Class InspectConfig (3.23.0)

InspectConfig(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration description of the scanning process. When used with redactContent only info_types and min_likelihood are currently used.


Name Description
info_types MutableSequence[]
Restricts what info_types to look for. The values must correspond to InfoType values returned by ListInfoTypes or listed at When no InfoTypes or CustomInfoTypes are specified in a request, the system may automatically choose a default list of detectors to run, which may change over time. If you need precise control and predictability as to what detectors are run you should specify specific InfoTypes listed in the reference, otherwise a default list will be used, which may change over time.
Only returns findings equal to or above this threshold. The default is POSSIBLE. In general, the highest likelihood setting yields the fewest findings in results and the lowest chance of a false positive. For more information, see `Match likelihood
min_likelihood_per_info_type MutableSequence[]
Minimum likelihood per infotype. For each infotype, a user can specify a minimum likelihood. The system only returns a finding if its likelihood is above this threshold. If this field is not set, the system uses the InspectConfig min_likelihood.
Configuration to control the number of findings returned. This is not used for data profiling. When redacting sensitive data from images, finding limits don't apply. They can cause unexpected or inconsistent results, where only some data is redacted. Don't include finding limits in RedactImage][google.privacy.dlp.v2.DlpService.RedactImage] requests. Otherwise, Cloud DLP returns an error. When set within an InspectJobConfig][google.privacy.dlp.v2.InspectJobConfig], the specified maximum values aren't hard limits. If an inspection job reaches these limits, the job ends gradually, not abruptly. Therefore, the actual number of findings that Cloud DLP returns can be multiple times higher than these maximum values.
include_quote bool
When true, a contextual quote from the data that triggered a finding is included in the response; see Finding.quote][google.privacy.dlp.v2.Finding.quote]. This is not used for data profiling.
exclude_info_types bool
When true, excludes type information of the findings. This is not used for data profiling.
custom_info_types MutableSequence[]
CustomInfoTypes provided by the user. See to learn more.
content_options MutableSequence[]
Deprecated and unused.
rule_set MutableSequence[]
Set of rules to apply to the findings for this InspectConfig. Exclusion rules, contained in the set are executed in the end, other rules are executed in the order they are specified for each info type.



FindingLimits(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration to control the number of findings returned for inspection. This is not used for de-identification or data profiling.

When redacting sensitive data from images, finding limits don't apply. They can cause unexpected or inconsistent results, where only some data is redacted. Don't include finding limits in RedactImage][google.privacy.dlp.v2.DlpService.RedactImage] requests. Otherwise, Cloud DLP returns an error.


InfoTypeLikelihood(mapping=None, *, ignore_unknown_fields=False, **kwargs)

Configuration for setting a minimum likelihood per infotype. Used to customize the minimum likelihood level for specific infotypes in the request. For example, use this if you want to lower the precision for PERSON_NAME without lowering the precision for the other infotypes in the request.