeleteDeidentifyTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for DeleteDeidentifyTemplate.

name str

Required. Resource name of the organization and deidentify template to be deleted, for example organizations/433245324/deidentifyTemplates/432452342 or projects/project-id/deidentifyTemplates/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


delete_dlp_job(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Deletes a long-running DlpJob. This method indicates that the client is no longer interested in the DlpJob result. The job will be canceled if possible. See and to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_delete_dlp_job():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.DeleteDlpJobRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. The request message for deleting a DLP job.

name str

Required. The name of the DlpJob resource to be deleted. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


delete_inspect_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Deletes an InspectTemplate. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_delete_inspect_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.DeleteInspectTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for DeleteInspectTemplate.

name str

Required. Resource name of the organization and inspectTemplate to be deleted, for example organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342 or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


delete_job_trigger(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Deletes a job trigger. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_delete_job_trigger():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.DeleteJobTriggerRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for DeleteJobTrigger.

name str

Required. Resource name of the project and the triggeredJob, for example projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


delete_stored_info_type(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Deletes a stored infoType. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_delete_stored_info_type():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.DeleteStoredInfoTypeRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for DeleteStoredInfoType.

name str

Required. Resource name of the organization and storedInfoType to be deleted, for example organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342 or projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


dlp_content_path(project: str)

Returns a fully-qualified dlp_content string.


dlp_job_path(project: str, dlp_job: str)

Returns a fully-qualified dlp_job string.


finding_path(project: str, location: str, finding: str)

Returns a fully-qualified finding string.


finish_dlp_job(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Finish a running hybrid DlpJob. Triggers the finalization steps and running of any enabled actions that have not yet run.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_finish_dlp_job():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.FinishDlpJobRequest(

    # Make the request
request Union[, dict]

The request object. The request message for finishing a DLP hybrid job.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.


from_service_account_file(filename: str, *args, **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file.

filename str

The path to the service account private key json file.

DlpServiceClientThe constructed client.


from_service_account_info(info: dict, *args, **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials info.

info dict

The service account private key info.

DlpServiceClientThe constructed client.


from_service_account_json(filename: str, *args, **kwargs)

Creates an instance of this client using the provided credentials file.

filename str

The path to the service account private key json file.

DlpServiceClientThe constructed client.


get_deidentify_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Gets a DeidentifyTemplate. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_get_deidentify_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.GetDeidentifyTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.get_deidentify_template(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for GetDeidentifyTemplate.

name str

Required. Resource name of the organization and deidentify template to be read, for example organizations/433245324/deidentifyTemplates/432452342 or projects/project-id/deidentifyTemplates/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription contains instructions on how to de-identify content. See to learn more.


get_dlp_job(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Gets the latest state of a long-running DlpJob. See and to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_get_dlp_job():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.GetDlpJobRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.get_dlp_job(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. The request message for [DlpJobs.GetDlpJob][].

name str

Required. The name of the DlpJob resource. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription all of the information about a DLP job.


get_inspect_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Gets an InspectTemplate. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_get_inspect_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.GetInspectTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.get_inspect_template(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for GetInspectTemplate.

name str

Required. Resource name of the organization and inspectTemplate to be read, for example organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342 or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.


get_job_trigger(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Gets a job trigger. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_get_job_trigger():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.GetJobTriggerRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.get_job_trigger(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for GetJobTrigger.

name str

Required. Resource name of the project and the triggeredJob, for example projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription a configuration to make dlp api calls on a repeating basis. See to learn more.


    client_options: Optional[google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions] = None,

Return the API endpoint and client cert source for mutual TLS.

The client cert source is determined in the following order: (1) if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable is not "true", the client cert source is None. (2) if client_options.client_cert_source is provided, use the provided one; if the default client cert source exists, use the default one; otherwise the client cert source is None.

The API endpoint is determined in the following order: (1) if client_options.api_endpoint if provided, use the provided one. (2) if GOOGLE_API_USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE environment variable is "always", use the default mTLS endpoint; if the environment variabel is "never", use the default API endpoint; otherwise if client cert source exists, use the default mTLS endpoint, otherwise use the default API endpoint.

