Class Job (0.8.2)

A Dataproc job resource. .. attribute:: reference

Optional. The fully qualified reference to the job, which can be used to obtain the equivalent REST path of the job resource. If this property is not specified when a job is created, the server generates a job_id.

Required. The application/framework-specific portion of the job.

Optional. Job is a Spark job.

Optional. Job is a Hive job.

Optional. Job is a SparkR job.

Optional. Job is a Presto job.

Output only. The previous job status.

Output only. The email address of the user submitting the job. For jobs submitted on the cluster, the address is username@hostname.

Output only. If present, the location of miscellaneous control files which may be used as part of job setup and handling. If not present, control files may be placed in the same location as driver_output_uri.

Optional. Job scheduling configuration.

Output only. Indicates whether the job is completed. If the value is false, the job is still in progress. If true, the job is completed, and status.state field will indicate if it was successful, failed, or cancelled.



API documentation for dataproc_v1beta2.types.Job.LabelsEntry class.