Class KerberosConfig (0.8.2)

Specifies Kerberos related configuration. .. attribute:: enable_kerberos

Optional. Flag to indicate whether to Kerberize the cluster (default: false). Set this field to true to enable Kerberos on a cluster.

Required. The uri of the KMS key used to encrypt various sensitive files.

Optional. The Cloud Storage URI of the truststore file used for SSL encryption. If not provided, Dataproc will provide a self-signed certificate.

Optional. The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the password to the user provided key. For the self-signed certificate, this password is generated by Dataproc.

Optional. The remote realm the Dataproc on-cluster KDC will trust, should the user enable cross realm trust.

Optional. The admin server (IP or hostname) for the remote trusted realm in a cross realm trust relationship.

Optional. The Cloud Storage URI of a KMS encrypted file containing the master key of the KDC database.

Optional. The name of the on-cluster Kerberos realm. If not specified, the uppercased domain of hostnames will be the realm.