More details can be found at

client_options google.api_core.client_options.ClientOptions

Custom options for the client. Only the api_endpoint and client_cert_source properties may be used in this method.

google.auth.exceptions.MutualTLSChannelErrorIf any errors happen.
Tuple[str, Callable[[], Tuple[bytes, bytes]]]returns the API endpoint and the client cert source to use.


get_stored_info_type(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Gets a stored infoType. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_get_stored_info_type():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.GetStoredInfoTypeRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.get_stored_info_type(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for GetStoredInfoType.

name str

Required. Resource name of the organization and storedInfoType to be read, for example organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342 or projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription resource message that contains information about the current version and any pending updates.


hybrid_inspect_dlp_job(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Inspect hybrid content and store findings to a job. To review the findings, inspect the job. Inspection will occur asynchronously.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_hybrid_inspect_dlp_job():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.HybridInspectDlpJobRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.hybrid_inspect_dlp_job(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request to search for potentially sensitive info in a custom location.

name str

Required. Resource name of the job to execute a hybrid inspect on, for example projects/dlp-test-project/dlpJob/53234423. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription exceeded errors will be thrown once quota has been met.


hybrid_inspect_job_trigger(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Inspect hybrid content and store findings to a trigger. The inspection will be processed asynchronously. To review the findings monitor the jobs within the trigger.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_hybrid_inspect_job_trigger():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.HybridInspectJobTriggerRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.hybrid_inspect_job_trigger(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request to search for potentially sensitive info in a custom location.

name str

Required. Resource name of the trigger to execute a hybrid inspect on, for example projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription exceeded errors will be thrown once quota has been met.


inspect_content(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Finds potentially sensitive info in content. This method has limits on input size, processing time, and output size. When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in this request, the system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated. For how to guides, see and,

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_inspect_content():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.InspectContentRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.inspect_content(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request to search for potentially sensitive info in a ContentItem.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription of inspecting an item.


inspect_template_path(organization: str, inspect_template: str)

Returns a fully-qualified inspect_template string.


job_trigger_path(project: str, job_trigger: str)

Returns a fully-qualified job_trigger string.


list_deidentify_templates(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Lists DeidentifyTemplates. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_list_deidentify_templates():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ListDeidentifyTemplatesRequest(

    # Make the request
    page_result = client.list_deidentify_templates(request=request)

    # Handle the response
    for response in page_result:
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for ListDeidentifyTemplates.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID - Organizations scope, location specified: organizations/\ ORG_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): organizations/\ ORG_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription message for ListDeidentifyTemplates. Iterating over this object will yield results and resolve additional pages automatically.


list_dlp_jobs(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Lists DlpJobs that match the specified filter in the request. See and to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_list_dlp_jobs():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ListDlpJobsRequest(

    # Make the request
    page_result = client.list_dlp_jobs(request=request)

    # Handle the response
    for response in page_result:
request Union[, dict]

The request object. The request message for listing DLP jobs.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription response message for listing DLP jobs. Iterating over this object will yield results and resolve additional pages automatically.


list_info_types(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Returns a list of the sensitive information types that DLP API supports. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_list_info_types():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ListInfoTypesRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.list_info_types(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request for the list of infoTypes.

parent str

The parent resource name. The format of this value is as follows: :: locations/LOCATION_ID This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription to the ListInfoTypes request.


list_inspect_templates(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Lists InspectTemplates. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_list_inspect_templates():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ListInspectTemplatesRequest(

    # Make the request
    page_result = client.list_inspect_templates(request=request)

    # Handle the response
    for response in page_result:
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for ListInspectTemplates.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID - Organizations scope, location specified: organizations/\ ORG_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Organizations scope, no location specified (defaults to global): organizations/\ ORG_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription message for ListInspectTemplates. Iterating over this object will yield results and resolve additional pages automatically.


list_job_triggers(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Lists job triggers. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_list_job_triggers():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ListJobTriggersRequest(

    # Make the request
    page_result = client.list_job_triggers(request=request)

    # Handle the response
    for response in page_result:
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for ListJobTriggers.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription message for ListJobTriggers. Iterating over this object will yield results and resolve additional pages automatically.


list_stored_info_types(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, parent: Optional[str] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Lists stored infoTypes. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_list_stored_info_types():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ListStoredInfoTypesRequest(

    # Make the request
    page_result = client.list_stored_info_types(request=request)

    # Handle the response
    for response in page_result:
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for ListStoredInfoTypes.

parent str

Required. Parent resource name. The format of this value varies depending on the scope of the request (project or organization) and whether you have specified a processing location <>__: - Projects scope, location specified: projects/\ PROJECT_ID\ /locations/\ LOCATION_ID - Projects scope, no location specified (defaults to global): projects/\ PROJECT_ID The following example parent string specifies a parent project with the identifier example-project, and specifies the europe-west3 location for processing data: :: parent=projects/example-project/locations/europe-west3 This corresponds to the parent field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription message for ListStoredInfoTypes. Iterating over this object will yield results and resolve additional pages automatically.


parse_common_billing_account_path(path: str)

Parse a billing_account path into its component segments.


parse_common_folder_path(path: str)

Parse a folder path into its component segments.


parse_common_location_path(path: str)

Parse a location path into its component segments.


parse_common_organization_path(path: str)

Parse a organization path into its component segments.


parse_common_project_path(path: str)

Parse a project path into its component segments.


parse_deidentify_template_path(path: str)

Parses a deidentify_template path into its component segments.


parse_dlp_content_path(path: str)

Parses a dlp_content path into its component segments.


parse_dlp_job_path(path: str)

Parses a dlp_job path into its component segments.


parse_finding_path(path: str)

Parses a finding path into its component segments.


parse_inspect_template_path(path: str)

Parses a inspect_template path into its component segments.


parse_job_trigger_path(path: str)

Parses a job_trigger path into its component segments.


parse_stored_info_type_path(path: str)

Parses a stored_info_type path into its component segments.


redact_image(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Redacts potentially sensitive info from an image. This method has limits on input size, processing time, and output size. See to learn more.

When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in this request, the system will automatically choose what detectors to run. By default this may be all types, but may change over time as detectors are updated.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_redact_image():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.RedactImageRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.redact_image(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request to search for potentially sensitive info in an image and redact it by covering it with a colored rectangle.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription of redacting an image.


reidentify_content(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Re-identifies content that has been de-identified. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_reidentify_content():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.ReidentifyContentRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.reidentify_content(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request to re-identify an item.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription of re-identifying an item.


stored_info_type_path(organization: str, stored_info_type: str)

Returns a fully-qualified stored_info_type string.


update_deidentify_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, deidentify_template: Optional[] = None, update_mask: Optional[google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Updates the DeidentifyTemplate. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_update_deidentify_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.UpdateDeidentifyTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.update_deidentify_template(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for UpdateDeidentifyTemplate.

name str

Required. Resource name of organization and deidentify template to be updated, for example organizations/433245324/deidentifyTemplates/432452342 or projects/project-id/deidentifyTemplates/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


New DeidentifyTemplate value. This corresponds to the deidentify_template field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

update_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask

Mask to control which fields get updated. This corresponds to the update_mask field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription contains instructions on how to de-identify content. See to learn more.


update_inspect_template(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, inspect_template: Optional[] = None, update_mask: Optional[google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Updates the InspectTemplate. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_update_inspect_template():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.UpdateInspectTemplateRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.update_inspect_template(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for UpdateInspectTemplate.

name str

Required. Resource name of organization and inspectTemplate to be updated, for example organizations/433245324/inspectTemplates/432452342 or projects/project-id/inspectTemplates/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


New InspectTemplate value. This corresponds to the inspect_template field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

update_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask

Mask to control which fields get updated. This corresponds to the update_mask field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig. See to learn more.


update_job_trigger(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, job_trigger: Optional[] = None, update_mask: Optional[google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Updates a job trigger. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_update_job_trigger():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.UpdateJobTriggerRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.update_job_trigger(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for UpdateJobTrigger.

name str

Required. Resource name of the project and the triggeredJob, for example projects/dlp-test-project/jobTriggers/53234423. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


New JobTrigger value. This corresponds to the job_trigger field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

update_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask

Mask to control which fields get updated. This corresponds to the update_mask field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription a configuration to make dlp api calls on a repeating basis. See to learn more.


update_stored_info_type(request: Optional[Union[, dict]] = None, *, name: Optional[str] = None, config: Optional[] = None, update_mask: Optional[google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask] = None, retry: Union[google.api_core.retry.Retry, google.api_core.gapic_v1.method._MethodDefault] = <_MethodDefault._DEFAULT_VALUE: <object object>>, timeout: Optional[float] = None, metadata: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] = ())

Updates the stored infoType by creating a new version. The existing version will continue to be used until the new version is ready. See to learn more.

# This snippet has been automatically generated and should be regarded as a
# code template only.
# It will require modifications to work:
# - It may require correct/in-range values for request initialization.
# - It may require specifying regional endpoints when creating the service
#   client as shown in:
from import dlp_v2

def sample_update_stored_info_type():
    # Create a client
    client = dlp_v2.DlpServiceClient()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = dlp_v2.UpdateStoredInfoTypeRequest(

    # Make the request
    response = client.update_stored_info_type(request=request)

    # Handle the response
request Union[, dict]

The request object. Request message for UpdateStoredInfoType.

name str

Required. Resource name of organization and storedInfoType to be updated, for example organizations/433245324/storedInfoTypes/432452342 or projects/project-id/storedInfoTypes/432452342. This corresponds to the name field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.


Updated configuration for the storedInfoType. If not provided, a new version of the storedInfoType will be created with the existing configuration. This corresponds to the config field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

update_mask google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask

Mask to control which fields get updated. This corresponds to the update_mask field on the request instance; if request is provided, this should not be set.

retry google.api_core.retry.Retry

Designation of what errors, if any, should be retried.

timeout float

The timeout for this request.

metadata Sequence[Tuple[str, str]]

Strings which should be sent along with the request as metadata.

TypeDescription resource message that contains information about the current version and any pending updates.